Content in

Volume 79 - Number 4 - December 1964

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Thucydides' History: A Manual of Statecraft
George Kateb

pp. 481-503

Wang Ching-Wei: China's Romantic Radical
Howard L. Boorman

pp. 504-525

The Aging of the House
T. Richard Witmer

pp. 526-541

Origins and Political Character of Nazi Ideology
Hajo Holborn

pp. 542-554

Hawaii: A Symbol of Anglo-American Rapprochement
Merze Tate

pp. 555-575

The United States and the Far Eastern Crisis of 1933-1938, Dorothy Borg
Reviewed by Edgar Snow

pp. 576-581

America's Failure in China, 1941-1950, Tang Tsou ; How the Far East was Lost: American Policy and the Creation of Communist China, 1941-1949, Anthony Kubek
Reviewed by A. M. Halpern

pp. 581-583

Peace-Making and the Settlement with Japan, Frederick S. Dunn
Reviewed by Theodore McNelly

pp. 583-584

A Strategy of Decision: Policy Evaluation as a Social Process, Charles E. Lindblom and David Braybrooke
Reviewed by Kenneth J. Arrow

pp. 584-588

The Dawn of a New Age: Reflections on Science and Human Affairs, Eugene Rabinowitch
Reviewed by Robert Watson-Watt

pp. 588-591

The Civic Culture: Political Attitudes and Democracy in Five Nations, Gabriel Almond and Sidney Verba
Reviewed by Philip E. Converse

pp. 591-593

Medieval History: The Life and Death of a Civilization, Norman F. Cantor
Reviewed by Hayden V. White

pp. 593-597

The Association, British Extraparliamentary Political Organization, 1769-1793, Eugene Charlton Black
Reviewed by Donald Grove Barnes

pp. 597-598

Recruits to Labour: The British Labour Party, 1914-1931, Catherine Ann Cline
Reviewed by Richard W. Lyman

pp. 598-600

Alliance Against Hitler: The Origins of the Franco-Soviet Pact, William Evans Scott
Reviewed by Stephen F. Cohen

pp. 600-602

The Fall of the House of Habsburg, Edward Crankshaw
Reviewed by Robert A. Kann

pp. 602-604

Diplomat Among Warriors, Robert Murphy
Reviewed by A. J. P. Taylor

pp. 604-606

The Press and Foreign Policy, Bernard C. Cohen
Reviewed by Louis M. Lyons

pp. 606-608

The White House Years, Volume I: Mandate for Change, 1953-1956, Dwight D. Eisenhower
Reviewed by James MacGregor Burns

pp. 608-609

Philip Schuyler and the American Revolution in New York, 1773-1777, Don R. Gerlach
Reviewed by Robert Livingston Schuyler

pp. 609-612

Essay on Apportionment and Representative Government, Alfred de Grazia ; Congressional Districting, The Issue of Equal Representation, Andrew Hacker
Reviewed by Paul T. David

pp. 612-614

The American Federal Executive: A Study of the Social and Personal Characteristics of the Civilian and Military Leaders of the United States Federal Government, W. Lloyd Warner, Paul P. Van Riper, Norman H. Martin and Orvis F. Collins
Reviewed by Bernard Barber

pp. 614-616

Politics and Conservation: The Decline of the Alaska Salmon, Richard A. Cooley
Reviewed by E. L. Bartlett

pp. 616-617

The Great Rights, Edmond Cahn ; An Autobiography of the Supreme Court, Alan F. Westin
Reviewed by Norman Dorsen

pp. 617-619

Beyond the Melting Pot: The Negroes, Puerto Ricans, Jews, Italians, and Irish of New York City, Nathan Glazer and Daniel Patrick Moynihan
Reviewed by Robert D. Cross

pp. 619-621

Eugenics: Hereditarian Attitudes in American Thought, Mark H. Haller
Reviewed by Theodosius Dobzhansky

pp. 621-623

Cuba: The Economic and Social Revolution, Dudley Seers, Andres Bianchi, Richard Jolly and Max Nolff
Reviewed by Theodore Draper

pp. 623-625

Power and Stability in Nigeria: The Politics of Decolonization, Henry L. Bretton ; The Nigerian Political Scene, Taylor Cole and Robert O. Tillman
Reviewed by Manfred Halpern

pp. 625-626

`Mau Mau' Detainee, Josiah Mwangi Kariuki
Reviewed by William H. Friedland

pp. 626-628

The Military in the Middle East: Problems in Society and Government, Sydney Nettleton Fisher
Reviewed by Juan J. Linz

pp. 628-629

Law and Organization in World Society, Kenneth S. Carlston
Reviewed by Leland M. Goodrich

pp. 629-631

Discord and Collaboration, Arnold Wolfers
Reviewed by René Albrecht-Carrié

pp. 631-632

Trade Blocs and Common Markets, Sidney Dell
Reviewed by Goran Ohlin

pp. 632-634

Politics and Economics: Papers in Political Economy, Lord Robbins
Reviewed by Joseph Dorfman

pp. 634-635

Generalization in the Writing of History: A Report of the Committee on Historical Analysis of the Social Science Research Council, Louis Gottschalk
Reviewed by Terence K. Hopkins

pp. 635-638

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