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Volume 134 - Number 4 - Winter 2019–20

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The Soviet Legacy in Russian Foreign Policy
Mark Kramer explores formal and informal aspects of the Soviet legacy in the making and nature of Russian foreign policy. He argues that the Russian government has departed from Soviet foreign policy on few matters, but most of it shows a good deal of continuity.

pp. 585-609

Striking a Blow for Unity? Race and Economics in the 2010 New Orleans Mayoral Election
MAREK STEEDMAN, ILIYAN ILIEV, Marcus Coleman, and Allan McBride analyze the 2010 New Orleans mayoral election. They find that racial, economic, and partisan context affected voting behavior. They argue that analytical approaches that account for the effects of social context on political behavior are important to understanding urban politics.

pp. 611-640

Process Learning in Foreign Policy: From the Bay of Pigs to the Berlin Crisis
Rebecca Friedman Lissner introduces the concept of foreign policy “process learning” and applies it to a comparative case study of the Bay of Pigs invasion and the Berlin crisis in the first year of the Kennedy administration. She argues that under certain conditions leaders can and do learn from foreign policy failures.

pp. 641-673

How Foreign Policy Shapes American National Identity
PAUL T. McCARTNEY discusses how foreign policy has shaped American national identity. He argues that American national identity has changed since the nation’s founding and that foreign policy contributed to this evolution.

pp. 675-709

The Symbolic Politics of Poverty in the United States: A Review Essay
Elizabeth Rigby reviews two recently published books on the politics of poverty in the United States: Lawrence J. McAndrews’s The Presidents and the Poor: America Battles Poverty 1964-2017 and Kristina C. Miler’s Poor Representation: Congress and the Politics of Poverty in the United States. Rigby argues that the books highlight that while policymakers continue calls for action on the issue of poverty, the actual policy response has been limited and the problem of poverty remains largely unsolved.

pp. 711-717

Face-to-Face Diplomacy: Social Neuroscience and International Relations, Marcus Holmes
Reviewed by David Traven

pp. 719-720

Billionaires and Stealth Politics, Benjamin I. Page, Jason Seawright and Matthew J. Lacombe
Reviewed by David Szakonyi

pp. 720-722

How Democracy Ends, David Runciman
Reviewed by Tom Ginsburg

pp. 722-723

Quest for Status: Chinese and Russian Foreign Policy, Deborah Welch Larson and Alexei Shevchenko
Reviewed by Steven Ward

pp. 723-725

Currency Statecraft: Monetary Rivalry and Geopolitical Ambition, Benjamin J. Cohen
Reviewed by Daniel McDowell

pp. 725-726

Who Fights for Reputation: The Psychology of Leaders in International Conflict, Keren Yarhi-Milo
Reviewed by Marcus Holmes

pp. 727-728

The Myth of Coequal Branches: Restoring the Constitution’s Separation of Functions, David Siemers
Reviewed by Lauren Mattioli

pp. 728-729

The Unsolid South: Mass Politics and National Representation in a One-Party Enclave, Devin Caughey
Reviewed by Zachary D. Baumann

pp. 730-731

Advising the President: Attorney General Robert H. Jackson and Franklin D. Roosevelt, William R. Casto
Reviewed by Austin Trantham

pp. 731-733

Women Take Their Place in State Legislatures: The Creation of Women’s Caucuses, Anna Mitchell Mahoney
Reviewed by Julia Marin Hellwege

pp. 733-734

Starving the Beast: Ronald Reagan and the Tax Cut Revolution, Monica Prasad
Reviewed by Christopher Faricy

pp. 734-736

Changing Cultures in Congress: From Fair Play to Power Plays, Donald R. Wolfensberger
Reviewed by Ryan D. Williamson

pp. 736-737

The Six-Shooter State: Public and Private Violence in American Politics, Jonathan Obert
Reviewed by Melissa K. Merry

pp. 737-739

From Criminalizing to Decriminalizing Marijuana: The Politics of Social Control, Nikolay Anguelov
Reviewed by Daniel J. Mallinson

pp. 739-740

Perceptions of a Polarized Court: How Division among Justices Shapes the Supreme Court’s Public Image, Michael F. Salamone
Reviewed by Christopher N. Krewson

pp. 741-742

The Rise of the Alt-Right, Thomas J. Main
Reviewed by George Hawley

pp. 742-744

Who Donates in Campaigns? The Importance of Message, Messenger, Medium, and Structure, David B. Magleby, Jay Goodliffe and Joseph A. Olsen
Reviewed by Bertram Johnson

pp. 744-745

The Eye of War: Military Perception from the Telescope to the Drone, Antoine Bousquet

pp. 745-747

Drones and Support for the Use of Force, James Igoe Walsh and Marcus Schulzke
Reviewed by Avery Plaw

pp. 747-748

India and Nuclear Asia: Forces, Doctrine, and Dangers, Yogesh Joshi and Frank O’Donnell
Reviewed by Jason A. Kirk

pp. 748-750

Rebranding China: Contested Status Signaling in the Changing Global Order, Xiaoyu Pu
Reviewed by Evan S. Medeiros

pp. 750-751

Weapon of Peace: How Religious Liberty Combats Terrorism, Nilay Saiya
Reviewed by Lorne L. Dawson

pp. 752-753

The Final Act: The Helsinki Accords and the Transformation of the Cold War, Michael Cotey Morgan
Reviewed by Susan Colbourn

pp. 753-754

Covert Regime Change: America’s Secret Cold War, Lindsey A. O’Rourke
Reviewed by Michael Poznansky

pp. 755-756

Pursuing Moral Warfare: Ethics in American, British, and Israeli Counterinsurgency, Marcus Schulzke
Reviewed by Steven Metz

pp. 756-758

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