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Volume 136 - Number 2 - Summer 2021

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How to Win a “Long Game”: The Voting Rights Act, the Republican Party, and the Politics of Counter-Enforcement
Adrienne Jones and ANDREW POLSKY examine how the Republican Party engaged in counter-enforcement of the Voting Rights Act of 1965, notably during the Reagan and Bush 43 administrations, in an effort to maximize the voting strength of pro-Republican voting constituencies. They argue that sustained counter-enforcement efforts lead to sharp policy oscillations when parties alternate in power and that if a party pursues the long game of persistent counter-enforcement, it may find itself with the opportunity to achieve lasting results.

pp. 215-248

Pugnacious Presidents: Democratic Constitutional Systems and International Conflict
Matthew Kroenig and Madison Schramm analyze how domestic political institutions affect international conflict. Using standard international relations datasets on conflict, they demonstrate that jointly-presidential democratic dyads are over two times more likely to become involved in militarized interstate disputes than other jointly-democratic dyads. They also find that when it comes to lower-level conflicts, jointly-presidential dyads are statistically indistinguishable from nondemocratic dyads. They argue that the results have important implications for our understanding of democratic peace theory and the causes of international conflict.

pp. 249-275

The Life Cycle of Grand Strategies: The Case of the American Shift to Containment
Ilai Z. Saltzman examines the way grand strategies change by identifying their “life-cycle.” He argues that replacing an existing grand strategy is a multiplayer and decentralized process incorporating the ideational inputs of various actors, and that this process is more chaotic, porous, and nonlinear than we tend to think.

pp. 277-310

Economic Sectionalism, Executive-Centered Partisanship, and the Politics of the State and Local Tax Deduction
Nicholas F. Jacobs examines the partisan implications of the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act and its reform of the state and local tax deduction. He argues that fundamental changes in the geographic composition of the electorate and the centrality of presidential politics in the party system explain why the Republican Party reduced one of the most unequal features of the U.S. tax code, but chose not to emphasize its egalitarian consequences.

pp. 311-338

Does Race Stop at the Water’s Edge? Elites, the Public, and Support for Foreign Intervention among White U.S. Citizens over Time
Jon Green examines recent and historical relationships between individuals’ racial attitudes and their support for U.S. foreign policy interventions abroad. He argues that such relationships are persistent over time and are strongest among college-educated citizens, who are likelier to be socialized into elite- level political conflict.

pp. 339-361

Burning Down the House: Newt Gingrich, the Fall of a Speaker, and the Rise of the New Republican Party, Julian E. Zelizer
Reviewed by Emily Baer

pp. 363-364

America’s Inequality Trap, Nathan J. Kelly
Reviewed by Matthew J. Lacombe

pp. 364-366

Uncounted: The Crisis of Voter Suppression in America, Gilda R. Daniels
Reviewed by Melanie J. Springer

pp. 366-367

Meddling in the Ballot Box: The Causes and Effects of Partisan Electoral Intervention, Dov H. Levin
Reviewed by Robert Y. Shapiro

pp. 367-369

A Nation Fragmented: The Public Agenda in the Information Age, Jill A. Edy and Patrick C. Meirick
Reviewed by Edwin Amenta

pp. 369-371

1774: The Long Year of Revolution, Mary Beth Norton
Reviewed by Mark Boonshoft

pp. 371-372

The President and the Supreme Court: Going Public on Judicial Decisions from Washington to Trump, Paul M. Collins Jr. and Matthew Esbaugh-Soha
Reviewed by Alex Acs

pp. 372-374

The Conscientious Justice: How Supreme Court Justices’ Personalities Influence the Law, the High Court, and the Constitution, Ryan Black, Ryan J. Owens, Justin Wedeking and Patrick C. Wohlfarth
Reviewed by Christopher M. Parker

pp. 374-376

Trump and Us: What He Says and Why People Listen, Roderick P. Hart
Reviewed by Nathan Angelo

pp. 376-377

Rough Draft: Cold War Military Manpower Policy and the Origins of Vietnam-Era Draft Resistance, Amy J. Rutenberg
Reviewed by Max Margulies

pp. 377-379

Moral Victories in the Battle for Congress: Cultural Conservatism and the House GOP, Marty Cohen
Reviewed by Jacob R. Neiheisel

pp. 379-380

Medical Necessity: Health Care Access and the Politics of Decision Making, Daniel Skinner
Reviewed by Simon F. Haeder

pp. 381-382

Perchance to DREAM: A Legal and Political History of the DREAM Act and DACA, Michael A. Olivas
Reviewed by Benjamin Francis-Fallon

pp. 382-384

Do Running Mates Matter? The Influence of Vice Presidential Candidates in Presidential Elections, Christopher J. Devine and Kyle C. Kopko
Reviewed by Michael G. Miller

pp. 384-385

Making Social Welfare Policy in America: Three Case Studies Since 1950, Edward D. Berkowitz
Reviewed by Leslie K. Finger

pp. 385-387

Reforming the City: The Contested Origins of Urban Government, 1890–1930, Ariane Liazos
Reviewed by Craig M. Burnett

pp. 387-389

Stagnant Dreamers: How the Inner City Shapes the Integration of Second-Generation Latinos, María G. Rendón
Reviewed by Domingo Morel

pp. 389-390

Strategies for Governing: Reinventing Public Administration for a Dangerous Century, Alasdair Roberts
Reviewed by Iuliia Shybalkina

pp. 390-392

The Power of Accountability: Offices of Inspector General at the State and Local Levels, Robin J. Kempf
Reviewed by Steven Putansu

pp. 392-394

Give and Take: Developmental Foreign Aid and the Pharmaceutical Industry in East Africa, Nitsan Chorev
Reviewed by Jessica Trisko Darden

pp. 394-395

Aiding and Abetting: U.S. Foreign Assistance and State Violence, Jessica Trisko Darden
Reviewed by Shannon P. Carcelli

pp. 395-397

Seeking Legitimacy: Why Arab Autocracies Adopt Women’s Rights, Aili Mari Tripp
Reviewed by Nermin Allam

pp. 397-398

The Pro-Life Pregnancy Help Movement: Serving Women or Saving Babies?, Laura S. Hussey
Reviewed by Joshua C. Wilson

pp. 399-400

Gender Equality and Public Policy: Measuring Progress in Europe, Paola Profeta
Reviewed by Olga Avdeyeva

pp. 400-402

Motherlands: How States Push Mothers Out of Employment, Leah Ruppanner
Reviewed by Claudia Geist

pp. 402-403

Lighting the Way: Federal Courts, Civil Rights, and Public Policy, Douglas Rice
Reviewed by Gbemende Johnson

pp. 403-405

Divided Unions: The Wagner Act, Federalism, and Organized Labor, Alexis N. Walker
Reviewed by Alexander Hertel-Fernandez

pp. 405-407

Russian Cyber Operations: Coding the Boundaries of Conflict, Scott Jasper
Reviewed by Aaron F. Brantly

pp. 407-408

Grocery Activism: The Radical History of Food Cooperatives in Minnesota, Craig B. Upright
Reviewed by David Forrest

pp. 408-410

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