Content in

Volume 20 - Number 3 - September 1905

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Treaties and Executive Agreements
John Bassett Moore

pp. 385-420

Contested Congressional Elections
C. H. Rammelkamp

pp. 421-442

Direct Legislation
W. Rodman Peabody

pp. 443-455

The Cost of Life Insurance
Allan H. Willett

pp. 456-479

Pending Problems in Public Finance

pp. 480-492

Chief Justice Jeffreys and the Law of Treason
D. L. Patterson

pp. 493-512

British Administration and Irrigation in Egypt
Sidney Peel

pp. 513-534

History of the United States from the Compromise of 1850, James Ford Rhodes
Reviewed by Walter L. Fleming

pp. 535-539

The American Nation: A History, Albert Bushnell Hart ; The American Nation: Foundations of the Nation: European Background of American History, Edward Potts Cheyney ; The American Nation: Basis of American History, Livingston Farrand ; The American Nation: England in America, Lyon Gardiner Tyler ; The American Nation: Colonial Self-Government, Charles McLean Andrews
Reviewed by W. Roy Smith

pp. 540-542

The Suffrage Franchise in the Thirteen English Colonies in America, Albert Edward McKinley
Reviewed by Herbert L. Osgood

pp. 543-544

Party Organization and Machinery, Jesse Macy ; Early Political Machinery in the United States, George D. Leutscher
Reviewed by C. E. Merriam

pp. 545-546

The Civil Service and the Patronage, Carl Russell Fish

pp. 547-548

Elements of International Law, Henry Wheaton
Reviewed by James F. Barnett

pp. 548-551

The Distribution of Wealth, Thomas Nixon Carver
Reviewed by W. M. Daniels

pp. 552-555

The Bank and the Treasury, Frederick A. Cleveland
Reviewed by Horace White

pp. 555-559

The History of the Standard Oil Company, Ida M. Tarbell
Reviewed by Alvin S. Johnson

pp. 559-562

Labor Problems: A Text-Book, Thomas Sewall Adams and Helen L. Sumner
Reviewed by Henry R. Seager

pp. 562-565

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