Content in

Volume 114 - Number 4 - Winter 1999-00

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Russian Foreign Policy and the West
Paul Kubicek analyzes crucial cases of Russian-Western interaction after the Cold War to determine whether foreign policy interests or domestic politics better explain Russian foreign policy. He argues that domestic politics has affected rhetoric much more than policy, and that Russian policy responds predictably to constraints and opportunities in the international environment.

pp. 547-568

The Paradox of Clinton Winning and the Presidency Losing
Richard M. Pious describes a paradoxical outcome of the Clinton impeachment: the president staved off personal catastrophe and inflicted political damage on his opponents, but did so at the expense of the institutional protections of testimonial privilege, a result that will be damaging to the presidential office in the future.

pp. 569-593

Getting into the Black: Race, Wealth, and Public Policy
Dalton Conley examines the causes and consequences of the black-white asset gap in the United States. He argues that it is wealth, more than any other measure of socio-economic well being, that captures the nature of racial inequality in the post-civil rights era. Conley discusses policy implications that may be used to address such "equity inequity."

pp. 595-612

A Constitutional Pied Piper: The Norther Irish Good Friday Agreement
Andrew Reynolds finds parallels between the crafting of the Northern Irish God Friday agreement and the experiences of South Africa and Zimbabwe which made the journey from unstable mi nority rule to majority re-incorporation. He argues that if the Good Friday power-sharing arrangements are transitional, one logical, but politically sensitive, ultimate destination for the peace process is the reunification of Ireland.

pp. 613-637

Political Parties and Candidate Selection in Venezuela and Colombia
John D. Martz focuses on presidential candidate selection in Venezuela and Colombia to explore the hypothesis that prevailing political party elites seek to preserve their organizational domination even while voicing rhetorical commitment to grass roots participation. He concludes that both informal and institutional mechanisms mirror the continuing determination of party elites to finesse popular demands for internal party democratization.

pp. 639-659

The Mexican-American Diaspora's Impact on Mexico
Yossi Shain discusses the changing relations between home countries and their diasporic kin with particular emphasis on the role of diasporas in the construction and reconstruction of national identity in their homeland. He explores how the rapprochement between Mexico and its U.S.-based diaspora after years of estrangement has led to homeland's changing perception of itself.

pp. 661-691


pp. 725-727

Years of Renewal, Henry Kissinger
Reviewed by Walter LaFeber

pp. 693-694

Choosing War: The Lost Chance for Peace and the Escalation of War in Vietnam, Fredrik Logevall
Reviewed by Richard Ned Lebow

pp. 694-696

Crime, Public Opinion, and Civil Liberties: The Tolerant Public, Shmuel Lock
Reviewed by Greg M. Shaw

pp. 696-697

War and Press Freedom: The Problem of Prerogative Power, Jeffery A. Smith
Reviewed by Louis Fisher

pp. 697-698

Democratic Politics in Latin America and the Caribbean, Jorge I. DomĂ­nguez
Reviewed by Marifeli Perez-Stable

pp. 698-699

Interpreting NAFTA: The Science and Art of Political Analysis, Frederick W. Mayer
Reviewed by Sidney Weintraub

p. 700

All Too Human: A Political Education, George Stephanopoulos
Reviewed by Anthony King

p. 701

Coercive Military Strategy, Stephen J. Cimbala
Reviewed by Tamara Cofman Wittes

pp. 702-703

The New Dollars and Dreams: American Incomes and Economic Change, Frank Levy
Reviewed by Hugh Heclo

pp. 703-704

The Unions and the Democrats: An Enduring Alliance, Taylor E. Dark
Reviewed by John C. Gerring

pp. 704-706

The Idea of Public Journalism, Theodore L. Glasser, ed.
Reviewed by John J. Smee

pp. 706-707

Why Americans Hate Welfare: Race, Media, and the Politics of Antipoverty Policy, Martin Gilens
Reviewed by Phillip L. Gianos

pp. 707-708

Housing and Community Development in New York City, Michael H. Schill, ed.
Reviewed by Ralph Nunez

pp. 708-709

Shifting the Color Line: Race and the American Welfare State, Robert C. Lieberman
Reviewed by Desmond King

pp. 709-710

Party Formation and Democratic Transition in Spain: The Creation and Collapse of the Union of the Democratic Centre, Jonathan Hopkin
Reviewed by Gerard Alexander

pp. 710-711

Television News and the Supreme Court, Elliot E. Slotnick and Jennifer A. Segal
Reviewed by David L. Paletz

pp. 711-713

Green Parties and Politics in the European Union, Elizabeth Bomberg
Reviewed by Nancy Quirk

pp. 713-714

Entangling Relations: American Foreign Policy in Its Century, David A. Lake
Reviewed by Timothy W. Crawford

pp. 714-716

Sovereignty: Organized Hypocrisy, Stephen D. Krasner
Reviewed by Fred H. Lawson

pp. 716-717

Drug Politics: Dirty Money and Democracies, David C. Jordan
Reviewed by Cathy Schneider

pp. 717-719

National Collective Identity: Social Constructs and International Systems, Rodney Bruce Hall
Reviewed by Robert Latham

pp. 719-720

Technology Transfer, Dependence, and Self-Reliance in the Third World: The Pharmaceutical and Machine Tool Industries in India, Sunil K. Sahu
Reviewed by Christopher Candland

pp. 720-721

Ideas and Economic Policy in Latin America: Regional, National, and Organizational Case Studies, Anil Hira
Reviewed by Alfred P. Montero

pp. 721-722

State Building and Late Development, David Waldner
Reviewed by Ellis Goldberg

pp. 722-723

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