Content in

Volume 18 - Number 4 - December 1903

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The Sugar Situation in Austria

pp. 565-598

Monopoly and the Struggles of Classes
John Bates Clark

pp. 599-613

The Division of Governmental Power in Ancient Greece

pp. 614-630

The Growth and Future of State Boards and Commissions
Francis H. White

pp. 631-656

The Friars in the Philippines
James A. LeRoy

pp. 657-680

The Cambridge Modern History
James Harvey Robinson

pp. 681-687

Record of Political Events
James Wilford Garner

pp. 723-751

The New Empire, Brooks Adams
Reviewed by J. T. Shotwell

pp. 688-693

Political Parties and Party Principles in the United States, James Albert Woodburn
Reviewed by C. E. Merriam

pp. 693-695

The Negro in Africa and America, Joseph Alexander Tillinghast

pp. 695-697

Municipal Public Works, S. Whinery

pp. 697-699

Jurisprudence, or the Theory of the Law, John W. Salmond
Reviewed by Munroe Smith

pp. 699-702

Mutual Aid a Factor of Evolution, P. Kropotkin
Reviewed by Vladimir G. Simkhovitch

pp. 702-705

Principles of Economics, Alfred Marshall
Reviewed by Henry R. Seager

pp. 706-710

State Experiments in Australia and New Zealand, William Pember Reeves
Reviewed by A. S. Johnson

pp. 710-713

La Propriete Rurale en France, Flour de Saint-Genis ; La Propriete Fonciere en Belgique, Émile Vandervelde ; Revision des Socialismus, Alfred Nossig
Reviewed by H. C. Taylor

pp. 717-719

Rural England, H. Rider Haggard
Reviewed by C. F. Emerick

pp. 719-721

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