The Crime of Aggression and the Future of International Law,
Philip C. Jessup
The Equality of States as Dogma and Reality,
Philip C. Jessup
International Tribunals: Past and Future, Manley O. Hudson ;
The United States and the World Court, Denna Frank Fleming
Reviewed by Philip C. Jessup
Making International Law Work, George W. Keeton and Georg Schwarzenberger
Reviewed by Francis Deák
Fontes Juris Gentium: Tomus 2: Digest of the Diplomatic Correspondence of the European States, 1871-1878, Viktor Bruns ;
Politische Vertrage: Eine Sammlung von Urkunden. Traites Politiques: Recueil de Documents. Tome ler: Garantiepakte, Bundnisse, Abkommen uber politische Zusammenarbeit, Nichtangriffs- und Neutralitatsver-trage der Nachkriegszeit. Traites de garantie, d'Alliance, de Collaboration politique, de non-Agression et de Neutralite conclus apres la guerre. Tome II: Materialien zur Entwicklung der Sicherheitsfrage im Rahmen des Volkerbundes. Documentation relative au developpement de la question de la securite dans le cadre de la Societe des Nations, Viktor Bruns
Reviewed by Philip C. Jessup
Great Britain and the Law of Nations: A Selection of Documents Illustrating the Views of the Government in the United Kingdom upon Matters of International Law. Volume II: Territory, Herbert Arthur Smith
Reviewed by Philip C. Jessup
Cases on International Law, Charles G. Fenwick
Reviewed by Philip C. Jessup
World Court Reports. Volume I, 1934, Volume II, 1935, Manley O. Hudson ;
Fontes Juris Gentium: Series A. Tomus 3: Digest of the Decisions of the Permanent Court of International Justice, 1931-1934, Viktor Bruns and Carl Heymanns Verlag
Reviewed by Philip C. Jessup
Reviewed by Philip C. Jessup
The Function of Law in the International Community, H. Lauterpacht
Reviewed by Philip C. Jessup
An Undiplomatic Diary, Harry Hill Bandholtz and Fritz-Konrad Krüger
Reviewed by Francis Deák
Les Nations Contre la Paix, Jacques Lambert
Reviewed by Francis Deák
The Eighteenth Amendment and Our Foreign Relations, Robert L. Jones
Reviewed by Philip C. Jessup
The Early Development of the Law of Contraband of War III,
Philip C. Jessup and
Francis Deak
Fontes Juris Gentium. Series B. Digest of the diplomatic Correspondence of the European States, 1856-1871, Viktor Bruns
Reviewed by Philip C. Jessup
Great Britain and the Law of Nations: A Selection of Documents Illustrating the Views of the Government in the United Kingdom upon Matters of International Law. Volume I: States, Herbert Arthur Smith
Reviewed by Philip C. Jessup
International Adjudications: Volume IV: Compensation for Losses and Damages Caused by the Violation of Neutral Rights, and by the Failure to Perform Neutral Duties, John Bassett Moore
Reviewed by Philip C. Jessup
The Early Development of the Law of Contraband of War II,
Philip C. Jessup and
Francis Deák
The Early Development of the Law of Contraband of War I,
Philip C. Jessup and
Francis Deák
The Little Entente, John O. Crane
Reviewed by Francis Deák
Fontes Juris Gentium. Series A. Sectio 1, Tomus 1: Digest of the Decisions of the Permanent Court of International Justice, 1922-1930; Tomus 2: Digest of the Decisions of the Permanent Court of Arbitration, 1902-1928. Sectio 2, Tomus 1: Decisions of the German Supreme Court Relating to International Law, 1879-1929, Viktor Bruns and Carl Heymanns Verlag
Reviewed by Philip C. Jessup
Post-War Treaties for the Pacific Settlement of International Disputes, Max Habicht
Reviewed by Francis Deák
International Adjudications, John Bassett Moore
Reviewed by Philip C. Jessup
The Early Development of the Law of Neutral Rights,
Philip C. Jessup and
Francis Deák
Can Europe Unite?,
Francis Deák
The Dissolution of the Habsburg Monarchy, Oscar Jászi
Reviewed by Francis Deák
A Selection of Cases and Other Readings on the Law of Nations, Edwin DeWitt Dickinson
Reviewed by Philip C. Jessup
Prize Law During the World War. A Study of the Jurisprudence of the Prize Courts, 1914-1924, James Wilford Garner
Reviewed by Philip C. Jessup
Private Law Sources and Analogies of International Law, H. Lauterpacht
Reviewed by Philip C. Jessup