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Volume 117 - Number 4 - Winter 2002-03

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Limits of American Power
Joseph S. Nye, Jr. discusses the paradox of the United States having unparalleled military power, yet being unable to impose its will unilaterally on either its allies or its antagonists. He explains clearly why America must adopt a more cooperative engagement with the rest of the world.

pp. 545-559

The Israeli Decision to Withdraw from Southern Lebanon: Political Leadership and Security Policy
Dalia Dassa Kaye argues that neither military-strategic considerations nor domestic pressure can adequately explain the Israeli decision to withdraw unilaterally from southern Lebanon. The key trigger for withdrawal was the reframing of the issue by the Israeli political leadership, particularly by Ehud Barak.

pp. 561-585

Organized Interests and American Political Development
Daniel J. Tichenor and Richard A. Harris present new findings about interest group lobbying in national politics from the 1830s to the 1920s, raising important questions about the theoretical presumptions and empirical arguments surrounding contemporary interest group scholarship. They conclude that modern, sophisticated, and national interest group politics emerged far earlier than political scientists have assumed.

pp. 587-612

Subregional Economic Zones and Integration in East Asia
Dajin Peng examines subregional economic zones (SREZs) as an emergent means of economic integration in East Asia. He argues that SREZs are quietly forming a new geoeconomic configuration in the region, although their pattern of development is different from the expectations of the proponents.

pp. 613-641

Urban Education Reform and Minority Political Empowerment
Stefanie Chambers analyzes school politics in Chicago and the impact that two very different school reforms have had on those served by the school system: Chicago’s minority student body and the community at large. Her findings are significant in terms of the future of minority inclusion in educational policy making, especially as other big cities wish to replicate Chicago-style school reform.

pp. 643-665

The Years of Lyndon Johnson: Master of the Senate, Robert A. Caro
Reviewed by Michael Kazin

pp. 667-668

Citizen McCain, Elizabeth Drew
Reviewed by Ross K. Baker

pp. 668-669

Alexander Hamilton and the Persistence of Myth, Stephen F. Knott
Reviewed by Herbert Sloan

pp. 669-670

The Legacy of Martin Luther King, Jr.: The Boundaries of Law, Politics and Religion, Lewis V. Baldwin ; Against Us, but for Us: Martin Luther King, Jr. and the State, Michael G. Long
Reviewed by Derek C. Catsam

pp. 671-673

Supreme Injustice: How the High Court Hijacked Election 2000, Alan M. Dershowitz ; The Votes That Counted: How the Court Decided the 2000 Presidential Election, Howard Gillman
Reviewed by Mark A. Graber

pp. 674-677

In Defense of Public Opinion Polling, Kenneth F. Warren
Reviewed by Michael W. Traugott

p. 677

Voting with Dollars: A New Paradigm for Campaign Finance, Bruce Ackerman and Ian Ayres
Reviewed by Robert E. Mutch

pp. 678-679

Governing from Center Stage: White House Communication Strategies during the Television Age of Politics, Lori Cox Han
Reviewed by Tim Groeling

pp. 679-680

Presidents and the People: The Partisan Story of Going Public, Mel Laracey
Reviewed by Diane J. Heith

pp. 680-681

Lobbying, Pluralism, and Democracy, Luigi Graziano
Reviewed by Anthony J. Nownes

pp. 682-683

Civil Servants and Their Constitutions, John Rohr
Reviewed by Louis Fisher

pp. 683-684

Moving from the Margins: A Chicana Voice on Public Policy, Adela de la Torre
Reviewed by Rodolfo de la Garza

pp. 684-685

The Miami Fiscal Crisis: Can a Poor City Regain Prosperity?, Milan J. Dluhy and Howard A. Frank
Reviewed by Lorraine C. Minnite

pp. 686-687

Child Care Policy at the Crossroads: Gender and Welfare State Restructuring, Sonya Michel and Rianne Mahon, eds.
Reviewed by Frances Rosenbluth

pp. 687-688

America without the Death Penalty: States Leading the Way, John F. Galliher, Larry W. Koch, David Patrick Keys and Teresa J. Guess
Reviewed by Robert L. Young

pp. 689-690

Superfund's Future: What Will It Cost?, Katherine N. Probst and David M. Konisky, et. al.
Reviewed by Steven Cohen

pp. 690-691

Globalization and Environmental Reform: The Ecological Modernization of the Global Economy, Arthur P.J. Mol
Reviewed by David Vogel

pp. 691-693

Presidential Machismo: Executive Authority, Military Intervention, and Foreign Relations, Alexander DeConde
Reviewed by Richard M. Pious

pp. 693-694

A Problem from Hell: America and the Age of Genocide, Samantha Power
Reviewed by Dipak K. Gupta

pp. 694-696

Disarmament Sketches: Three Decades of Arms Control and International Law, Thomas Graham
Reviewed by Ido Oren

pp. 696-697

Regions of War and Peace, Douglas Lemke
Reviewed by Jack S. Levy

pp. 697-698

The Effects of Violence on Peace Processes, John Darby
Reviewed by I. William Zartman

pp. 698-699

The Diplomacy of Hope: The United Nations since the Cold War, Newton R. Bowles
Reviewed by James S. Sutterlin

pp. 699-700

National Purpose in the World Economy: Post-Soviet States in Comparative Perspective, Rawi Abdelal
Reviewed by Alexander Cooley

pp. 701-702

After the Breakup of a Multi-Ethnic Empire: Russia, Successor States, and Eurasian Security, Suzanne Michele Birgerson
Reviewed by Stephen Blank

pp. 702-703

Between Hollywood and Moscow: The Italian Communists and the Challenge of Mass Culture, 1943-1991, Stephen Gundle
Reviewed by Lucio Baccaro

pp. 703-704

Welfare and Employment in a United Europe, Giuseppe Bertola, Tito Boeri and Guiseppe Nicoletti, eds.
Reviewed by Bernhard Ebbinghaus

pp. 704-706

Politics of Human Rights in Southeast Asia, Philip Eldridge
Reviewed by Peter Juviler

pp. 706-707

Korea in the Cross Currents: A Century of Struggle and the Crisis of Reunification, Robert J. Myers
Reviewed by Samuel S. Kim

pp. 707-708

Chinese Ambassadors: The Rise of Diplomatic Professionalism since 1949, Xiaohong Liu
Reviewed by Phillip C. Saunders

pp. 709-710

The Asian American Century, Warren I. Cohen
Reviewed by Taeku Lee

pp. 710-711

Evangelicals and Protestants in Asia, Africa and Latin America, Paul Freston
Reviewed by Brian H. Smith

pp. 711-713

Guerrillas and Generals: The "Dirty War" in Argentina, Paul H. Lewis
Reviewed by Donald C. Hodges

pp. 713-714

Brazil's Second Chance: En Route toward the First World, Lincoln Gordon
Reviewed by Anthony W. Pereira

pp. 714-716

Radical Women in Latin America: Left and Right, Karen Kampwirth and Victoria González, eds.
Reviewed by Mala Htun

pp. 716-717

Launching into Cyberspace: Internet Development and Politics in Five World Regions, Marcus Franda
Reviewed by Erik S. Herron

pp. 718-719

Radioactive Waste Disposal at Sea: Public Ideas, Transnational Policy Entrepreneurs, and Environmental Regimes, Lasse Ringius
Reviewed by Barry G. Rabe

pp. 719-720

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Jimmy Carter's Legacy

Jimmy Carter's Public Policy Ex-Presidency
John Whiteclay Chambers II

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