Content in

Volume 10 - Number 2 - June 1895

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The Modern Use of Injunctions
F. J. Stimson

pp. 189-202

Static and Dynamic Sociology
Lester F. Ward

pp. 203-220

The Income Tax in the American Colonies and States

pp. 221-247

Is the Senate Unfairly Constituted?
S. E. Moffett

pp. 248-256

Kossuth: A Sketch of a Revolutionist. II
John Bassett Moore

pp. 257-291

A Triad of Political Conceptions: State, Sovereign, Government
Charles Malcom Platt

pp. 292-323

Record of Political Events

pp. 362-388

The Evolution of Modern Capitalism, John A. Hobson
Reviewed by George Gunton

pp. 324-328

The Umemployed, Geoffrey Drage
Reviewed by A. Cleveland Hall

pp. 328-332

Trusts or Industrial Combinations in the United States, Ernst von Halle
Reviewed by Jeremiah W. Jenks

pp. 332-333

Sir William Petty; a Study in English Economic Literature, Wilson Lloyd Bevan
Reviewed by Charles H. Hull

pp. 334-338

La Teoria del Salario nel Concetto dei Principali Economisti, Aldo Contento
Reviewed by F. W. Taussig

pp. 338-340

Traite d'Economie Sociale, ou l'Economie Politique coordonnee au Point de Vue du Progres, A. Ott
Reviewed by Edward Cummings

pp. 340-343

The Lowell Lectures on the Ascent of Man, Henry Drummond
Reviewed by Max West

pp. 343-344

Social England, H. D. Traill
Reviewed by W. J. Ashley

pp. 344-346

Wealth and Moral Law, E. Benjamin Andrews
Reviewed by John Graham Brooks

pp. 347-348

Gouverneur Morris, Theodore Roosevelt

pp. 348-350

London and the Kingdom, Reginald R. Sharpe
Reviewed by Charles Gross

pp. 350-352

The Meaning of History and Other Historical Pieces, Frederic Harrison
Reviewed by H. Morse Stephens

pp. 352-355

The Historical Development of the Jury System, Maximus A. Lesser
Reviewed by Munroe Smith

pp. 355-358

State Papers Relating to the Defeat of the Spanish Armada, J. K. Laughton
Reviewed by W. F. Tilton

pp. 358-361

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