Content in

Volume 25 - Number 2 - June 1910

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The Income-Tax Amendment

pp. 193-219

The Power of Congress to Regulate Commerce
Frank J. Goodnow

pp. 220-256

The Constitutional Status of the District of Columbia
George W. Hodgkin

pp. 257-270

G. W. Botsford

pp. 271-296

The British Labor Party in 1910
Edward Porritt

pp. 297-316

The Payment of Labor Representatives in the British House of Commons
Herbert W. Horwill

pp. 317-327

Economic Aspects of the French Revolution
E. M. Sait

pp. 328-338

Record of Political Events
C. H. Hayes, E. M. Sait

pp. 360-392

Roman Economic Conditions to the Close of the Republic, Edmund Henry Oliver
Reviewed by J. H. Drake

pp. 339-340

Ertrag und Einkommen auf der Grundlage einer rein Subjectiven Wertlehre. Ein Wirtschaftstheoretischer Versuch, Robert Liefmann
Reviewed by Frank A. Fetter

pp. 340-342

Railroad Promotion and Capitalization in the United States, F. A. Cleveland and F. W. Powell ; Railroad Freight Rates, Logan G. McPherson
Reviewed by Emory R. Johnson

pp. 342-344

L'Expansion des Banques Allemandes a l'Etranger: Ses Rapports avec le Developpement Economique de l'Allemagne, Georges Diouritch ; Das Deutsche Wechseldiskontgeschaft. Mit Besonderer Berucksichtigung des berliner Geldmarkts, W. Prion ; Das Russische Bankwesen, Rudolf Claus
Reviewed by W. A. Scott

pp. 345-350

State Insurance: A Social and Industrial Need, Frank W. Lewis ; Industrial Insurance in the United States, Charles Richmond Henderson
Reviewed by George E. Barnett

pp. 350-351

Insurance Against Unemployment, Joseph L. Cohen
Reviewed by George E. Barnett

pp. 352-353

Statistik und Gesellschaftslehre, George von Mayr
Reviewed by Walter F. Willcox

pp. 353-354

Introduction to Public Finance, Carl C. Plehn
Reviewed by Frank L. McVey

pp. 355-356

La Teoria dei tre Poteri nel Diritto Costituzionale del Nord-America, G. B. Klein
Reviewed by J. M. Mathews

pp. 356-358

Die Strafrechtspflege in Amerika, Adolph Hartmann
Reviewed by Munroe Smith

pp. 358-359

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