The Debate over North Korea
VICTOR D. CHA AND DAVID C. KANG debate the strengths and weaknesses of an engagement policy to rid North Korea of its nuclear weapons program. From different perspectives, the two authors analyze common misconceptions about North Korean intentions and strategies as well as debate the merits of a harder-line approach taken by the United States toward the reclusive regime. Whether one views Pyongyang’s intentions with greater skepticism (Cha) or greater flexibility (Kang), the authors argue that some form of engagement, not military preemption, is advisable.
pp. 229-254
Soft Power and American Foreign Policy
Joseph S. Nye, JR. analyzes recent developments in U.S. foreign policy in light of
evidence that the essential soft power of the United States has eroded. He suggests
that the challenges posed by transnational terrorism require more attention to soft
power and cooperation with allies and institutions.
pp. 255-270
Secrecy and Power: Unanticipated Problems in Researching FBI Files
Athan G. Theoharis surveys FBI practices in the maintenance and destruction
of records. He documents how this permitted FBI officials to abuse power and undermine
pp. 271-290
Threats to Latin America's Market Model?
Kurt Weyland discusses the political sustainability of Latin America’s new market
model. He argues that despite its disappointing socioeconomic performance thus
far, the new development scheme has retained significant popular support. Furthermore,
stringent economic constraints make significant deviations from market-oriented
policies costly and unattractive, as case studies of contemporary Brazil, Argentina,
and Venezuela show.
pp. 291-313
Gender Differences in Attitudes toward Black Feminism among African Americans
Evelyn M. Simien posits that black feminist consciousness arises from an understanding
of intersecting patterns of discrimination. Using data from the 1993–1994
National Black Politics Study (NBPS), she develops and validates a measure of black
feminist consciousness. Along the way, she considers whether the level of support for
black feminist consciousness differs across gender.
pp. 315-338
Governor Reagan: His Rise to Power, Lou Cannon Reviewed by Mark J. Rozell
pp. 339-340
Reaganism and the Death of Representative Democracy, Walter Williams Reviewed by Brian J. Gerber
pp. 340-341
Stories of Peoplehood: The Politics and Morals of Political Membership, Rogers M. Smith Reviewed by Elisabeth S. Clemens
pp. 342-343
Benjamin Franklin: An American Life, Walter Isaacson Reviewed by Robert Middlekauff
pp. 343-344
Welfare and the Constitution, Sotirios A. Barber Reviewed by Ken I. Kersch
pp. 344-346
The Democratic Peace and Territorial Conflict in the Twentieth Century, Paul K. Huth and Todd L. Allee Reviewed by Erik Gartzke
pp. 347-349
Reliable Partners: How Democracies Have Made a Separate Peace, Charles Lipson Reviewed by John Owen
pp. 349-350
The Unconquerable World: Power, Nonviolence, and the Will of the People, Jonathan Schell Reviewed by Brian D’Agostino
pp. 350-352
Fixing Intelligence: For a More Secure America, William E. Odom Reviewed by Stephen Marrin
pp. 352-353
The Vietnam War Files: Uncovering the Secret History of the Nixon-Era Strategy, Jeffrey Kimball Reviewed by Robert Jervis
pp. 353-355
Checking Executive Power: Presidential Impeachment in Comparative Perspective, Jody C. Baumgartner and Naoko Kada Reviewed by Michael J. Gerhardt
pp. 355-357
Politics & Religion, Steve Bruce Reviewed by Clyde Wilcox
pp. 357-358
Arab Nationalism in the Twentieth Century: From Triumph to Despair, Adeed Dawisha Reviewed by Amaney Jamal
pp. 359-360
Islamic Political Identity in Turkey, M. Hakan Yavuz Reviewed by Cihan Z. Tugal
pp. 360-361
Politicide: Ariel Sharon's War against the Palestinians, Baruch Kimmerling Reviewed by Jamal R. Nassar
pp. 361-363
The Root Causes of Sudan's Civil Wars, Douglas H. Johnson Reviewed by Peter J. Schraeder
pp. 363-365
Incomplete Democracy: Political Democratization in Chile and Latin America, Manuel Antonio Garretón Reviewed by Katherine Hite
pp. 365-366
Europe Unites: The EU's Eastern Enlargement, Peter A. Poole Reviewed by Michael Baun
pp. 366-368
Extreme Right Parties in Western Europe, Piero Ignazi Reviewed by Mark Kesselman
pp. 368-369
The Front-Loading Problem in Presidential Nominations, William G. Mayer and Andrew E. Busch Reviewed by Costas Panagopoulos
pp. 369-371
The Independence Party and the Future of Third-Party Politics: Adventures & Opinions of an IP Senate Candidate, William McGaughey Reviewed by John C. Berg
pp. 371-373
The Campaign Continues: How Political Consultants and Campaign Tactics Affect Public Policy, Douglas A. Lathrop Reviewed by Kelly D. Patterson
pp. 373-374
Realignment: The Theory That Changed the Way We Think about American Politics, Theodore Rosenof Reviewed by Kristi Andersen
pp. 374-375
Florida 2000: A Sourcebook on the Contested Presidential Election, Mark Whitman Reviewed by Stephen K. Medvic
pp. 375-377
Giving Voters a Voice: The Origins of the Initiative and Referendum in America, Steven L. Piott Reviewed by Thad Kousser
pp. 377-379
White on Arrival: Italians, Race, Color, and Power in Chicago, 1890-1945, Thomas A. Guglielmo Reviewed by Frank J. Macchiarola
pp. 379-380
A Voice for Nonprofits, Jeffrey M. Berry and David F. Arons Reviewed by Elizabeth Reid
pp. 380-381
The Presidency and Women: Promise, Performance, and Illusion, Janet M. Martin Reviewed by Barbara Burrell
pp. 381-383
Women and Power on Capitol Hill: Reconstructing the Congressional Women's Caucus, Irwin N. Gertzog Reviewed by Richard Fox
pp. 383-384
Southern Women at the Millenium: A Historical Perspective, Melissa Walker, Jeanette R. Dunn and Joe P. Dunn Reviewed by Rosalind Rosenberg
pp. 384-385
Consent to Sexual Relations, Alan Wertheimer Reviewed by Gordon A. Babst
pp. 385-387
Gay Rights and American Law, Daniel R. Pinello Reviewed by Michael R. Siebecker
pp. 387-388
Officially Gay, Gary L. Lehring Reviewed by Alan S. Yang
pp. 389-390
Can Labor Standards Improve under Globalization?, Kimberly Ann Elliott and Richard B. Freeman Reviewed by Ethan B. Kapstein
pp. 390-392
Open Networks, Closed Regimes: The Impact of the Internet on Authoritarian Rule, Shanthi Kalathil and Taylor C. Boas ;
The e-Connected World: Risks and Opportunities, Stephen Coleman Reviewed by Garry Rodan
pp. 392-395
The Politics of Internet Communication, Robert J. Klotz Reviewed by Michael Cornfield
pp. 395-396
Citizenship and the Environment, Andrew Dobson Reviewed by Betty H. Zisk
pp. 396-397