Content in

Volume 18 - Number 3 - September 1903

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The Anthracite Coal Strike and its Settlement
E. Dana Durand

pp. 385-414

A New Theory of Prices

pp. 415-448

The Economic Significance of Culture
Franklin H. Giddings

pp. 449-461

State Control of Trusts
Alton D. Adams

pp. 462-479

Two New Southern Constitutions
Albert E. McKinley

pp. 480-511

The German Judiciary. II
James Wilford Garner

pp. 512-530

Imperialism: a Study, J. A. Hobson
Reviewed by Paul S. Reinsch

pp. 531-533

Stadteverwaltung im Romischen Kaiserreiche, W. Liebenam
Reviewed by Munroe Smith

pp. 533-535

The Correspondence of the Colonial Governors of Rhode Island, 1723-1775, Gertrude Selwyn Kimball
Reviewed by Frank Greene Bates

pp. 536-538

The Aaron Burr Conspiracy, Walter Flavius McCaleb
Reviewed by J. W. Garner

pp. 538-539

Heredity and Social Progress, Simon N. Patten
Reviewed by Gary N. Calkins

pp. 539-541

La Crise Allemande de 1900-1902, André E. Sayous
Reviewed by Edmond Kelly

pp. 542-543

A History of Factory Legislation, Sidney Webb, B. L. Hutchins and A. Harrison
Reviewed by E. Dana Durand

pp. 544-546

Domestic Service, Lucy Maynard Salmon
Reviewed by Mabel Hurd Willett

pp. 546-548

Constructive and Preventive Philanthropy, Joseph Lee and Jacob A. Riis ; Social Salvation, Washington Gladden
Reviewed by Max West

pp. 548-549

Reciprocity, J. Laurence Laughlin and H. Parker Willis
Reviewed by I. M. Rubinow

pp. 554-556

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