Content in

Volume 107 - Number 2 - Summer 1992

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The Outcomes of Operations Desert Shield and Desert Storm: Some Antecedent Causes
Steve A. Yetiv argues that the successful containment and reversal of Iraq's invasion of Kuwait was related to developments put in motion by the Iran-Iraq war of 1980 to 1988. He shows that it is important to consider how causes remote in time can help explain the foreign policy outcomes we observe and improve our ability to understand political events and to make and evaluate policy.

pp. 195-212

Gorbachev's Difficult Time in the Gulf
Galia Golan analyzes Moscow's behavior in the Persian Gulf crisis, the first international crisis in the era of Gorbachev's "new thinking" in foreign policy. She argues that domestic pressures created a serious challenge to the new foreign policy, causing Gorbachev to steer an uneven course for Soviet policy during the crisis.

pp. 213-230

Clarence Thomas, Black Pluralism, and Civil Rights Policy
Lee Sigelman and James S. Todd examine the congruence between the policy views of newly appointed Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas and those of black Americans nationwide. Drawing where possible on public opinion surveys, they provide a new perspective on claims that there is widespread support among blacks for neoconservative positions.

pp. 231-248

Innovation and Boundaries in American Employment Policy
Margaret Weir examines the demise of full employment as a political objective since the 1940s and the limited scope of employment policy in the postwar United States.

pp. 249-269

Perpetuating the Cold War: Domestic Sources of International Patterns of Behavior
James G. Richter examines how domestic politics in the United States and in the Soviet Union helped perpetuate confrontational behavior during the cold war unnecessarily. He argues that virulently hostile, reciprocal images became embedded in the domestic politics of each superpower, inhibiting periodic attempts by leaders of both countries to relieve tensions.

pp. 271-301

The Political Bases of Activism in the Israeli Labour and Herut Parties
Alan S. Zuckerman, Michal Shamir, and Hanna Herzog analyze activists in the Israeli Labour and Herut parties. Using data drawn from surveys and interviews, they detail the place of political careers, ethnic ties, and faction in the world of party politics.

pp. 303-323

Shaping the Political Arena: Critical Junctures, The Labor Movement, and Regime Dynamics in Latin America, Ruth Berins Collier and David Collier
Reviewed by Jorge I. DomĂ­nguez

pp. 325-329

Images and Arms Control: Perceptions of the Soviet Union in the Reagan Administration, Keith L. Shimko
Reviewed by Robert Jervis

pp. 331-332

In the Name of Democracy: U.S. Policy Toward Latin America in the Reagan Years, Thomas Carothers
Reviewed by Walter LaFeber

pp. 332-334

The Triumph and Tragedy of Lyndon Johnson: The White House Years, Joseph A. Califano, Jr.
Reviewed by Fred I. Greenstein

pp. 334-335

Chain Reaction: The Impact of Race, Rights, and Taxes on American Politics, Thomas Byrne Edsall and Mary D. Edsall
Reviewed by James L. Sundquist

pp. 335-337

Adam Clayton Powell, Jr.: The Political Biography of an American Dilemma, Charles V. Hamilton
Reviewed by John A. Davis

pp. 337-339

The Democratic Wish: Popular Participation and the Limits of American Government, James A. Morone
Reviewed by Theda Skocpol

pp. 339-340

In the Shadow of the Rising Sun: The Political Roots of American Economic Decline, William S. Dietrich
Reviewed by Norman K. Nicholson

pp. 341-342

The Middle East from the Iran-Contra Affair to the Intifada, Robert O. Freedman
Reviewed by Mark J. Gasiorowski

pp. 342-343

The New European Community: Decisionmaking and Institutional Change, Stanley Hoffmann and Robert O. Keohane
Reviewed by Erik Jones

pp. 344-345

FDR's Fireside Chats, David W. Levy and Russell D. Buhite
Reviewed by John J. Smee

