Content in

Volume 29 - Number 4 - December 1914

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Physical Valuation of Railroads
W. Z. Ripley

pp. 569-599

The New Freedom in Commerce
Henry Raymond Mussey

pp. 600-625

The West Virginia Coal Strike
Lawrence R. Lynch

pp. 626-663

Pan-Slavism and European Politics
Louis Levine

pp. 664-686

The War of the Nations
Carlton Hayes

pp. 687-707

Record of Political Events
E. M. Sait, Lewis Mayers

pp. 726-760

Judicial Interpretation of Political Theory, William Bennett Bizzell
Reviewed by Robert E. Cushman

pp. 708-710

The Department of State of the United States, Gaillard Hunt
Reviewed by Charles A. Beard

pp. 710-711

The Britannic Question, Richard Jebb
Reviewed by R. L. Schuyler

pp. 711-713

The Mexican People: Their Struggle for Freedom, L. Gutierrez de Lara and Edgcumb Pinchon
Reviewed by Roscoe R. Hill

pp. 713-714

Lincoln, Labor and Slavery, Herman Schlüter
Reviewed by Louis Levine

pp. 715-716

The Life and Letters of Harrison Gray Otis, Samuel Eliot Morison
Reviewed by Charles A. Beard

pp. 716-718

The House of Lords in the Reign of William III, A. S. Turberville
Reviewed by Edward Porritt

pp. 718-719

A History of Emigration from the United Kingdom to North America, 1763-1912, Stanley C. Johnson
Reviewed by Edward Porritt

pp. 719-720

Insurance and the State, W. F. Gephart
Reviewed by Bruce D. Mudgett

pp. 721-722

The Export of Capital, C. K. Hobson
Reviewed by H. R. Mussey

pp. 722-724

Histoire du Commerce Francais dans le Levant au XVIIIe Siecle, Paul Masson
Reviewed by Simon Litman

pp. 724-725

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