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Volume 107 - Number 4 - Winter 1992-93

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Racial and Ethnic Conflicts: A Global Perspective
Rita Jalali and Seymour Martin Lipset examine the timing and nature of modem ethnic conflicts and how they are managed in multiethnic polities. They argue that the same conditions in different countries produce different results.

pp. 585-606

Congress and Foreign Policy: Why the Hill Matters
James M. Lindsay discusses the role Congress plays in the making of American foreign policy. He argues that while Congress seldom enacts its own substantive preferences into law, it exercises considerable, if often unnoticed, influence over U.S. foreign policy.

pp. 607-628

Evaluating Bargaining Performance: The Case of Camp David
Shibley Telhami analyzes how the form of government and the personal styles of leaders affected the bargaining performance of Israel, Egypt, and the United States in the Camp David negotiations. He then shows the relevance of these findings for the Arab-Israeli negotiations in the Madrid process.

pp. 629-653

The State, Economy, and Self-Determination in South Africa
Anthony W. Marx looks at the causes of recent shifts in opposition ideology and strategy in South Africa, as shown in responses to economic change, state policy, and deliberations within the opposition. His discussion of the interaction of these processes highlights the significance of the black opposition in determining past and possible future conflict in South Africa.

pp. 655-675

Brazilian Party Underdevelopment in Comparative Perspective
Scott Mainwaring argues that Brazilian political parties are exceptionally underdeveloped and explores the causes and implications of this problem.

pp. 677-707

Decentralization of Control in U.S. Nuclear Energy Policy
Christian Joppke examines some trends toward decentralized control in United States nuclear energy policy. He suggests that the conflict-oriented and fragmented American polity cannot provide the stable environment required for the successful implementation of a highly complex and inflexible technology.

pp. 709-725

Deregulating Defense Acquisition
Fred Thompson gives an overview of proposals to reform the federal defense acquisitions process.

pp. 727-749


p. 785

We the People: Foundations, Bruce Ackerman
Reviewed by Jack P. Greene

pp. 751-752

Bureaucracy, Economy, and Leadership in China: The Institutional Origins of the Great Leap Forward, David Bachman
Reviewed by Lu Feng

pp. 752-753

Bureacracy, Politics, and Decision Making in Post-Mao China, David M. Lampton and Kenneth G. Lieberthal ; Popular Protest and Political Culture in Modern China: Learning from 1989, Jeffrey N. Wasserstrom and Elizabeth J. Perry
Reviewed by Steven I. Levine

pp. 753-755

Ko-ops: The Rebirth of Entrepreneurship in the Soviet Union, Anthony Jones and William Moskoff
Reviewed by Jane I. Dawson

pp. 756-757

The Future of the Arab Nation: Challenges and Options, Center for Arab Unity Studies
Reviewed by Michael C. Hudson

pp. 757-759

U.S. Foreign Policy and the Shah: Building a Client State in Iran, Mark J. Gasiorowski
Reviewed by Richard W. Bulliet

pp. 759-760

Untying the Afghan Knot: Negotiating the Soviet Withdrawal, Riaz M. Khan
Reviewed by Douglas A. Borer

pp. 760-762

Africa in World Politics, Donald Rothchild and John W. Harbeson
Reviewed by Michael G. Schatzberg

pp. 762-763

The Institutional Presidency, John P. Burke
Reviewed by Richard M. Pious

pp. 763-765

The Emergence of a Senate Leader: Pete Domenici and the Reagan Budget, Richard F. Fenno, Jr.
Reviewed by Robert L. Peabody

pp. 765-767

Politics and Jobs: The Boundaries of Employment Policy in the United States, Margaret Weir
Reviewed by Judith Russell

pp. 767-769

Mayors and Money: Fiscal Policy in New York and Chicago, Ester R. Fuchs
Reviewed by John J. DiIulio, Jr.

pp. 769-770

Parties and Leaders in the Postreform House, David W. Rhode
Reviewed by William F. Connelly, Jr.

pp. 770-771

Command in Crisis: Four Case Studies, Joseph F. Bouchard
Reviewed by Richard K. Betts

pp. 771-773

The Governors and the New Federalism, Marshall Kaplan and Sue O'Brien
Reviewed by Gerald Benjamin

pp. 773-774

The Search for Rational Drug Control, Gordon Hawkins and Franklin E. Zimring
Reviewed by Sanya Popović

pp. 774-775

As Far as Republican Principles Will Admit: Essays by Martin Diamond, William A. Schambra
Reviewed by Rogan Kersh

pp. 775-777

The War on Labor and the Left: Understanding America's Unique Conservatism, Patricia Cayo Sexton
Reviewed by Rod Malpert

pp. 777-778

The Color-Blind Constitution, Andrew Kull
Reviewed by Walter E. Volkomer

pp. 778-779

The Presidency in Mexican Politics, George Philip
Reviewed by Vikram K. Chand

pp. 779-781

Politics and Nationality in Contemporary Soviet-Jewish Emigration, 1968-89, Laurie P. Salitan
Reviewed by Zvi Gitelman

pp. 781-782

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