Mr. Justice Rehnquist, Judicial Activist: The Early Years, Donald E. Boles Reviewed by David Adamany
pp. 357-358
Self-Reliance Versus Power Politics: The American and Indian Experiences in Building Nation States, J. Ann Tickner Reviewed by Richard Sisson
pp. 358-360
Appointment of Judges: The Johnson Presidency, Neil D. McFeeley Reviewed by John R. Schmidhauser
pp. 360-361
Libel and the First Amendment: Legal History and Practice in Print and Broadcasting, Richard Labunski Reviewed by Burke Marshall
pp. 361-362
In Pursuit of Reason: The Life of Thomas Jefferson, Noble E. Cunningham, Jr. Reviewed by Peter S. Onuf
pp. 362-364
The Forging of the Union, 1781-1789, Richard B. Morris Reviewed by Jack P. Greene
pp. 364-365
The Modern Presidency: From Roosevelt to Reagan, Malcolm Shaw Reviewed by David Gray Adler
pp. 365-367
The Dissolving Alliance: The United States and the Future of Europe, Richard L. Rubenstein Reviewed by George L. Sherry
pp. 367-368
Reagan, Thatcher and the Politics of Decline, Joel Krieger Reviewed by Dennis Kavanagh
pp. 368-369
From Crisis to Complacency? Shaping Public Policy in Britain, Brian W. Hogwood Reviewed by Kent Worcester
pp. 369-370
Taking Japan Seriously: A Confucian Perspective on Leading Economic Issues, Ronald Dore Reviewed by Winston Davis
pp. 370-371
Democratizing Japan: The Allied Occupation, Robert E. Ward and Sakamoto Yoshikazu ;
Law and Change in Postwar Japan, Frank K. Upham Reviewed by Steven R. Reed
pp. 372-373
The Power of Ideology: The Quest for Technological Autonomy in Argentina and Brazil, Emanuel Adler Reviewed by Jorge I. DomĂnguez
pp. 373-375
U.S. Policy and Regional Security in Central America, Edward Best Reviewed by Julie Marie Bunck
pp. 375-376
Open Borders, Nonalignment, and the Political Evolution of Yugoslavia, William Zimmerman Reviewed by Robin Alison Remington
pp. 376-377
Condemned to Repetition: The United States and Nicaragua, Robert A. Pastor Reviewed by Kenneth E. Sharpe
pp. 378-379
Partners in Conflict: The United States and Latin America, Abraham F. Lowenthal Reviewed by John Bailey
pp. 379-380
The Engineering of Consent: Democracy and Authority in Twentieth-Century America, William Graebner Reviewed by Lewis A. Coser
pp. 380-381
Power and Pluralism in American Cities: Researching the Urban Laboratory, Robert J. Waste Reviewed by Frank J. Macchiarola
pp. 381-382
Dossier Society: Value Choices in the Design of National Information Systems, Kenneth C. Laudon Reviewed by Judith A. Perrolle
pp. 383-384
Money, Media, and the Grass Roots: State Ballot Issues and the Electoral Process, Betty H. Zisk Reviewed by Leonard P. Stavisky
pp. 384-386
Rights of Passage: The Past and the Future of the ERA, Joan Hoff-Wilson Reviewed by Elisabeth Griffith
pp. 386-387
The Tenant Movement in New York City, 1904-1984, Mark Naison and Ronald Lawson Reviewed by Peter Marcuse
p. 388
Setting the Mould: The United States and Britain, 1945-1950, Robin Edmonds Reviewed by Lloyd C. Gardner
pp. 389-390
The Collapse of the Grand Alliance 1945-1948, James L. Gormly Reviewed by John Gimbel
pp. 390-391
Forging the Atomic Shield: Excerpts from the Office Diary of Gordon E. Dean, Roger M. Anders Reviewed by Robert D. English
pp. 391-392
Military Technology and Defense Manpower, Martin Binkin Reviewed by M. C. Devilbiss
pp. 393-394
The Long Peace: Inquiries into the History of the Cold War, John Lewis Gaddis Reviewed by Stephen M. Walt
pp. 394-396
The Party and Agricultural Crisis Management in the USSR, Cynthia S. Kaplan Reviewed by Elizabeth Clayton
pp. 396-397
Bureaucratic Discretion: Law and Policy in Federal Regulatory Agencies, Gary C. Bryner Reviewed by Paul J. Quirk
pp. 397-398
International Trade and the Tokyo Round Negotiation, Gilbert R. Winham Reviewed by Judith Goldstein
pp. 398-399
Harvest of Sorrow: Soviet Collectivization and the Terror-Famine, Robert Conquest Reviewed by George Liber
pp. 400-401