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Volume 111 - Number 2 - Summer 1996

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The 1994 House Elections in Perspective
Gary C. Jacobson examines the 1994 House elections. He finds that although House elections were nationalized to a greater extent than they had been in decades, local variation was as pronounced as ever, and for the usual reasons: incumbency, the quality of challengers, campaign spending, and the interaction of national issues with local circumstances. He argues that the Democrats' loss of majority status has altered the strategic environment, leaving Republicans in a better competitive position than at any time since the New Deal realignment.

pp. 203-223

Dismantling the Federal Safety Net: Fictions Versus Realities
Demetrios Caraley shows that arguments for dismantling the federal social safety net and devolving parts of it to the states have been based on six major claims about reality, but that five of those claims are fictional and the sixth only partially true. Nevertheless, he concludes that the forces for dismantling the safety net and for cutting the federal government's revenues to make it constantly broke have formidable staying power and may eventually succeed in weakening the federal government as an effective instrument of governance.

pp. 225-258

Ten Balances for Weighing UN Reform Proposals
Bruce Russett offers various criteria by which one might evaluate proposals for restructuring the United Nations, including those in a Ford Foundation sponsored report on the future of the international organization.

pp. 259-269

Second Coming: The Strategies of the New Christian Right
Mark J. Rozell and Clyde Wilcox investigate the political strategies and grassroots activities of the Christian Right movement in Virginia and assess the potential for that movement to expand its impact on Republican Party politics and public policy more generally.

pp. 271-294

Technocrats and Mexico's Political Elite
Juan D. Lindau looks at the impact of technocratization on the ruling style of Mexico's political elite. He argues that most of the effects commonly linked to the rise to power of technocrats have not in fact occurred because of the authoritarian nature of the Mexican political system

pp. 295-322

Sino-Indian Rapproachement and the Sino-Pakistan Entente
John W. Garver traces the improvement of Chinese-Indian relations during the late 1980s. He concludes that Sino-Indian rapprochement has affected Pakistan-Chinese relations only around the margins and that the core of the Sino-Pakistan entente remains solid.

pp. 323-347

Totalitarianism: The Inner History of the Cold War, Abbott Gleason
Reviewed by Andrzej Walicki

pp. 349-350

Diplomacy in the Former Soviet Republics, James P. Nichol
Reviewed by Mark N. Katz

pp. 350-351

The Korean War: An International History, William Stueck
Reviewed by Robert Jervis

pp. 351-352

The FDR Years: On Roosevelt and His Legacy, William E. Leuchtenburg
Reviewed by Michael B. Stoff

pp. 352-353

Securing the Covenant: United States-Israel Relations after the Cold War, Bernard Reich
Reviewed by Robert O. Freedman

pp. 354-355

The Disenchanted Isle: Mrs. Thatcher's Capitalist Revolution, Charles Dellheim
Reviewed by Leon D. Epstein

pp. 355-356

Satellites and Commissars: Strategy and Conflict in the Politics of Soviet- Bloc Trade, Randall W. Stone
Reviewed by Alan Rousso

pp. 356-357

The Clash with Distant Cultures: Values, Interests, and Force in American Foreign Policy, Richard J. Payne
Reviewed by Frank Ninkovich

pp. 357-358

Paths of Emancipation: Jews, States, and Citizenship, Ira Katznelson and Pierre Birnbaum
Reviewed by Irving Katz

pp. 359-360

Currency and Coercion: The Political Economy of International Monetary Power, Jonathan Kirshner
Reviewed by Benjamin J. Cohen

pp. 360-361

Congress, The Press, and the Public, Norman J. Ornstein and Thomas E. Mann
Reviewed by Stephanie Greco Larson

pp. 361-362

CA$H CLOUT: Political Money in Illinois Legislative Elections, Kent D. Redfield
Reviewed by M. Margaret Conway

pp. 362-363

Facing Up to the American Dream: Race, Class, and the Soul of the Nation, Jennifer Hochschild
Reviewed by Kay Lehman Schlozman

pp. 363-364

Turning Back: The Retreat From Racial Justice in American Thought and Policy, Stephen Steinberg
Reviewed by Steven Michael Teles

pp. 364-365

Turning Right in the Sixties: The Conservative Capture of the GOP, Mary C. Brennan
Reviewed by John J. Pitney, Jr.

pp. 366-367

Five Years After: The Long-Term Effects of Welfare to Work Programs, Daniel Friedlander and Gary Burtless
Reviewed by Dona Cooper Hamilton

pp. 367-368

Safety Net: Welfare and Social Security, 1929-1979, Blanche D. Coll
Reviewed by Nancy K. Cauthen

pp. 368-369

Roads to Dominion: Right-Wing Movements and Political Power in the United States, Sara Diamond
Reviewed by James Aho

pp. 369-370

Public Attitudes towards Church and State, Clyde Wilcox and Ted G. Jelen
Reviewed by Andrew Greeley

pp. 370-371

The Hudnut Years in Indianapolis, 1976-1991, William H. Hudnut III
Reviewed by Wilbur C. Rich

p. 372

Fighting Words: Individuals, Communities, and Liberties of Speech, Kent Greenawalt
Reviewed by Frank J. Macchiarola

pp. 373-374

The Anti-Federalists and Early American Political Thought, Christopher M. Duncan
Reviewed by Andrew Cayton

pp. 374-375

To Serve these Rights: The Declaration of Independence and Constitutional Interpretation, Scott Douglas Gerber
Reviewed by Keith J. Bybee

pp. 375-376

Clarence Thomas and the Tough Love Crowd: Counterfeit Heroes and Unhappy Truths, Ronald Suresh Roberts
Reviewed by John Gruhl

pp. 376-377

Post-Passage Politics: Bicameral Resolution in Congress, Stephen D. Van Beek
Reviewed by Barry Rundquist

pp. 377-378

The Growth of American Government: Governance from the Cleveland Era to the Present, Ballard C. Campbell
Reviewed by Thomas R. Dye

pp. 378-379

Autonomy or Power? The Franco-German Relationship and Europe's Strategic Choices, 1955-1995, Stephen A. Kocs
Reviewed by Thomas U. Berger

pp. 379-380

Economic Transition and Political Legitimacy in Post-Mao China: Ideology and Reform, Feng Chen
Reviewed by Joseph Fewsmith

pp. 380-381

Poverty and Inequality in Latin America: The Impact of Adjustment and Recovery in the 1980s, Samuel A. Morley
Reviewed by Cathy Lisa Schneider

pp. 381-382

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