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Volume 116 - Number 2 - Summer 2001

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What Went Wrong? The Collapse of the Israeli-Palestinian Peace Process
Jerome Slater examines the collapse of the Israeli-Palestinian peace process in 2000 and argues provocatively that contrary to the prevailing view, it is Israel rather than the Palestinians that bears the primary responsibility, not only for the latest breakdown but for the entire course of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict since 1948.

pp. 171-199

The 2000 Presidential Election: Why Gore Lost
Gerald M. Pomper asserts that the presidential election of 2000 represents a paradox of democracy, distinctive in the eventual victory of the candidate with fewer popular votes and the decisive intervention of the Supreme Court. The results show sharp divisions among the electorate, both geographically and socially, as well as a unique Republican advantage in the "gender gap." The election carries important implications for the future of the presidency, the electoral college, and the stability of American democracy.

pp. 201-223

Reagan and the Gorbachev Revolution: Perceiving the End of Threat
Barbara Farnham examines President Ronald Reagan's reevaluation of the Soviet threat in light of the policy changes instituted by Mikhail Gorbachev. This presents a puzzle, because the psychological literature strongly suggests that people alter their central beliefs with great difficulty, if at all. Farnham describes Reagan's decision-making characteristics that allowed him to reevaluate his perception of threat when many others did not.

pp. 225-252

The Rehnquist Court and Contemporary American Federalism
Timothy J. Conlan and François Vergniolle De Chantal analyze the core tenets of the Supreme Court's emerging doctrines of judicial federalism under Chief Justice William Rehnquist. They assess the significance of these cases for the operation of contemporary American federalism, and consider their implications for the judiciary's role in the U.S. constitutional framework.

pp. 253-275

Democratization and the Domestic Sources of Foreign Policy: Turkey in the 1974 Cyprus Crisis
Fiona B. Adamson examines the relationship between democratization and war through a study of Turkish foreign policy making during the 1974 Cyprus crisis. She finds that, contrary to the claims of the democratic peace literature, elections and increased popular participation did not facilitate but rather inhibited a peaceful resolution to the crisis.

pp. 277-303

Michael D. Swaine, June Teufel Dreyer

p. 342

The Strategic Constitution, Robert D. Cooter
Reviewed by Susan Rose-Ackerman

pp. 305-306

The Political Right in Postauthoritarian Brazil: Elites, Institutions, and Democratization, Timothy J. Power
Reviewed by Jorge I. Domínguez

pp. 306-308

Stories of Democracy: Politics and Society in Contemporary Kuwait, Mary Ann Tétreault
Reviewed by Sheila Carapico

pp. 308-309

Robert Kennedy: His Life, Evan Thomas
Reviewed by Burke Marshall

pp. 309-310

Communication in the Presidential Primaries: Candidates and the Media, 1912-2000, Kathleen Kendall
Reviewed by Alison D. Dagnes

pp. 311-312

The White House Staff: Inside the West Wing and beyond, Bradley H. Patterson, Jr.
Reviewed by Shirley Anne Warshaw

pp. 312-313

The New Public Service, Paul C. Light
Reviewed by Paul L. Posner

pp. 313-315

Representing Women: Sex, Gender, and Legislative Behavior in Arizona and California, Beth Reingold
Reviewed by Kim Kahn

pp. 316-317

Smelter Smoke in North America: The Politics of Transborder Pollution, John D. Wirth
Reviewed by Judith McKenzie

pp. 317-318

Johnson's War/Johnson's Great Society, Jeffrey W. Helsing
Reviewed by Joseph A. Califano, Jr.

pp. 319-320

The Secret War against Hanoi, Richard Shultz
Reviewed by Wallace J. Thies

pp. 320-321

China and the Vietnam Wars, 1950-1975, Qiang Zhai
Reviewed by T. Christopher Jespersen

pp. 321-323

Foreign Attachments: The Power of Ethnic Groups in the Making of American Foreign Policy, Tony Smith
Reviewed by Patrick J. Haney

pp. 323-324

Conflict amid Consensus in American Trade Policy, Martha Gibson
Reviewed by Frederick W. Mayer

pp. 324-325

The Political Economy of the Asian Financial Crisis, Stephan Haggard
Reviewed by Thomas Oatley

pp. 326-327

The New World Order: Contrasting Theories, Birthe Hansen and Bertel Heurlin, eds.
Reviewed by George H. Quester

pp. 327-328

Latinos and U. S. Foreign Policy: Representing the "Homeland"?, Rodolfo O. de la Garza and Harry P. Pachon ; Harvest of Empire: A History of Latinos in America, Juan González
Reviewed by Louis DeSipio

pp. 328-330

Hierarchy amidst Anarchy: Transaction Costs and Institutional Choice, Katja Weber
Reviewed by Peter Liberman

pp. 330-332

The Making of the Taiwan Relations Act, David Tawei Lee
Reviewed by Steven I. Levine

pp. 332-333

After Victory: Institutions, Strategic Restraint, and the Rebuilding of Order after Major Wars, G. John Ikenberry
Reviewed by Peter Liberman

pp. 333-334

Planning the Unthinkable: How New Powers Will Use Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical Weapons, Scott D. Sagan, Peter Lavoy and James J. Wirth, eds.
Reviewed by Ashley J. Tellis

pp. 335-336

Rogue States and U. S. Foreign Policy, Robert S. Litwak
Reviewed by James M. Goldgeier

pp. 336-337

Spaniards and Nazi Germany, Wayne Bowen
Reviewed by John Lawrence Tone

pp. 338-339

Transforming Foreign Aid: United States Assistance in the 21st Century, Carol Lancaster
Reviewed by Steven W. Hook

pp. 339-340

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