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Volume 111 - Number 1 - Spring 1996

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Why Western Europe Needs the United States and NATO
Robert J. Art analyzes the six-year political struggle that took place within Western Europe to define its post-cold war security arrangements. He shows why NATO and the American military presence remain essential ingredients of Western Europe's stability.

pp. 1-39

Contours of Israel's New Strategic Thinking
Efraim Inbar examines the ways in which changing international and regional environments as well as internal developments within Israel have influenced Israel's recent strategic thinking.

pp. 41-64

Media Coverage of Issues and Candidates: What Balance is Appropriate in a Democracy?
Graham P. Ramsden looks at the mass media's balance of issue and candidate coverage during American election campaigns. He argues that when coverage is inappropriately balanced, voters find it difficult to get the information they need to make decisions in the way democratic theory would require

pp. 65-81

Organized Labor and the Congressional Democrats: Reconsidering the 1980s
Taylor E. Dark discusses the relationship between labor unions and the congressional Democratic Party during the 1980s. He concludes that because of close cooperation between a more unified and well coordinated labor movement and a more homogenous and disciplined Democratic party, unions played a greater role in congressional politics than is commonly realized.

pp. 83-104

The Unexpected Origins of Peace: Three Case Studies
John Orme investigates the unfolding of rapprochement between Austria and Germany, West Germany and the Soviet Union, and Egypt and Israel. He concludes that threat or use of force can, contrary to widespread opinion, provide the crucial impetus for reconciliation between international rivals.

pp. 105-125

The Politics of the Anti-Apartheid Movement in the United States, 1969-1986
Donald R. Culverson examines the rise of American anti-apartheid activism as a result both of opportunities created by shifting power configurations in southern Africa and of declining public confidence in U.S. government and corporate responses to political crises in South Africa. He explores how activists capitalized on structural changes in U.S. society to develop new resources for challenging U.S. connections to the apartheid system.

pp. 127-149

McNamara's War--Against the Truth: A Review Essay
In a critical review essay of Robert S. McNamara's "In Retrospect: The Tragedy and Lessons of Vietnam," Roger Hilsman argues that despite the book's purported attempt to set the record straight, it in fact contains many misstatements of fact and false allegations about the role of other officials in decisions made during the Vietnam War.

pp. 151-162

Contemporary Politics in Japan, Junnosuke Masumi and Lonny E. Carlile
Reviewed by Nathaniel B. Thayer

pp. 165-166

International Relations Theory and the End of the Cold War, Richard Ned Lebow and Thomas Risse-Kappen, eds.
Reviewed by Paulette Kurzer

pp. 166-167

The State, Society, and Limited Nuclear War, Eric Mlyn
Reviewed by Philip W. Dyer

pp. 167-168

Stalin and the Bomb: The Soviet Union and Atomic Energy, 1939-1956, David Holloway
Reviewed by Mark Kramer

pp. 168-169

Bridled Ambition: Why Countries Constrain their Nuclear Capabilities, Mitchell Reiss
Reviewed by Peter D. Feaver

pp. 169-170

The Italian Revolution: The End of Politics Italian Style?, Mark Gilbert
Reviewed by Mauro Calise

pp. 170-171

The Puzzle of Strikes: Class and State Strategies in Postwar Italy, Roberto Franzosi
Reviewed by Bruce Western

pp. 171-172

The National Front and French Politics: The Resistible Rise of Jean-Marie Le Pen, Jonathan Marcus
Reviewed by Hans-Georg Betz

pp. 172-173

The End of Reform: New Deal Liberalism in Recession and War, Alan Brinkley
Reviewed by Richard Polenberg

pp. 174-175

The British Tradition of Federalism, Michael Burgess
Reviewed by James B. Christoph

pp. 175-176

Multilateral Negotiations: Lessons from Arms Control, Trade, and the Environment, Fen Osler Hampson and Michael Hart
Reviewed by Celeste A. Wallander

pp. 176-177

David Brinkley: A Memoir, David Brinkley
Reviewed by John J. Smee

pp. 177-178

Remote and Controlled: Media Politics in a Cynical Age, Matthew Robert Kerbel
Reviewed by Diana Owen

pp. 178-179

Barry Goldwater, Robert Alan Goldberg
Reviewed by Mary C. Brennan

pp. 179-180

Ethics in Congress: From Individual to Institutional Corruption, Dennis F. Thompson
Reviewed by Samuel C. Patterson

pp. 180-181

Conflict and Compromise: How Congress Makes the Law, Ronald D. Elving
Reviewed by L. Sandy Maisel

pp. 181-182

Challengers, Competition, and Reelection: Comparing Senate and House Elections, Jonathan S. Krasno
Reviewed by Alan Abramowitz

pp. 182-183

The Reincarnation of Russia: Struggling with the Legacy of Communism, 1990- 1994, John Lowenhardt
Reviewed by Lowell W. Barrington

pp. 183-184

Cultivating Congress: Constituents, Issues, and Interests in Agricultural Policymaking, William P. Browne
Reviewed by Diana Evans

pp. 184-185

Party Conflict and Community Development: Postwar Politics in Ann Arbor, Samuel J. Eldersveld
Reviewed by Terry Nichols Clark

pp. 186-187

Rebuilding the Inner City: A History of Neighborhood Initiatives to Address Poverty in the United States, Robert Halpern
Reviewed by Andrew F. Haughwout

pp. 187-188

The Making of a Conservative Environmentalist, Gordon K. Durnil
Reviewed by James P. Lester

pp. 188-189

Regulation in the Reagan-Bush Era: The Eruption of Presidential Influence, Barry D. Friedman
Reviewed by Morris S. Ogul

pp. 189-190

The Bill: How the Adventures of Clinton's National Service Bill Reveal what is Corrupt, Comic, Cynical-and Noble-About Washington, Steven Waldman
Reviewed by Paul C. Light

pp. 190-191

Downsizing Defense, Ethan Barnaby Kapstein, ed.
Reviewed by Fred Thompson

pp. 191-192

Women and Public Policy: A Revolution in Progress, M. Margaret Conway, David W. Ahern and Gertrude Steuernagel
Reviewed by Joyce Gelb

pp. 192-194

Changing Differences: Women and the Shaping of American Foreign Policy, 1917-1924, Rhodri Jeffreys-Jones
Reviewed by Meredith Reid Sarkees

pp. 194-195

Political Stability and Democracy in Mexico: The "Perfect Dictatorship?", Dan A. Cothran
Reviewed by Sylvia Maxfield

pp. 195-196

Opposition in South Africa: The Leadership of Z. K. Matthews, Nelson Mandela and Stephen Biko, Tim J. Juckes
Reviewed by Jeffrey Herbst

pp. 196-197

Red Scare: Memories of the American Inquisition, An Oral History, Griffin Fariello
Reviewed by Ellen Schrecker

pp. 197-198

Shaping Europe's Military Order: The Origins and Consequences of the CFE Treaty, Richard A. Falkenrath
Reviewed by Allen Lynch

pp. 198-199

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