Content in

Volume 113 - Number 3 - Fall 1998

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Courting Disaster: An Expanded NATO vs. Russia and China
Bruce Russett and Allan C. Stam examine the recent decision to expand NATO to include former Soviet satellites. They argue that the further inclusion of Russia would allow NATO to become a most effective tool in managing security threats in the next century.

pp. 361-382

Creating a Disaster: NATO's Open Door Policy
Robert J. Art argues that an open door membership policy will destroy NATO and that there is a better alternative to create a security structure for Europe.

pp. 383-403

Jimmy Carter's Public Policy Ex-Presidency
John Whiteclay Chambers II analyzes Jimmy Carter's post-presidential career. He concludes that Carter's most important post-White House legacy may be his creation of a Public Policy Ex-Presidency.

pp. 405-425

Racism, Drug Policy, and AIDS
Cathy Lisa Schneider analyzes the reasons for the increasing concentration of HIV/AIDS among African Americans and Latinos. She challenges the assumptions and evidence of those who cite underclass use of illegal drugs and promiscuity, and argues that high HIV/AIDS rates among blacks and Latinos are a consequence of the racial bias in the war against drugs.

pp. 427-446

Corruption in a Paternalistic Democracy: Lessons from Italy for Latin America
Silvia Colazingari and Susan Rose-Ackerman show how in post World War II Italy corruption and democracy coexisted. They apply their insights to Latin American democracies with similar characteristics.

pp. 447-470

Bob Dole's Age and Health in the 1996 Election: Did the Media Let Us Down?
Herbert L. Abrams and Richard Brody examine the issue of Robert Dole's age and health in the 1996 election and its impact on the vote of the electorate. They conclude that among the voters for whom age was an important consideration, most believed that age was a potential obstacle to Dole having a successful presidency. They fault the media for not seriously discussing the possibility that Dole might not last out his term because of illness, disability or death.

pp. 471-491

From Our Archives: A New Look at the Impeachment of Andrew Johnson
Michael Les Benedict's interpretation of the impeachment of President Andrew Johnson destroys the conventional textbook wisdom which portrays Johnson as a martyred president unjustifiably pilloried by a vindictive Congress. Benedict shows that the decision to impeach was made reluctantly after a series of presidential actions over the years convinced even the most conservative members of Congress that impeachment was the only means left for defending their constitutional prerogatives.

pp. 493-511


pp. 563-571

Alliance Politics, Glenn H. Snyder
Reviewed by Randall L. Schweller

pp. 513-514

What if They Gave a Crisis and Nobody Came? Interpreting International Crises, Ron Hirschbein
Reviewed by Robert Jervis

pp. 514-516

After Disaster: Agenda Setting, Public Policy, and Focusing Events, Thomas A. Birkland
Reviewed by Frank R. Baumgartner

pp. 516-517

Risk Taking and Decisionmaking: Foreign Military Intervention Decisions, Yaacov Y. I. Vertzberger
Reviewed by T. V. Paul

pp. 517-518

American Foreign Policy: Consensus at Home, Leadership Abroad, Karl Von Vorys
Reviewed by Walter LaFeber

pp. 518-519

Defining the National Interest: Conflict and Change in American Foreign Policy, Peter Trubowitz
Reviewed by Andrew D. Grossman

pp. 519-520

Still Seeing Red, John Kenneth White
Reviewed by Gary Wasserman

p. 521

Along the Domestic-Foreign Frontier: Exploring Governance in a Turbulent World, James N. Rosenau
Reviewed by Craig N. Murphy

p. 522

Roosevelt and the Munich Crisis: A Study of Political Decision-Making, Barbara Readen Farnham
Reviewed by Richard Ned Lebow

pp. 523-524

Interests, Institutions and Information: Domestic Politics and International Relations, Helen V. Milner
Reviewed by Mark R. Brawley

pp. 524-525

Power to the People: Democratization around the World, Robert K. Schaeffer
Reviewed by Tony Smith

pp. 525-527

Disunited States: What's at Stake as Washington Fades and the States Take the Lead, John Donahue
Reviewed by Susan B. Hansen

pp. 527-529

The New Federalism: Can the States be Trusted?, John Ferejohn and Barry R. Weingast, eds.
Reviewed by Steve Solnick

