Content in

Volume 60 - Number 3 - September 1945

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The Organization of the San Francisco Conference
Grayson Kirk, Lawrence H. Chamberlain

pp. 321-342

On Certain Characteristics of American Democracy
Frank Tannenbaum

pp. 343-350

Justification of Power in Democracy
Mark Vishniak

pp. 351-376

The Prospects for Chinese Democracy
Chi-Yun Chang

pp. 377-384

World Integration and Education
Thomas Woody

pp. 385-411

The Origin and Genesis of the Deadlock Clause of the Australian Constitution
W. Redmond Curtis

pp. 412-424

Clio and Mars
Shepard B. Clough

pp. 425-436

Congress--Diagnosis and Prescription
Lawrence H. Chamberlain

pp. 437-445

Politics and Morals, Benedetto Croce and Salvatore J. Castiglione
Reviewed by René Albrecht-Carrié

pp. 446-450

The Road to Serfdom, Friedrich A. Hayek and John Chamberlain
Reviewed by Antonin Basch

pp. 450-452

The Philosophy of American History. Vol. I: The Historical Field Theory. Vol. II: Periods in American History, Morris Zucker
Reviewed by Robert Livingston Schuyler

pp. 453-456

Big Democracy, Paul H. Appleby
Reviewed by Pendleton Herring

pp. 456-457

Democracy in America, Harold J. Laski, Alexis de Tocqueville, Francis Bowen and Phillips Bradley
Reviewed by Charles S. Sydnor

pp. 457-459

Can Representative Government do the Job?, Thomas K. Finletter and Robert F. Wagner
Reviewed by Lucius Wilmerding

pp. 459-461

A Dynamic World Order, Donald A. MacLean
Reviewed by Richard J. Purcell

pp. 463-465

Woodrow Wilson and the Great Betrayal, Thomas A. Bailey
Reviewed by David S. Muzzey

pp. 465-468

Edward Bellamy, Arthur E. Morgan ; The Philosophy of Edward Bellamy, Arthur E. Morgan
Reviewed by Louis Filler

pp. 468-470

Methodology of the Social Sciences, Felix Kaufmann
Reviewed by C. Wright Mills

pp. 470-472

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