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Volume 11 - Number 4 - December 1896

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A Permanent Census Bureau
Richmond Mayo-Smith

pp. 589-600

An Analysis of Agricultural Discontent in the United States. II
C. F. Emerick

pp. 601-639

Representative Institutions in British Trade-Unionism
Sidney Webb, Beatrice Webb

pp. 640-671

The Law of Annexed Territory
James Lowndes

pp. 672-693

The Corporation as a Form of Colonial Government. III
Herbert L. Osgood

pp. 694-715

The Destinies of Democracy
Franklin H. Giddings

pp. 716-731

Record of Political Events

pp. 764-788

A Preliminary Treatise on Evidence at the Common Law: Development of Trial by Jury, James Bradley Thayer
Reviewed by Munroe Smith

pp. 732-734

L'Idee de l'Etat, Henry Michel

pp. 734-738

La Ensenanza de la Historia, Rafael Altamira
Reviewed by George Louis Beer

pp. 738-741

The Writings of Thomas Paine, Moncure Daniel Conway
Reviewed by Lester G. Bugbee

pp. 741-742

Social Changes in England in the Sixteenth Century, as Reflected in Contemporary Literature:Rural Changes, Edward P. Cheyney
Reviewed by Charles M. Andrews

pp. 742-744

Staatswissenschaftliche Arbeiten: Festgaben fur Karl Knies zur Funfundsiebzigsten Wiederkehr seines Geburtstages, in Dankbarer Verehrung Dargebracht, J. B. Clark, Eugen von Böhm-Bawerk and O. von Boenigk
Reviewed by J. H. Hollander

pp. 744-746

Cours Elementaire de Statistique Administrative, Jacques Bertillon
Reviewed by Richmond Mayo-Smith

pp. 748-750

Cours d'Economie Politique, Georges Blanchard
Reviewed by J. B. Clark

pp. 750-751

Das Einkommen und seine Vertheilung, Friedrich Kleinwaechter
Reviewed by T. N. Carver

pp. 751-753

Der Arbeiterschutz: Seine Theorie und Politik, Kuno Frankenstein
Reviewed by F. B. Hartranft

pp. 753-754

Race Traits and Tendencies of the American Negro, Frederick L. Hoffman
Reviewed by Gary N. Calkins

pp. 754-757

On the Structure of Greek Tribal Society: An Essay, Hugh E. Seebohm
Reviewed by W. J. Ashley

pp. 757-758

La Criminalite Politique, Louis Proal
Reviewed by Franklin H. Giddings

pp. 758-761

Hamburg und England im Zeitalter der Konigin Elisabeth, Richard Ehrenberg
Reviewed by George Louis Beer

pp. 761-763

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