China as a Factor in the Collapse of the Soviet Empire
Nancy Bernkopf Tucker analyzes the role of Sino-Soviet conflict and Chinese internal reform in contributing to the collapse of the Soviet empire. She concludes that China provided a spur to Soviet overextension, an impetus to change, and a warning against repression.
pp. 501-518
Presidential Manipulation of Polls and Public Opinion: The Nixon Administration and the Pollsters
Lawrence R. Jacobs and Robert Y. Shapiro investigate President Nixon's relationship with the public opinion pollsters, Louis Harris and George Gallup. On the basis of their examination of previously unopened archives, Jacobs and Shapiro argue that the pollsters' behavior during Nixon's presidency violated professional standards of conduct and that today's pollsters should avoid close relations with elective politicians.
pp. 519-538
The Panama Invasion Revisited: Lessons for the Use of Force in the Post Cold War Era
Eytan Gilboa traces the evolution of the U.S. military confrontation with Manuel Noriega and explains the reasons behind the decision to invade Panama in 1989. He argues that serious mistakes were made in dealing not only with Noriega but also with such dictators as Iraq's Saddam Hussein and the Serbian leaders Radovan Karadzic and Slobodan Milosevic, and draws general lessons for American military intervention after the cold war.
pp. 539-562
Prescriptions for a New National Democracy
Michael Lind offers prescriptions for developing a new American creed of national democracy. Lind defines national democracy as a synthesis that could counteract the trend toward the fissuring of the United States along class, ethnic, and racial lines.
pp. 563-586
Ethnic Diversity and Democratic Stability: The Case of Irish Americans
David Carroll Cochran examines the remarkable stability that characterizes American democratic politics given the nation's history of ethnic pluralism. He draws on the case of Irish Americans to explore the cultural, economic, and political sources of this stability.
pp. 587-604
The Maastricht Treaty as High Politics: Germany, France, and European Integration
Michael J. Baun scrutinizes the high politics diplomacy of the Maastricht Treaty on European Union. He argues that although the treaty had roots in pre-1989 economic and institutional developments, it was essentially a response by the European Community and its member states to the end of the cold war and German unification.
pp. 605-624
Colin Powell and the Eisenhower Precedent: A Review Essay
Fred I. Greenstein points out the striking parallels between the careers and later political circumstances of Colin Powell and Dwight Eisenhower. In 1948 Eisenhower removed himself from consideration as a possible presidential candidate, but in 1952 he accepted the Republican nomination and went on to become president.
pp. 625-629
p. 672
Generals in the White House, Julius Goebel and Dorothy Goebel ;
My American Journey, Colin Powell and Joseph E. Persico Reviewed by Fred I. Greenstein
pp. 625-629
A Culture of Deference: Congress's Failure of Leadership in Foreign Policy, Stephen R. Weissman Reviewed by H. Bradford Westerfield
pp. 631-632
Presidential War Power, Louis Fisher Reviewed by Gordon Silverstein
pp. 632-633
Legislators, Leaders, and Lawmaking: The U.S. House of Representatives in the Postreform Era, Barbara Sinclair Reviewed by Joseph Cooper
pp. 633-634
The Losing Parties: Out-Party National Committees, 1956-1993, Philip A. Klinkner Reviewed by John F. Bibby
pp. 634-636
Quiet Cataclysm: Reflections on the Recent Transformation of World Politics, John Mueller Reviewed by Stephen M. Walt
pp. 636-637
Century of War: Politics, Conflicts, and Society Since 1914, Gabriel Kolko Reviewed by Charles Tilly
pp. 637-638
Governing the White House: From Hoover Through LBJ, Charles E. Walcott and Karen M. Hult Reviewed by James P. Pfiffner
pp. 638-639
Presidential Polls and the News Media, Michael W. Traugott, Paul J. Lavrakas and Peter V. Miller, eds. Reviewed by John J. Smee
p. 640
The Navy in the Post-Cold War World: The Uses and Value of Strategic Sea Power, Colin S. Gray Reviewed by Edward Rhodes
pp. 640-642
Balkan Tragedy: Chaos and Dissolution after the Cold War, Susan L. Woodward Reviewed by Raju G. C. Thomas
pp. 642-643
To Renew America, Newt Gingrich Reviewed by Richard M. Pious
pp. 643-644
The New UN Peacekeeping: Building Peace in Lands of Conflict After the Cold War, Steven R. Ratner Reviewed by Paul F. Diehl
p. 645
Oil Monarchies: Domestic and Security Challenges in the Arab Gulf States, F. Gregory Gause III Reviewed by Gwenn Okruhlik
pp. 647-648
Partners in Public Service: Government-Nonprofit Relations in the Modern Welfare State, Lester M. Salamon Reviewed by Ralph Da Costa Nunez
pp. 648-649
The Federal Courts, Politics, and the Rule of Law, John C. Hughes Reviewed by Daniel B. Rodriguez
pp. 649-650
The Global Migration Crisis: Challenges to States and Human Rights, Myron Weiner Reviewed by Yossi Shain
pp. 651-652
Making Environmental Policy, Daniel J. Fiorino Reviewed by Steven Cohen
pp. 652-653
Between Melting Pot and Mosaic: African Americans and Puerto Ricans in the New York Political Economy, Andres Torres Reviewed by John Mollenkopf
pp. 653-654
The European Sisyphus: Essays on Europe, 1964-1994, Stanley Hoffmann Reviewed by Desmond Dinan
pp. 654-655
Farmers' and Farm Workers' Movements: Social Protest in American Agriculture, Theo J. Majka and Patrick H. Mooney Reviewed by William P. Browne
pp. 655-656
Hard Right: The New White Power in South Africa, Johann van Rooyen Reviewed by Richard L. Sklar
pp. 656-657
Improving Poor People: The Welfare State, the "Underclass," and Urban Schools as History, Michael B. Katz Reviewed by Jeffrey R. Henig
pp. 658-659
The Price of Federalism, Paul E. Peterson Reviewed by Timothy J. Conlan
pp. 659-660
A Sense of Siege: The Geopolitics of Islam and the West, Graham E. Fuller and Ian O. Lesser Reviewed by Martin W. Sampson III
pp. 660-661
The Ambassadors and America's Soviet Policy, David Mayers Reviewed by David S. Foglesong
pp. 661-662
The Fragmentation of Afghanistan, State Formation and Collapse in the International System, Barnett R. Rubin Reviewed by Said Amir Arjomand
pp. 662-663
Authority and Democracy: A General Theory of Government and Management, Christopher McMahon Reviewed by Jack H. Knott
pp. 664-665
International Organization and Industrial Change: Global Governance since 1850, Craig N. Murphy Reviewed by Mitchell Bernard
pp. 665-666
How Russia became a Market Economy, Anders Aslund Reviewed by Randall Stone
pp. 666-667
The Politicizing Presidency: The White House Personnel Office, 1948-1994, Thomas J. Weko Reviewed by Bert A. Rockman
pp. 667-668
One for All: The Logic of Group Conflict, Russell Hardin Reviewed by Lewis Coser
pp. 668-669
Local Commons and Global Interdependence: Heterogeneity and Cooperation in Two Domains, Elinor Ostrom and Robert Keohane, eds. Reviewed by John Conybeare
pp. 669-670