Content in

Volume 68 - Number 2 - June 1953

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The University Seminar Movement at Columbia University
Frank Tannenbaum

pp. 161-180

The Security of Foreign Petroleum Resources
Samuel Nakasian

pp. 181-202

Notes on the Use of the Word
R. R. Palmer

pp. 203-226

White House Intervention in Labor Disputes
Frank M. Kleiler

pp. 227-240

Human Foundations of the State and Law
James Marshall

pp. 241-248

Land, Debt, and the Man of Property in Classical Athens
M. I. Finley

pp. 249-268

Economic Stability in a Changing World: Essays in Economic Theory and Policy, John H. Williams
Reviewed by Walter W. Stewart

pp. 270-271

The Carthaginian Peace, or the Economic Consequences of Mr. Keynes, Étienne Mantoux
Reviewed by René Albrecht-Carrié

pp. 272-273

The Works and Correspondence of David Ricardo. Vol. I: On the Principles of Political Economy and Taxation. Vol. II: Notes on Malthus's Principles of Political Economy. Vol. III: Pamphlets and Papers, 1809-1811. Vol. IV: Pamphlets and Papers, 1815-1823. Vol. V: Speeches and Evidence, Piero Sraffa and M. H. Dobb
Reviewed by Joseph Dorfman

pp. 274-276

The Development of Economic Thought: Great Economists in Perspective, Henry William Spiegel
Reviewed by Dudley Dillard

pp. 276-278

New Fabian Essays, R. H. S. Crossman and C. R. Attlee
Reviewed by William C. Wilbur

pp. 278-280

The Trend of Government Activity in the United States since 1900, Solomon Fabricant and Robert E. Lipsey
Reviewed by John D. Millett

pp. 280-283

The Struggle for the Mediterranean, 1939-1945, Raymond de Belot and James A. Field
Reviewed by Taraknath Das

pp. 283-285

France under the Fourth Republic, François Goguel
Reviewed by Paul Farmer

pp. 285-286

The New State of Israel, Gerald de Gaury
Reviewed by Salo W. Baron

pp. 287-288

Costa Rica: A Study in Economic Development, Stacy May
Reviewed by Robert J. Alexander

pp. 288-289

Brazil: An Interim Assessment, J. A. Camacho ; Chile: An Outline of Its Geography, Economics, and Politics, Gilbert J. Butland ; Uruguay: South America's First Welfare State, George Pendle
Reviewed by Martin B. Travis

pp. 290-292

Public Administration in Siam, W. D. Reeve ; Public Administration in Ceylon, Charles Collins ; Public Administration in Hong Kong, Charles Collins
Reviewed by Thomas E. Ennis

pp. 292-293

Dizzy: The Life & Personality of Benjamin Disraeli, Earl of Beaconsfield, Hesketh Pearson ; Benjamin Disraeli, Earl of Beaconsfield, Cecil Roth
Reviewed by Robert Livingston Schuyler

pp. 294-297

Abraham Lincoln, Benjamin P. Thomas
Reviewed by Edwin C. Rozwenc

pp. 297-299

The Letters of Theodore Roosevelt. Vol. I: The Years of Preparation, 1868-1898. Vol. II: The Years of Preparation, 1898-1900. Vol. III: The Square Deal, 1901-1903. Vol. IV: The Square Deal, 1903-1905. Vol. V: The Big Stick, 1905-1907. Vol. VI: The Big Stick, 1907-1909, Elting E. Morison
Reviewed by Foster Rhea Dulles

pp. 299-301

Rendezvous with Destiny, Eric F. Goldman
Reviewed by Louis Filler

pp. 301-302

Within Our Power: Perspective for a Time of Peril, Raymond B. Fosdick
Reviewed by Ralph H. Gabriel

pp. 303-304

The American Record in the Far East, 1945-1951, Kenneth Scott Latourette ; The United States and the Far East, 1945-1951, Harold M. Vinacke
Reviewed by John W. Masland

pp. 304-306

The Third Force in China, Carsun Chang
Reviewed by Allen S. Whiting

pp. 306-308

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