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Volume 132 - Number 4 - Winter 2017–18

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The Case of the Pivot to Asia: System Effects and the Origins of Strategy
NICHOLAS D. ANDERSON and Victor D. Cha discuss the origins of the pivot to Asia, the Obama administration’s strategy in the Asia-Pacific. They argue that the pivot was neither a failure, as its critics suggest, nor a success, as its supporters claim. For the authors the pivot was a midcourse adjustment to a weak and flawed early Obama Asia policy.

pp. 595-617

Disruption, Demonization, Deliverance, and Norm Destruction: The Rhetorical Signature of Donald J. Trump
Kathleen Hall Jamieson and Doron Taussig examine Donald Trump’s rhetoric during the presidential campaign and through his first 100 days in office. They argue that Trump’s “rhetorical signature,” which distinguishes him from his predecessors, certified Trump’s authenticity as a candidate of change and now complicate his ability to govern.

pp. 618-649

The U.S. Nuclear Umbrella over South Korea: Nuclear Weapons and Extended Deterrence
Terence Roehrig argues that military, strategic, and moral considerations make it unlikely that the United States would use nuclear weapons to defend South Korea. He claims that the U.S. nuclear umbrella has served as a political tool used to demonstrate the U.S. commitment to South Korea.

pp. 650-681

Why the Great Powers Permitted the Creation of an American Hegemon
CHAD E. NELSON examines why great powers did not try to prevent the rise of the United States in the nineteenth century.

pp. 684-717

Down with the Southern Cross: Opinions on the Confederate Battle Flag in South Carolina
SCOTT H. HUFFMON, H. GIBBS KNOTTS, and SETH C. MCKEE analyze the significant shift in public opinion among South Carolinians toward the Confederate battle flag, after the shooting in a Charleston, South Carolina, church in the summer of 2015. They argue that the shooting served as the catalyst that galvanized public opinion to support the removal of the flag flying on a Confederate memorial.

pp. 718-740

The Enduring Appeal and Danger of World Order Making by the U.S.: A Review Essay
Ronald R. Krebs reviews Richard Haass’ new book, A World in Disarray, which makes the case for U.S. leadership in constructing a new legitimate world order. He argues that Haass’ vision is driven by nostalgia for a world that never existed and that it warrants caution: world-shaping ambitions have proven extremely costly.

pp. 741-747

China's Future, David Shambaugh
Reviewed by Robert Sutter

pp. 751-752

Nuclear Weapons and Coercive Diplomacy, Todd S. Sechser and Matthew Fuhrmann
Reviewed by Mark S. Bell

pp. 752-754

The Statebuilder's Dilemma: On the Limits of Foreign Intervention, David A. Lake
Reviewed by James J. Wirtz

pp. 754-755

American Surveillance: Intelligence, Privacy, and the Fourth Amendment, Anthony Gregory
Reviewed by Bruce E. Altschuler

pp. 755-757

Dictators and Democrats: Masses, Elites, and Regime Change, Robert R. Kaufman and Stephan Haggard
Reviewed by Jack Snyder

pp. 757-759

China in the Era of Xi Jinping: Domestic and Foreign Policy Challenges, Robert S. Ross and Jo Inge Bekkevold
Reviewed by Andrew Scobell

pp. 759-760

Taiwan's China Dilemma: Contested Identities and Multiple Interests in Taiwan's Cross-Strait Economic Policy, Syaru Shirley Lin
Reviewed by Yong Deng

pp. 760-762

Taxing the Rich: A History of Fiscal Fairness in the United States and Europe, Kenneth Scheve and David Stasavage
Reviewed by Christopher Faricy

pp. 762-763

White World Order, Black Power Politics: The Birth of American International Relations, Robert Vitalis
Reviewed by Brian Schmidt

pp. 763-765

Free Speech and Unfree News: The Paradox of Press Freedom in America, Sam Lebovic
Reviewed by Jared Schroeder

pp. 765-766

Gerrymandering in America: The House of Representatives, the Supreme Court, and the Future of Popular Sovereignty, Anthony J. McGann, Charles Anthony Smith, Michael Latner and Alex Keena
Reviewed by Barry C. Edwards

pp. 766-768

Right-Wing Critics of American Conservatism, George Hawley
Reviewed by Paul Elliott Johnson

pp. 768-769

Embracing Dissent: Political Violence and Party Development in the United States, Jeffrey S. Selinger
Reviewed by Jeffrey D. Broxmeyer

pp. 769-771

Choosing State Supreme Court Justices: Merit Selection and the Consequences of Institutional Reform, Greg Goelzhauser
Reviewed by Jenna Becker Kane

pp. 771-772

Disqualifying the High Court: Supreme Court Recusal and the Constitution, Louis J. Virelli III
Reviewed by Jonathan Parent

pp. 772-774

The Other Rights Revolution: Conservative Lawyers and the Remaking of American Government, Jefferson Decker
Reviewed by Philip Kronebusch

pp. 774-775

Defenseless Under the Night: The Roosevelt Years and the Origins of Homeland Security, Matthew Dallek
Reviewed by Jeremy L. Strickler

pp. 775-777

The Mutual Housing Experiment: New Deal Communities for the Urban Middle Class, Kristin M. Szylvian
Reviewed by Philip Rocco

pp. 777-778

Confederate Political Economy: Creating and Managing a Southern Corporatist Nation, 1861–1865, Michael Brem Bonner
Reviewed by Patrick G. Williams

pp. 778-780

Dictators and Their Secret Police: Coercive Institutions and State Violence, Sheena Chestnut Greitens
Reviewed by Zoltan Barany

pp. 780-781

Windows of Opportunity: How Women Seize Peace Negotiations for Political Change, Miriam J. Anderson
Reviewed by Sandi E. Cooper

pp. 781-783

Women in Presidential Cabinets: Power Players or Abundant Tokens?, Maria C. Escobar-Lemmon and Michelle M. Taylor-Robinson
Reviewed by Ingrid Bego

pp. 783-784

Foucault in Iran: Islamic Revolution after the Enlightenment, Behrooz Ghamari-Tabrizi
Reviewed by Mahmood Monshipouri

pp. 784-786

Confounding Powers: Anarchy and International Society from the Assassins to Al Qaeda, William J. Brenner
Reviewed by Christopher J. Fettweis

pp. 786-787

Presidents on Political Ground: Leaders in Action and What They Face, Bruce Miroff
Reviewed by Mark A. Scully

pp. 787-789

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