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Volume 127 - Number 2 - Summer 2012

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The China Card: Playing Politics with Sino-American Relations
Peter Trubowitz and Jungkun Seo examine how and when China emerged as a “hot button” issue in American politics. They show that the politicization of Sino-American relations has had as much to do with electoral strategizing and gamesmanship in the United States as it did with geopolitical considerations in dealing with Beijing.

pp. 189-211

Skeletons in White House Closets: A Discussion of Modern Presidential Scandals
SCOTT BASINGER and Brandon Rottinghaus list and classify presidential scandals occurring since 1972. They examine the different types of scandals and analyze news coverage of these scandals and their durations. They conclude that a small, unrepresentative set of scandals accounts for most news coverage, generating the misperception of scandals as drawn-out affairs involving large numbers of officials.

pp. 213-239

The Demise of the PLO: Neither Diaspora nor Statehood
Hillel Frisch analyzes the demise of the Palestinian Liberation Organization and the withering of the Palestinian diaspora. Unfortunately for the Palestinians, the presumed virtues of globalization in facilitating diaspora are hardly a substitute for a mobilized homeland state, which seems unattainable.

pp. 241-261

Rethinking the Development of Legitimate Party Opposition in the United States, 1793–1828
Jeffrey S. Selinger reassesses the rhetoric of anti-partisanship of the early national period. The election of 1800 demonstrated that a mechanism had been invented for changing government, personnel, and policies without violence and destructiveness. The election rendered parties legitimate and was the functional equivalent of a revolution. This achievement, however, did not become widely accepted by Americans for at least another quarter of a century.

pp. 263-287

Identity Politics and Policy Disputes in U.S.–Korea Relations
Gi-Wook Shin looks at major American and Korean newspapers and argues that the United States and Korea have developed different lenses through which they view their relationship. Shin argues that U.S.–ROK relations, linked to the issue of national identity for Koreans, are largely treated as a matter of policy for Americans—a difference stemming from each nationʼs relative power and role in the international system.

pp. 289-310

The Executive Unbound: After the Madisonian Republic, Eric A. Posner and Adrian Vermeule
Reviewed by Chris Edelson

pp. 311-312

American Public Opinion and Health Care, Robert J. Blendon, Mollyann Brodie, John M. Benson and Drew E. Altman
Reviewed by Robert Y. Shapiro

pp. 312-313

Asiaʼs Flying Geese: How Regionalization Shapes Japan, Walter F. Hatch
Reviewed by Akira Iriye

pp. 314-315

Adrift: Charting Our Course Back to a Great Nation, William C. Harris and Steven C. Beschloss
Reviewed by Raymond A. Smith

pp. 315-316

Cosmopolitan Power in International Relations: A Synthesis of Realism, Neoliberalism, and Constructivism, Giulio M. Gallarotti
Reviewed by Stacie Goddard

pp. 316-317

Power, Politics, and Universal Health Care: The Inside Story of a Century-Long Battle, Stuart Altman and David Shactman
Reviewed by Daniel Skinner

pp. 317-319

Coalitions of Convenience: United States Military Interventions after the Cold War, Sarah E. Kreps
Reviewed by Daniel R. Lake

pp. 319-320

Playing Our Game: Why Chinaʼs Rise Doesnʼt Threaten the West, Edward S. Steinfeld
Reviewed by Scott Kennedy

pp. 320-322

Politics and Strategy: Partisan Ambition and American Statecraft, Peter Trubowitz
Reviewed by Meena Bose

pp. 322-323

Leaders at War: How Presidents Shape Military Interventions, Elizabeth N. Saunders
Reviewed by David A. Crockett

pp. 323-325

Changing Inequality, Rebecca M. Blank
Reviewed by Patrick Flavin

pp. 325-326

Agenda Setting in the U.S. Senate: Costly Consideration and Majority Party Advantage, Chris Den Hartog and Nathan W. Monroe
Reviewed by Gregory Robinson

pp. 326-327

American Neoconservatism: The Politics and Culture of a Reactionary Idealism, Jean-François Drolet
Reviewed by Jonathan D. Caverley

pp. 327-329

American Politicians Confront the Court: Opposition Politics and Changing Responses to Judicial Power, Stephen M. Engel
Reviewed by Katy Harriger

pp. 329-330

Decision Making by the Modern Supreme Court, Richard L. Pacelle, Jr., Brett W. Curry and Bryan W. Marshall
Reviewed by Jeffrey Budziak

pp. 330-332

Digitally Enabled Social Change: Activism in the Internet Age, Jennifer Earl and Katrina Kimport
Reviewed by Jackie Smith

pp. 332-333

Mass Informed Consent: Evidence on Upgrading Democracy with Polls and New Media, Adam F. Simon
Reviewed by Howard Schuman

pp. 333-335

Niche News: The Politics of News Choice, Natalie Jomini Stroud
Reviewed by James T. Hamilton

pp. 335-336

The Internet Generation: Engaged Citizens or Political Dropouts, Henry Milner
Reviewed by Casey A. Klofstad

pp. 336-337

The Legislative Legacy of Congressional Campaigns, Tracy Sulkin
Reviewed by Eric McGhee

pp. 337-339

The Luck of the Draw: The Role of Lotteries in Decision Making, Peter Stone
Reviewed by Stephen Broomell

pp. 339-340

One Nation Under Surveillance: A New Social Contract to Defend Freedom Without Sacrificing Liberty, Simon Chesterman
Reviewed by Priscilla M. Regan

pp. 340-341

Scandalous Politics: Child Welfare Policy in the States, Juliet F. Gainsborough
Reviewed by Mary Elizabeth Collins

pp. 341-343

Challenges of Ordinary Democracy: A Case Study in Deliberation and Dissent, Karen Tracy
Reviewed by Albert W. Dzur

pp. 343-344

Empire of Humanity: A History of Humanitarianism, Michael Barnett
Reviewed by Melissa Labonte

pp. 344-345

Feminist Policymaking in Chile, Liesl Haas
Reviewed by Gwynn Thomas

pp. 345-347

Immigration and Citizenship in Japan, Erin Aeran Chung
Reviewed by Deborah J. Milly

pp. 347-348

Islamist Terrorism and Democracy in the Middle East, Katerina Dalacoura
Reviewed by Elena Mastors

pp. 348-350

Rural Protest and the Making of Modern Democracy in Mexico, 1968–2000, Dolores Trevizo
Reviewed by Juan D. Lindau

pp. 350-351

The Transformation of the Workersʼ Party in Brazil, 1989–2009, Wendy Hunter
Reviewed by Peter Kingstone

pp. 351-352

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