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Volume 12 - Number 1 - March 1897

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James Wilson in the Philadelphia Convention
Andrew C. McLaughlin

pp. 1-20

Four German Jurists. III
Munroe Smith

pp. 21-62

The Process of Social Change
Charles H. Cooley

pp. 63-81

Some Problems of Classification in Public Finance
Carl C. Plehn

pp. 82-92

An Analysis of Agricultural Discontent in the United States. III
C. F. Emerick

pp. 93-127

Journeymen's Clubs

pp. 128-140

Economics: An Account of the Relations between Private Property and Public Welfare, Arthur Twining Hadley
Reviewed by Richmond Mayo-Smith

pp. 141-146

Wages and Capital; an Examination of the Wages Fund Doctrine, F. W. Taussig
Reviewed by Frank A. Fetter

pp. 146-151

Uebersichten der Weltwirtschaft, F. X. von Neumann-Spallart and Franz von Juraschek
Reviewed by Richmond Mayo-Smith

pp. 151-153

Introduction to Public Finance, Carl C. Plehn
Reviewed by Max West

pp. 153-154

Finanztheoretische Untersuchungen nebst Darstellung und Kritik des Steuerwesens Schwedens, Knut Wicksell
Reviewed by Carl C. Plehn

pp. 155-156

The Labour Question in Britain, Paul de Rousiers, Henri de Tourville and F. L. D. Herbertson ; La Question Ouvriere en Angleterre, Paul de Rousiers and Henri de Tourville ; Le Trade-Unionisme en Angleterre, Paul de Rousiers
Reviewed by E. R. A. Seligman

pp. 156-158

The Theory of the Divine Right of Kings, J. Neville Figgis
Reviewed by W. W. Willoughby

pp. 158-160

Government and Parties in Continental Europe, A. Lawrence Lowell
Reviewed by J. W. Burgess

pp. 161-163

A History of Political Parties in the United States. Vol. I, J. P. Gordy
Reviewed by Frederick J. Turner

pp. 163-164

History of the Impeachment of Andrew Johnson, President of the United States, Edmund G. Ross
Reviewed by Charles Ernest Chadsey

pp. 165-166

The Trent Affair, including a Review of English and American Relations at the Beginning of the Civil War, Thomas L. Harris
Reviewed by J. B. Moore

pp. 167-168

The Province of Quebec and the Early American Revolution, Victor Coffin
Reviewed by Herbert L. Osgood

pp. 169-171

Select Cases from the Coroner's Rolls, A.D. 1215-1413, with a Brief Account of the History of the Office of Coroner, Charles Gross
Reviewed by Charles M. Andrews

pp. 171-174

The Development of the French Monarchy under Louis VI, James Westfall Thompson
Reviewed by George Louis Beer

pp. 175-177

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