Content in

Volume 10 - Number 1 - March 1895

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Municipal Home Rule
Frank J. Goodnow

pp. 1-21

The Housing of the Working Classes in London
Edward Porritt

pp. 22-43

A New Statement of the Law of Population
Simon N. Patten

pp. 44-61

Legislation Against Futures
Henry Crosby Emery

pp. 62-86

Municipal Electric Lighting in Chicago

pp. 87-94

Kossuth: A Sketch of a Revolutionist. I
John Bassett Moore

pp. 95-131

The Anglo-Saxon Courts of Law
Frank Zinkeisen

pp. 132-144

The History of Trade Unionism, Sidney Webb and Beatrice Webb

pp. 145-148

La Popolazione e il Sistema Sociale, Francesco S. Nitti
Reviewed by Arthur T. Hadley

p. 149

Trusts, Pools and Combinations, as Affecting Commerce and Industry, J. Stephen Jeans
Reviewed by Ernst von Halle

pp. 150-151

Eight Hours for Work, John Rae
Reviewed by George Gunton

pp. 152-155

Die Arbeitsverfassung der Englischen Kolonien in Nord-Amerika, A. Sartorius von Waltershausen
Reviewed by Lindley M. Keasbey

pp. 155-156

Geschichte des Antiken Kommunismus und Socialismus, Robert Pöhlmann
Reviewed by H. H. Powers

pp. 156-160

National Life and Character: A Forecast, Charles H. Pearson
Reviewed by F. H. Giddings

pp. 160-162

Ethics of Citizenship, John Maccunn ; The Sphere of the State, Frank Sargent Hoffman ; The Nature of the State, Paul Carus

pp. 162-166

History of the Philosophy of History, Robert Flint
Reviewed by H. L. Osgood

pp. 167-169

Cases and Opinions on International Law, Freeman Snow ; Treaties and Topics in American Diplomacy, Freeman Snow
Reviewed by J. B. Moore

pp. 169-171

Municipal Government in Great Britain, Albert Shaw ; The Englishman at Home: His Responsibilities and Privileges, Edward Porritt
Reviewed by F. J. Goodnow

pp. 171-175

Europe, 1789-1815, H. Morse Stephens ; The Revolutionary and Napoleonic Era, 1789-1815, J. H. Rose
Reviewed by C. E. Chadsey

pp. 175-178

Selections from the Correspondence of Thomas Barclay, formerly British Consul-General at New York, George Lockhart Rives
Reviewed by J. B. Moore

pp. 178-180

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