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Volume 29 - Number 3 - September 1914

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The French Administrative Courts
Leon Duguit

pp. 385-407

The Russian Duma
E. A. Goldenweiser

pp. 408-422

John William Perrin

pp. 423-437

The Development of the American Census Office since 1890
Walter F. Willcox

pp. 438-459

Unfair Competition

pp. 460-490

Toombs and Stevens

pp. 491-499

Carl Schurz
Carl Russell Fish

pp. 500-505

The New Freedom: A Call for the Emancipation of the Generous Energies of a People, Woodrow Wilson
Reviewed by Charles A. Beard

pp. 506-507

The New Democracy, Walter E. Weyl
Reviewed by E. M. Sait

pp. 508-509

The Theory of Social Revolutions, Brooks Adams
Reviewed by Thomas Reed Powell

pp. 510-512

The American Doctrine of Judicial Supremacy, Charles Grove Haines
Reviewed by Howard Lee McBain

pp. 513-516

The Validity of Rate Regulations, State and Federal, Robert P. Reeder
Reviewed by Robert L. Hale

pp. 516-519

Canada's Federal System: Being a Treatise on Canadian Constitutional Law under the British North America Act, A. H. F. Lefroy
Reviewed by Edward Porritt

pp. 520-521

History of Canadian Wealth, Gustavus Myers
Reviewed by Edward Porritt

pp. 522-523

Recollections of Sixty Years, Charles Tupper
Reviewed by Edward Porritt

pp. 523-524

A History of University Reform from 1800 to the Present Time with Suggestions towards a Complete Scheme for the University of Cambridge, A. I. Tillyard
Reviewed by Annie G. Porritt

pp. 525-528

Democracy and Race Friction, John Moffatt Mecklin
Reviewed by Franklin Johnson

pp. 528-530

Luxus und Kapitalismus, Werner Sombart ; Krieg und Kapitalismus, Werner Sombart
Reviewed by Lindley M. Keasbey

pp. 531-534

La Protection Legale des Travailleurs aux Etats-Unis, Maurice Dewavrin and Georges Lecarpentier ; Traite des Retraites Ouvrieres, P. Pinot and J. Comolettirman ; L'Acheteur: Les Ligves Sociales d'Acheteurs, Maurice Deslandres ; Le Protectionnisme Ouvrier, Giuseppe Prato and Georges Bourguin
Reviewed by George E. Barnett

pp. 534-536

The Occupational Diseases: Their Causation, Symptoms, Treatment, and Prevention, W. Gilman Thompson
Reviewed by Henry R. Seager

pp. 536-538

Die Formen des Wirtschaftlichen Kampfes (Streik, Boykott, Aussperrung u. s. w). Eine Volkswirtschaftliche Untersuchung auf dem Gebiete der Gegenwartigen Arbeitspolitik, G. Schwittau
Reviewed by G. G. Groat

pp. 538-539

The Cause of Business Depressions as Disclosed by an Analysis of the Basic Principles of Economics, Hugo Bilgram and Louis Edward Levy
Reviewed by Wesley C. Mitchell

pp. 539-541

Business Organization and Combination, Lewis H. Haney

pp. 541-543

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