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Volume 110 - Number 1 - Spring 1995

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The 1994 Congressional Elections: The Postindustrial Realignment Continues
EVERETT CARL LADD examines voting in the 1994 off-year elections that led to the taking of control of both houses of Congress by the Republican party. He concludes that these elections evince a further maturing of the "postindustrial" party system. The issue of the proper role of federal government loomed large--to the Republicans' benefit--as the electorate continues to rethink this dimension of politics. At the same time, the weakness of voter ties to political parties continues to contribute a distinctive cast to this contemporary realignment.

pp. 1-23

The Democratic Deficit in America
ROBERT F. DURANT argues that a "democratic deficit" in America lies at the heart of this nation's distressing descent into what he describes as "anomic democracy" over the past two decades. He chronicles the paradoxical consequences of the democratic deficit in one of this nation's most costly, complex and controversial policy arenas: the Environmental Protection Agency's decisions about risks to public health, safety, and the environment.

pp. 25-47

Environment and Trade: The NAFTA Case
Annette Baker Fox examines how the inclusion of environmental provisions in the NAFTA negotiations broke a rule the United States and Canada regularly observed in their dealings with each other – not to link unrelated issues.  By going against tradition, American environmental groups successfully enlarged their role in foreign trade matters.

pp. 49-68

Pathological Dimensions of Domestic and International Ethnicity
Donald Rothchild and Alexander J. Groth discuss some currently important magnifiers of ethnic conflict. They analyze the settings for pathologically hostile notions of "others" used to promote various ethnic identities.

pp. 69-82

Democratization in South Africa
Herman Giliomee examines the nature of the democratization process and discusses the prospects for the consolidation of a democracy in South Africa. He argues that the conditions do not exist for a liberal democracy to evolve in South Africa or for a single party to solve unilaterally the major conflicts in society.

pp. 83-104

Kennedy, the European Allies, and the Failure to Consult
Frank Costigliola reexamines the Cuban missile crisis and other issues in the Kennedy administration's relations with Western Europe. From a close reading of primary documents, he concludes that the assumptions of U.S. officials conditioned them to avoid serious consultation with the Europeans.

pp. 105-123

The Great Transition: American-Soviet Relations and the End of the Cold War, Raymond L. Garthoff
Reviewed by Walter LaFeber

pp. 125-126

The Agenda: Inside the Clinton White House, Bob Woodward
Reviewed by Donald F. Kettl

pp. 126-127

On the Edge: The Clinton Presidency, Elizabeth Drew
Reviewed by Fred I. Greenstein

pp. 127-128

The Reagan Doctrine: Sources of American Conduct in the Cold War's Last Chapter, Mark P. Lagon
Reviewed by John A. Vasquez

p. 129

The American Presidency: An Intellectual History, Forrest McDonald
Reviewed by Sidney M. Milkis

pp. 130-131

Race and Culture: A World View, Thomas Sowell
Reviewed by Elliott P. Skinner

pp. 131-132

Mandate of Heaven, Orville Schell
Reviewed by Xiaobo Lu

p. 133

Ethnic Nationalism: The Tragic Death of Yugoslavia, Bogdan Denitch
Reviewed by Warren Zimmermann

p. 134

Self-Inflicted Wounds: From LBJ's Guns and Butter to Reagan's Voodoo Economics, Hobart Rowen
Reviewed by Steven E. Schier

p. 135

Presidential Lightning Rods: The Politics of Blame Avoidance, Richard J. Ellis
Reviewed by Michael A. Genovese

pp. 136-137

The Constitution in the Courts: Law or Politics?, Michael J. Perry
Reviewed by Ronald Kahn

pp. 137-138

The Supreme Court and Constitutional Theory: 1953-1993, Ronald Kahn
Reviewed by Donald H. Gjerdingen

pp. 138-139

America's Mission: The United States and the Worldwide Struggle for Democracy in the Twentieth Century, Tony Smith
Reviewed by John M. Owen

pp. 139-140

Planning for Change, James Vestal
Reviewed by Robert Dekle

pp. 140-141

Khrushchev's Double Bind: International Pressures and Domestic Coalition Politics, James G. Richter
Reviewed by Richard D. Anderson, Jr.

pp. 141-142

Radical Right-Wing Populism in Western Europe, Hans-Georg Betz
Reviewed by William E. Scheuerman

pp. 142-143

Winners and Losers: How Sectors Shape the Developmental Prospects of States, Michael Shafer
Reviewed by Sylvia Maxfield

pp. 143-144

The Return of the Dangerous Classes: Drug Prohibition and Policy Politics, Diana R. Gordon
Reviewed by Sanya Popović

pp. 145-146

The Case against the General: Manuel Noriega and the Politics of American Justice, Steve Albert
Reviewed by Deborah L. Norden

pp. 146-147

The City Builders: Property, Politics, and Planning in London and New York, Susan S. Fainstein
Reviewed by James Heilbrun

pp. 147-148

Power, Trade, and War, Avery Goldstein
Reviewed by Marie Anchordoguy

pp. 148-149

Edited for Television: CNN, ABC, and the 1992 Presidential Campaign, Matthew Robert Kerbel
Reviewed by Kathleen E. Kendall

pp. 149-150

The Gilded Dome: The U.S. Senate and Campaign Finance Reform, Greg D. Kubiak
Reviewed by David Adamany

pp. 150-151

A Woman's Place is in the House: Campaigning for Congress in the Feminist Era, Barbara C. Burrell
Reviewed by Roberta S. Sigel

pp. 152-153

Elections at Home and Abroad, M. Kent Jennings and Thomas E. Mann
Reviewed by Nelson W. Polsby

pp. 153-154

Divided We Fall: Gambling with History in the Nineties, Haynes Johnson
Reviewed by Robert A. Divine

p. 154

The United Nations, Iran, and Iraq: How Peace-making Changed, Cameron Hume
Reviewed by Gian Luca Burci

p. 155

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