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Volume 110 - Number 2 - Summer 1995

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Deterrence and the Cold War
Richard Ned Lebow and Janice Gross Stein explore the impact of nuclear threats during the cold war. They show that these threats were much less effective than is generally assumed and that they often exacerbated rather than prevented conflict. The authors draw a number of cautionary lessons for the future.

pp. 157-181

The 1995 Congress: The First Hundred Days and Beyond
Norman J. Ornstein and Amy L. Schenkenberg analyze the 1994 midterm elections and provide an early assessment of the work of the 104th Congress. They find the first three months of this Congress to be dramatically different from the beginnings of any other in at least four decades. But the overall impact that will be made by this Congress over the remainder of 1995 and 1996 is still to be determined by the skill of party leaders, the behavior of rank-and-file members, and the role of the president.

pp. 183-206

The Making of the New Democrats
Jon F. Hale examines the formation, institutionalization, and 1992 electoral success of the New Democrats. His findings contribute to a more complete view of the role played by the Democratic Leadership Council.

pp. 207-232

Beyond Micromanagement: Congressional Budgeting for a Post-Cold War Military
Paul Stockton shows how the end of the cold war has changed the process of defense budgeting in Congress. He argues that in response to the breakup of the Soviet Union, legislators are using new mechanisms to build coalitions and shape military spending, with broader implications for congressional behavior and the future of the U.S. defense posture.

pp. 233-259

Democracy and Islamic Revivalism
S. V. R. Nasr draws on the case of Pakistan's principal Islamic revivalists, Jama'at-i Islami, to argue that participation in the political process acts to constrict Islamic revivalism. The detailed examination of the party's role in Pakistan shows that inclusion in the political process has forced compromises and greater pragmatism on the party.

pp. 261-285

Contra Aid Fundamentals: Exploring the Intricacies and the Issues
Richard Sobel explores the provision of aid to the contra rebels in Nicaragua from the Reagan administration, third countries, private donors, and arms sales. This and a discussion of when contra funding may have violated the Boland amendment aid restrictions provide a basis for evaluating the Reagan policy.

pp. 287-306

Scrambling for Protection: The New Media and the First Amendment, Patrick M. Garry
Reviewed by Doris A. Graber

pp. 307-308

With Friends Like These: Reagan, Bush, and Saddam, 1982-1990, Bruce W. Jentleson
Reviewed by Robert A. Divine

pp. 308-309

Congress and the Politics of U.S. Foreign Policy, James M. Lindsay
Reviewed by H. Bradford Westerfield

pp. 309-310

Terrorism and the Media: From the Iran Hostage Crisis to the World Trade Center Bombing, Brigitte L. Nacos
Reviewed by Vincent M. Cannistaro

pp. 310-311

Beyond Peace, Richard M. Nixon
Reviewed by Robert G. Kaufman

pp. 311-314

In Defense of Congress, Fred R. Harris
Reviewed by John B. Gilmour

pp. 314-315

The Presidency of Gerald R. Ford, John Robert Greene
Reviewed by Richard M. Strean

pp. 315-316

Comparative Constitutional Engineering: An Inquiry into Structures, Incentives and Outcomes, Giovanni Sartori
Reviewed by Peter C. Ordeshook

pp. 316-317

The Myth of the Modern Presidency, David K. Nichols
Reviewed by Michael Nelson

pp. 317-318

Political Institutions and Military Change: Lessons from Peripheral Wars, Deborah D. Avant
Reviewed by Barry R. Posen

pp. 319-320

Peripheral Visions: Deterrence Theory and American Foreign Policy in the Third World, 1965-1990, Ted Hopf
Reviewed by Richard Ned Lebow

pp. 320-321

Dove va la Repubblica 1992-1994: Una Transizione Incompiuta, Giorgio Napolitano ; Italian Politics: Ending the First Republic, Carol Mershon and Gianfranco Pasquino ; The Transformation of Italian Communism, Leonard Weinberg
Reviewed by Joseph LaPalombara

pp. 321-323

Improbable Dangers: U.S. Conceptions of Threat in the Cold War and After, Robert H. Johnson
Reviewed by Kenneth E. Gilmore

pp. 323-324

Thickening Government: Federal Hierarchy and the Diffusion of Accountability, Paul C. Light
Reviewed by Robert Maranto

pp. 324-325

Pathologies of Rational Choice Theory: A Critique of Applications in Political Science, Donald P. Green and Ian Shapiro
Reviewed by Margaret Levi

pp. 326-327

The Suburban Racial Dilemma: Housing and Neighborhoods, W. Dennis Keating
Reviewed by Michael N. Danielson

pp. 327-328

Reforming the Health Care Market: An Interpretive Economic History, David F. Drake
Reviewed by Anne Lenhard Reisinger

pp. 328-329

Sharing the Burden: Strategies for Public and Private Long-Term Care Insurance, Joshua M. Wiener, Laurel Hixon Illston and Raymond J. Hanley
Reviewed by Richard P. Nathan

pp. 329-330

International Environmental Politics: Protecting the Antarctic, Lorraine M. Elliott
Reviewed by Christopher C. Joyner

pp. 330-331

The Mild Voice of Reason: Deliberative Democracy and American National Government, Joseph M. Bessette
Reviewed by Eileen L. McDonagh

pp. 331-332

Nationalism, Ethnic Conflict, and Democracy, Larry Diamond and Marc F. Plattner, eds.
Reviewed by Hyun Sook Kim

pp. 333-334

Legislative Leadership in the American States, Malcolm E. Jewell and Marcia Lynn Whicker
Reviewed by Gerald Benjamin

pp. 334-335

Contesting Castro: The United States and the Triumph of the Cuban Revolution, Thomas G. Paterson
Reviewed by Susan Eckstein

pp. 335-336

Collective Security beyond the Cold War, George W. Downs, ed.
Reviewed by Dan Lindley

pp. 336-337

Seasoned Judgments: The American Constitution, Rights, and History, Leonard W. Levy
Reviewed by John R. Vile

p. 338

We the Jury: The Jury System and the Ideal of Democracy, Jeffrey Abramson
Reviewed by G. Thomas Munsterman

p. 339

Politics and Bureaucracy in the Modern Presidency: Careerists and Appointees in the Reagan Administration, Robert Maranto
Reviewed by Patrick J. Wolf

pp. 340-341

Understanding the Nature of Poverty in Urban America, James Jennings
Reviewed by Joel Blau

p. 341

Environmental Diplomacy: Negotiating More Effective Global Agreements, Lawrence E. Susskind
Reviewed by Matthew Alan Cahn

pp. 342-343

War and Peace in Ireland: Britain and the IRA in the New World Order, Mark Ryan
Reviewed by John Kurt Jacobsen

pp. 343-344

United States Foreign Policy towards Africa: Incrementalism, Crisis and Change, Peter J. Schraeder
Reviewed by Jeffrey Herbst

pp. 344-345

Gay and Lesbian Politics: Sexuality and the Emergence of a New Ethic, Mark Blasius
Reviewed by Robert W. Bailey

pp. 345-346

More Precious Than Peace: The Cold War and the Struggle for the Third World, Peter W. Rodman
Reviewed by Elizabeth Kridl Valkenier

pp. 346-347

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