Content in

Volume 108 - Number 4 - Winter 1993-94

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The Presidential Leadership Style of Bill Clinton: An Early Appraisal
Fred I. Greenstein takes the measure of President Bill Clinton's leadership in his first year in office. He argues that rather than having a single leadership style President Clinton alternates between two styles: one in which he attempts to advance a wide variety of aims with little attempt to establish priorities or adapt to political realities, and a second more measured and pragmatic style.

pp. 589-601

Russia: Confronting a Loss of Empire, 1987-1991
John B. Dunlop examines Russian elite and mass attitudes toward the breakup of the USSR during the critical period of 1987-1991 and the roles of Gorbachev and Yeltsin in helping to bring about that break-up.

pp. 603-634

Adolescent Pregnancy and Public Policy
Deborah L. Rhode analyzes public policies on adolescent pregnancy against their broader historical, legal, and socioeconomic background. Her central premise is that such policies have been based on incorrect assumptions about the problem and therefore have contained inadequate solutions.

pp. 635-669

The Platform-Writing Process: Candidate-Centered Platforms in 1992
L. Sandy Maisel looks at the ways in which the two major party platforms were crafted in 1992, noting differences between them in terms of both process and final product. Despite differences, however, both party processes produce candidate platforms, not party platforms, and thus give a good indication of directions of the president's postelection policy initiatives.

pp. 671-698

Carter and the Failure of Foreign Policy Reform
David Skidmore examines the failure of foreign policy reform during the Carter administration. He argues that Carter's initial strategy of adjustment to relative U.S. decline eventually gave way to more traditional cold war policies under the pressure of domestic political constraints.

pp. 699-729

Inevitable Revolutions: The United States in Central America, Walter LaFeber
Reviewed by Lester D. Langley

pp. 731-733

The Coming Health Crisis: Who Will Pay for Care for the Aged in the 21st Century?, John R. Wolfe
Reviewed by Anne Lenhard Reisinger

pp. 733-734

The Way we never Were: American Families and the Nostalgia Trap, Stephanie Coontz
Reviewed by Theda Skocpol

pp. 734-736

From Outrage to Action: The Politics of Grass-Roots Dissent, Laura R. Woliver
Reviewed by Kay Lehman Schlozman

pp. 736-738

Protecting Soldiers and Mothers: The Political Origins of Social Policy in the United States, Theda Skocpol
Reviewed by Virginia Sapiro

pp. 738-739

A Foreign Policy in Transition: Moscow's Retreat from Central America and the Caribbean, 1985-1992, Jan S. Adams
Reviewed by Deborah J. Yashar

pp. 739-740

The United States and the State of Israel, David Schoenbaum
Reviewed by William B. Quandt

p. 741

The Passionate Attachment: America's Involvement with Israel, 1947 to the Present, George W. Ball and Douglas B. Ball
Reviewed by Douglas Little

pp. 742-743

Black Faces, Black Interests: The Representation of African Americans in Congress, Carol M. Swain
Reviewed by J. Phillip Thompson III

pp. 743-744

Declining Fortunes: The Withering of the American Dream, Katherine S. Newman
Reviewed by Lewis A. Coser

pp. 744-745

Mass Media and American Politics, Doris A. Graber
Reviewed by Ann N. Crigler

pp. 746-747

Advising Ike: The Memoirs of Attorney General Herbert Brownell, John P. Burke and Herbert Brownell
Reviewed by Robert A. Divine

pp. 747-748

The Anatomy of Thatcherism, Shirley Robin Letwin
Reviewed by Leon D. Epstein

pp. 748-750

The British General Election of 1992, David Butler and Dennis Kavanagh
Reviewed by Ian McAllister

pp. 750-751

The Man who Stayed Behind, Sidney Rittenberg and Amanda Bennett
Reviewed by Allen S. Whiting

pp. 751-752

Black Hands of Beijing: Lives of Defiance in China's Democracy Movement, George Black and Robin Munro
Reviewed by Benedict Stavis

pp. 753-754

An American Paradox: Censorship in a Nation of Free Speech, Patrick Garry
Reviewed by Burke Marshall

pp. 754-755

The Craft of Justice: Politics and Work in Criminal Court Communities, James Eisenstein, Roy B. Flemming and Peter F. Nardulli
Reviewed by Thomas Church

pp. 755-757

Catholic Bishops in American Politics, Timothy A. Byrnes
Reviewed by Marilyn J. Harran

pp. 757-758

Around the Cragged Hill: A Personal and Political Philosophy, George F. Kennan
Reviewed by Anders Stephanson

pp. 758-760

China's Political System: Modernization and Tradition, June Teufel Dreyer
Reviewed by David Bachman

pp. 760-761

Eisenhower and the Mass Media: Peace, Prosperity and Prime-Time TV, Craig Allen
Reviewed by John J. Smee

pp. 761-762

Germany Divided: From the Wall to Reunification, A. James McAdams
Reviewed by Peter H. Merkl

pp. 762-764

Regional Development in Communist Yugoslavia: Success, Failure, and Consequences, Dijana Plestina
Reviewed by Evan Kraft

pp. 764-765

Media Portrayals of Terrorism: Functions and Meaning of News Coverage, Robert G. Picard
Reviewed by Sanya Popović

pp. 765-767

Letting the People Decide: The Dynamics of a Canadian Election, Richard Johnston, André Blais, Henry E. Brady and Jean Crête
Reviewed by Naomi Black

pp. 767-768

The New Cold War? Religious Nationalism Confronts the Secular State, Mark Juergensmayer
Reviewed by Jose Casanova

pp. 768-769

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