Content in

Volume 20 - Number 2 - June 1905

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The Anomaly of Our National Convention
Alfred Pearce Dennis

pp. 185-202

The Rigid Constitution
Henry Bournes Higgins

pp. 203-222

The Political Philosophy of John Locke

pp. 223-245

The Field of Economic Dynamics
John Bates Clark

pp. 246-256

The Economic Cost of Slaveholding in the Cotton Belt
Ulrich B. Phillips

pp. 257-275

Immigration to the Southern States
Walter L. Fleming

pp. 276-297

The Sewage Farms of Berlin
Robert C. Brooks

pp. 298-313

Record of Political Events
Charles Beard, Alvin S. Johnson

pp. 351-384

A History of matrimonial Institutions, chiefly in England and the United States, George Elliott Howard
Reviewed by Munroe Smith

pp. 314-318

The Political History of Virginia during the Reconstruction, Hamilton James Eckenrode
Reviewed by Walter L. Fleming

pp. 319-321

The Color Line, William Benjamin Smith
Reviewed by Walter F. Willcox

pp. 321-323

The Influence of Grenville on Pitt's Foreign Policy, 1787-1798, Ephraim Douglas Adams
Reviewed by G. S. Ford

pp. 325-327

The Declaration of Independence, Herbert Friedenwald
Reviewed by Charles Worthen Spencer

pp. 327-329

Spain in America, 1450-1580, Edward Gaylord Bourne ; The South American Republics, Thomas C. Dawson
Reviewed by William R. Shepherd

pp. 329-333

A History of the Ancient World for High Schools and Academies, George Stephen Goodspeed
Reviewed by George Willis Botsford

pp. 333-334

Le Commerce et les marchands dans l'Italie meridionale au xiii^e au xiv siecle, Georges Yver
Reviewed by Edwin F. Gay

pp. 335-337

Modern Methods in Charity, Charles Richmond Henderson
Reviewed by William H. Allen

pp. 337-341

Poverty, Robert Hunter
Reviewed by Charles A. Beard

pp. 341-343

Money: A Study of the Theory of the Medium of Exchange, David Kinley
Reviewed by William A. Scott

pp. 344-345

A Geometrical Political Economy, H. Cunynghame
Reviewed by Henry L. Moore

pp. 346-347

Les Systemes socialistes et l'evolution economique, Maurice Bourguin
Reviewed by Walter E. Clark

pp. 347-350

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