Content in

Volume 23 - Number 1 - March 1908

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The Preliminaries to the Labor War in Colorado
Charles Emil Stangeland

pp. 1-17

The Oil Trust and the Government
Francis Walker

pp. 18-46

The Progress of the Filipino People Toward Self-Government
E. W. Kemmerer

pp. 47-74

The Early English Colonial Movement. I
George Louis Beer

pp. 75-94

The Problem of the House of Lords
Herbert W. Horwill

pp. 95-111

Fisher's Capital and Income
Thornstein Veblen

pp. 112-128

The Reconstruction Period, Peter Joseph Hamilton ; The Rise of the New South, Philip Alexander Bruce

pp. 129-132

Life and Public Services of William Pitt Fessenden, Francis Fessenden
Reviewed by Paul Leland Haworth

pp. 132-134

The American Revolution, Charles Howard McIlwain
Reviewed by C. H. Vantyne

pp. 134-136

The Spirit of American Government, J. Allen Smith
Reviewed by Charles A. Beard

pp. 136-137

Trattato di Politica Commerciale, Luigi Fontana-Russo
Reviewed by Alvin S. Johnson

pp. 137-142

Protective and Preferential Import Duties, A. C. Pigou
Reviewed by Henry L. Moore

pp. 143-144

English Local Government from the Revolution to the Municipal Corporations Act: The Parish and the County, Beatrice Webb and Sydney Webb
Reviewed by Charles A. Beard

pp. 144-147

The English Patents of Monopoly, William Hyde Price
Reviewed by G. Unwin

pp. 147-150

The Economy of Happiness, James Mackaye
Reviewed by Royal Meeker

pp. 156-159

Die Okonomische Entwicklung Europas bis zum Beginn der Kapitalistischen Wirtschaftsform: Englische, deutsche, italienische und spanische Wirtschaftsverfassung in der zweiten Halfte des Mittelalters, Maxime Kowalewsky
Reviewed by Gaillard Thomas Lapsley

pp. 162-166

Beitrage zur Wirtschafts- und Sozialgeschichte der Reichsstadt Frankfurt, Friedrich Bothe ; Die Entwickelung der Direkten Besteuerung in der Reichsstadt Frankfurt bis zur Revolution 1612-1614, Friedrich Bothe
Reviewed by Roswell C. McCrea

pp. 167-168

The Greatness and Decline of Rome, G. Ferrero and Alfred E. Zimmern

pp. 168-170

The Return to the Land, Jules MĂ©line and Justin McCarthy
Reviewed by Jesse E. Pope

pp. 171-172

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