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Volume 60 - Number 2 - June 1945

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Is America the New Holy Alliance?
Nathaniel Peffer

pp. 161-175

Observations on Beveridge's Full Employment in a Free Society and Some Related Matters
William A. Berridge

pp. 176-187

Due Process: Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments
J. H. Leek

pp. 188-204

Labor's Bridgehead: The I. L. O.
Carol Riegelman

pp. 205-221

Financing Social Security
Manuel Gelles

pp. 222-240

Post-War International Commodity Trade: Public Problems and Policies
Wallace Parks

pp. 241-266

More Light on Boss Tweed
Mark D. Hirsch

pp. 267-278

Nationality in History and Politics: A Study of the Psychology and Sociology of National Sentiment and Character, Frederick Hertz

pp. 279-282

Price Making in a Democracy, Edwin G. Nourse
Reviewed by Francis W. Coker

pp. 283-285

International Monetary Cooperation, George N. Halm
Reviewed by I. de Vegh

pp. 285-289

International Tribunals: Past and Future, Manley O. Hudson ; The United States and the World Court, Denna Frank Fleming
Reviewed by Philip C. Jessup

pp. 289-292

Legal Effects of War, Arnold Duncan McNair
Reviewed by Charles Cheney Hyde

pp. 292-294

The Reconstruction of World Agriculture, Karl Brandt

pp. 294-296

Peace Through Law, Hans Kelsen
Reviewed by James W. Ryan

pp. 296-298

Colonies, Eric A. Walker
Reviewed by Charles Woolsey Cole

pp. 299-300

China Among the Powers, David Nelson Rowe
Reviewed by Lawrence K. Rosinger

pp. 300-301

Representative Bureaucracy: An Interpretation of the British Civil Service, J. Donald Kingsley
Reviewed by J. B. Brebner

pp. 301-303

Trends in European Social Legislation between the Two World Wars, Alexander Lorch
Reviewed by Siegfried Kracauer

pp. 303-304

National Health Insurance: A Critical Study, Hermann Levy
Reviewed by Rainard B. Robbins

pp. 304-305

What the Negro Wants, Rayford W. Logan
Reviewed by Bernhard J. Stern

pp. 306-307

An American Peace, Neil MacNeil
Reviewed by Pennington Haile

pp. 307-308

A Basic History of the United States, Charles A. Beard and Mary R. Beard
Reviewed by John D. Hicks

pp. 308-309

Armistice 1918, Harry R. Rudin
Reviewed by René Albrecht-Carrié

pp. 310-311

Suleiman the Magnificent, 1520-1566, Roger B. Merriman
Reviewed by Taraknath Das

pp. 311-313

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