pp. 529-530

Competing Principals: Committees, Parties, and the Organization of Congress, Forrest Maltzman
Reviewed by L. Sandy Maisel

pp. 530-531

Fortress America: Gated Communities in the United States, Edward J. Blakely and Mary Gail Snyder
Reviewed by Evan McKenzie

pp. 531-533

The Paradox of Representation: Racial Gerrymandering and Minority Interests in Congress, David Lublin
Reviewed by Frank J. Macchiarola

p. 533

You Won-Now What? How Americans Can Make Democracy Work from City Hall to the White House, Taegan D. Goddard and Christopher Riback
Reviewed by John J. Smee

pp. 534-535

The Decline of Representative Democracy: Process, Participation, and Power in State Legislatures, Alan Rosenthal
Reviewed by Kim Quaile Hill

pp. 535-536

The New Deal's Black Congressman: A Life of Arthur Wergs Mitchell, Dennis S. Nordin
Reviewed by Dianne M Pinderhughes

pp. 536-537

How Long? How Long? African-American Women in the Struggle for Civil Rights, Belinda Robnett
Reviewed by Yvette Alex-Assensoh

pp. 537-538

Leaders and Leadership: An Appraisal of Theory and Research, Mostafa Rejai and Kay Phillips
Reviewed by Patrick J. Wolf

pp. 538-539

America in Black and White: One Nation, Indivisible, Stephan Thernstrom and Abigail Thernstrom
Reviewed by Mack H. Jones

pp. 539-540

Designing Judicial Interest Groups, Congress, and Communications Policy, Charles R. Shipan
Reviewed by R. Shep Melnick

pp. 540-542

Mobilizing for Modern War: The Political Economy of American Warfare, 1865-1919, Paul A. C. Koistinen
Reviewed by Michal Hershkovitz

pp. 542-543

Federalism and Environmental Policy: Trust and the Politics of Implementation, Denise Scheberle
Reviewed by William R. Lowry

pp. 543-544

Japanese Democracy: Power, Coordination, and Performance, Bradley Richardson
Reviewed by Nathaniel B. Thayer

pp. 544-545

Korea's Place in the Sun: A Modern History, Bruce Cumings
Reviewed by Victor D. Cha

pp. 545-547

Great Wall, Empty Fortress: China's Search for Security, ANDREW J. NATHAN and Robert S. Ross
Reviewed by John W. Garver

pp. 547-548

The Dynamics of Conflict in Northern Ireland, Joseph Ruane and Jennifer Todd
Reviewed by Robert W. White

pp. 548-550

The Politics of Preference: Democratic Institutions and Affirmative Action in the United States and India, Sunita Parikh
Reviewed by Michael F. Thies

pp. 550-551

The British General Election of 1997, David Butler and Dennis Kavanagh ; New Labour Triumphs: Britain at the Polls, Anthony King et al.
Reviewed by Leon D. Epstein

pp. 551-552

Redefining "Mexican Security": Society, State, and Region under NAFTA, James F. Rochlin
Reviewed by Peter Andreas

pp. 552-553

Top Hat, Grey Wolf and Crescent: Turkish Nationalism and the Turkish Republic, Hugh Poulton
Reviewed by Ben Lombardi

pp. 554-555

Democratic Experiments in Africa: Regime Transitions in Comparative Perspective, Michael Bratton and Nicolas van de Walle
Reviewed by Jeffrey Herbst

pp. 555-556

Theories of International Regimes, Andreas Hasenclever, Peter Mayer and Volker Rittberger
Reviewed by Joseph Lepgold

pp. 556-558

Governing Ideas: Strategies for Innovation in France and Germany, J. Nicholas Ziegler
Reviewed by Richard R. Nelson

pp. 558-559

Business and the State in Developing Countries, Sylvia Maxfield and Ben Ross Schneider, eds.
Reviewed by David Waldner

pp. 559-560

Domestic Constraints and the Breakdown of International Agreements, Jeffrey S. Lantis
Reviewed by Brigitte L. Nacos

pp. 560-561

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Jimmy Carter's Legacy

Jimmy Carter's Public Policy Ex-Presidency
John Whiteclay Chambers II

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