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Volume 107 - Number 3 - Fall 1992

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An Era of Divided Government
Morris P. Fiorina examines the nature of divided government in the United States. He argues that divided government is a feature of American political life that has serious implications for the American public policy process.

pp. 387-410

Deficits without End: Fiscal Thinking and Budget Failure in Congress
Steven E. Schier analyzes the mind sets of members of Congress that perpetuate large budget deficits. He concludes that due to the persistent program orientation of national lawmakers, only politically risky presidential leadership can forge a solution to the deficit problem.

pp. 411-433

The Dual Agenda of African American Organizations since the New Deal: Social Welfare Policies and Civil Rights
Dona Cooper Hamilton and Charles V. Hamilton examine some major social welfare policies that have concerned black organizations since the New Deal. They show that the organizations, contrary to popular analyses, have always pursued two agendas: to overcome racial segregation and discrimination but also to secure universal social welfare policies.

pp. 435-452

Beijing and the Korean Crisis, June 1950-June 1951
Michael H. Hunt draws on a substantial body of recently published Chinese materials to offer a fresh look at China's intervention in the Korean War. The new findings contribute to a more complete view of the Korean crisis while raising questions about crises in general.

pp. 453-478

Justices Frankfurter and Black: Social Theory and Constitutional Interpretation
Jeffrey D. Hockett examines the judicial philosophies of two of America's great jurists, Felix Frankfurter and Hugo Black. He challenges the view that Frankfurter's progressive faith in expertise extended to the judiciary and disputes the argument that Black's jurisprudence was based upon a fundamental distrust of judicial discretion.

pp. 479-499

Political Implications of Illegal Arms Exports from the United States
Edward J. Laurance describes the illegal trade of conventional armaments. He analyzes the types of weapon systems, participants, and methods that emerged in the 1980's, as well as the effects on U.S. national security and the implications for national and international control.

pp. 501-533

Correction: Blacks and the Republican Party: The 20 Percent Solution

p. 582

After the Fall: The Pursuit of Democracy in Central Europe, Jeffrey Goldfarb
Reviewed by Andrei S. Markovits

pp. 535-536

Saddam Hussein: A Political Biography, Efraim Karsh and Inari Rautsi
Reviewed by Mohammad Ja'afar Mahallat

pp. 536-537

Detente in Europe: The Soviet Union and the West since 1953, John Van Oudenaren
Reviewed by Raymond L. Garthoff

pp. 538-539

The Development of the Idea of Detente: Coming to Terms, Michael B. Froman
Reviewed by Robert A. Strong

pp. 539-540

Justices and Presidents: A Political History of Appointments to the Supreme Court, Henry J. Abraham
Reviewed by John R. Schmidhauser

pp. 540-541

Spin Control: The White House Office of Communications and the Management of Presidential News, John Anthony Maltese
Reviewed by John J. Smee

pp. 542-543

Over the Edge: The Growth of Homelessness in the 1980s, Martha R. Burt
Reviewed by Ralph Nunez

pp. 543-544

The Chairman: John J. McCloy, the Making of the American Establishment, Kai Bird
Reviewed by Russell F. Weigley

pp. 544-545

Gubernatorial Leadership and State Policy, Eric B. Herzik and Brent W. Brown
Reviewed by Ann O'M. Bowman

pp. 546-547

Avoiding War: Problems of Crisis Management, Alexander L. George
Reviewed by Stephen Van Evera

pp. 547-548

From Revolutionary Cadres to Party Technocrats in Socialist China, Hong Yung Lee
Reviewed by Allen S. Whiting

pp. 548-549

Political Parties and the Winning of Office, Joseph A. Schlesinger
Reviewed by William Crotty

pp. 549-551

American Citizenship: The Quest for Inclusion, Judith N. Shklar
Reviewed by Joseph H. Carens

pp. 551-552

Transforming Free Speech: The Ambiguous Legacy of Civil Libertarianism, Mark A. Graber
Reviewed by John R. Vile

pp. 553-554

The Presidency of John F. Kennedy, James N. Giglio
Reviewed by Irving Bernstein

pp. 554-555

The Cold War Legacy in Europe, Otto Pick
Reviewed by Ronald Tiersky

pp. 555-556

Buildup: The Politics of Defense in the Reagan Era, Daniel Wirls
Reviewed by Fred Thompson

pp. 557-558

Boston Against Busing: Race, Class, and Ethnicity in the 1960s and 1970s, Ronald P. Formisano
Reviewed by Christine H. Rossell

pp. 558-559

The New Aging: Politics and Change in America, Fernando M. Torres-Gil
Reviewed by Christine L. Day

pp. 559-560

Democracy at Work: Changing World Markets and the Future of Labor Unions, Lowell Turner
Reviewed by Sumner M. Rosen

pp. 561-562

The President as Interpreter-In-Chief, Mary E. Stuckey
Reviewed by Diana C. Mutz

pp. 562-563

Knowledge, Power and the Congress, William H. Robinson and Clay H. Wellborn
Reviewed by Stephen E. Frantzich

pp. 563-564

Health Care Politics, Policy, and Distributive Justice: The Ironic Triumph, Robert P. Rhodes
Reviewed by Anne Lenhard Reisinger

pp. 565-566

The Journalism of Outrage: Investigative Reporting and Agenda Building in America, David L. Protess
Reviewed by David L. Paletz

pp. 566-567

Dismantling the Cold War Economy, Ann Markusen and Joel Yudken
Reviewed by R. William Thomas

pp. 567-568

Controlling and Ending Conflict: Issues Before and After the Cold War, Stephen J. Cimbala and Sidney R. Waldman
Reviewed by Edward Rhodes

pp. 568-570

The Catholic Church and the Politics of Abortion: A View from the States, Timothy A. Byrnes and Mary C. Segers
Reviewed by Allen D. Hertzke

pp. 570-571

America's Constitutional Soul, Harvey C. Mansfield, Jr.
Reviewed by Herbert Sloan

pp. 571-572

Government is Good: Citizenship, Participation and Power, Joseph Freeman
Reviewed by James A. Morone

pp. 573-574

Women's Movements in America: Their Successes, Disappointments, and Aspirations, Rita J. Simon and Gloria Danziger
Reviewed by Roberta S. Sigel

pp. 574-576

Governing the Family: Child Care, Child Protection, and the State, Nigel Parton
Reviewed by Alan Gartner

p. 576

The Tet Offensive: Intelligence Failure in War, James J. Wirtz
Reviewed by Roger Hilsman

pp. 576-578

Cambodia, Pol Pot, and the United States: The Faustian Pact, Michael Haas
Reviewed by Douglas Pike

pp. 578-579

Gender and International Relations, Rebecca Grant and Kathleen Newland
Reviewed by V. Spike Peterson

pp. 579-580

Russia Beyond Communism: A Chronicle of National Rebirth, Vladimir Krasnov
Reviewed by Stephen Kotkin

pp. 581-582

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