pp. 345-346

Counsel to the President: A Memoir, Clark Clifford and Richard Holbrooke
Reviewed by George C. Herring

pp. 346-347

Lone Star Rising: Lyndon Johnson and His Times, 1908-1960, Robert Dallek
Reviewed by Robert A. Divine

pp. 347-349

The Vital South: How Presidents Are Elected, Earl Black and Merle Black
Reviewed by Frank Sorauf

pp. 349-350

Divided We Govern: Party Control, Lawmaking, and Investigations, 1946-1990, David R. Mayhew
Reviewed by L. Sandy Maisel

pp. 350-351

Senate Elections and Campaign Intensity, Mark C. Westlye
Reviewed by Kim Fridkin Kahn

pp. 352-353

Congress and Nuclear Weapons, James M. Lindsay
Reviewed by Jerome Slater

pp. 353-354

Social Science Quotations, Volume 19 of the International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences, Robert K. Merton and David L. Sills
Reviewed by Nelson W. Polsby

pp. 355-356

God's Warriors: The Christian Right in Twentieth-Century America, Clyde Wilcox
Reviewed by Andrew Greeley

pp. 356-358

Financing the 1988 Election, Herbert E. Alexander and Monica Bauer
Reviewed by David Adamany

pp. 358-359

Engendering Democracy, Anne Phillips
Reviewed by Rosalind Rosenberg

pp. 359-360

The Japanese Voter, Scott C. Flanagan
Reviewed by Ronald J. Hrebenar

pp. 361-362

Emerging Influentials in State Legislatures: Women, Blacks, and Hispanics, Albert Nelson
Reviewed by Wilbur C. Rich

pp. 362-363

Public Opinion in America: Moods, Cycles, and Swings, James A. Stimson
Reviewed by Larry M. Bartels

pp. 364-365

Of Power and Right: Hugo Black, William O. Douglas, and America's Constitutional Revolution, Howard Ball and Phillip J. Cooper
Reviewed by D. Grier Stephenson, Jr.

pp. 365-366

J. Edgar Hoover: The Man and the Secrets, Curt Gentry ; From the Secret Files of J. Edgar Hoover, Athan Theoharis
Reviewed by Christopher H. Pyle

pp. 366-368

The Politics of Change in Georgia: A Political Biography of Ellis Arnall, Harold Paulk Henderson ; The Kingfish and His Realm: The Life and Times of Huey P. Long, William Ivy Hair
Reviewed by Alexander Heard

pp. 368-370

The Global City: New York, London, Tokyo, Saskia Sassen
Reviewed by Frank J. Macchiarola

pp. 370-371

Leadership Counts: Lessons for Public Managers from the Massachusetts Welfare, Training, and Employment Program, Robert D. Behn
Reviewed by Steven Cohen

pp. 372-373

Choosing Sides: Alignment and Realignment in the Third World, Steven R. David
Reviewed by Crawford Young

pp. 373-375

The NSC Staff: Counseling the Council, Christopher C. Shoemaker
Reviewed by Gary Sick

pp. 375-376

Russia Shakes the World: The Second Russian Revolution and Its Impact on the West, Gary Hart
Reviewed by Dan Caldwell

pp. 376-377

Surge to Freedom: The End of Communist Rule in Eastern Europe, J. F. Brown
Reviewed by Michael Bernhard

pp. 377-378

Breaking the Barrier: The Rise of Solidarity in Poland, Lawrence Goodwyn
Reviewed by Raymond Taras

pp. 378-381

Revolution in Iran: The Roots of Turmoil, Mehran Kamrava
Reviewed by Nikki R. Keddie

p. 381

The Changing Soviet System: Mono-organisational Socialism from Its Origins to Gorbachev's Restructuring, T. H. Rigby
Reviewed by Andrei Melville

pp. 381-384

Revolutions and Revolutionary Movements, James DeFronzo
Reviewed by Scott Corey

pp. 384-385

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