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Volume 105 - Number 4 - Winter 1990-91

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Doves, Hawks, and U.S. Public Opinion
Bruce Russett uses public opinion polls to illustrate some of the ways in which popular attitudes moderate the extreme positions of elites on national security policy.

pp. 515-538

The Rise and Fall of Special Interest Politics
Paul E. Peterson identifies the way in which budget summits have worked to the advantage of interests closely identified with the two major political parties and to the disadvantage of more specialized interests.

pp. 539-556

The Superpowers and an Arab-Israeli Political Settlement: The Cold War Years
Jerome Slater reviews the U.S.-Soviet negotiations for an Arab-Israeli political settlement during the cold war. He argues that the record demonstrates surprisingly that the Soviet Union sought a genuine political settlement of the Arab-Israeli conflict since the late 1960s, and that the U.S. policy of excluding the Soviets from the Middle East thwarted opportunities to reach such a settlement.

pp. 557-577

The Brazilian Defense Industry and the International System
Ethan B. Kapstein discusses the rise and fall of the Brazilian weapons production industry. He argues that the industry's growth in the 1970s and 1980s was due to a propitious set of circumstances in the international economic security environments. Changes in these environments in the 1990s, however, are likely to constrain the industry's future development.

pp. 579-596

Ghosts of Arms Control Past
PAUL E DIEHL analyzes the impact that the SALT II treaty had on Reagan administration arms control policy during the period 1981-1984. Using an agenda setting model, he argues that SALT II had only a lingering impact on policy formulation, most often as a negative precedent.

pp. 597-615

Interest Group Litigation to Enforce Human Rights
Howard Tolley, JR. examines the litigation strategies of human rights public interest lawyers challenging judicial restraint. He concludes that frequent losses and occasional victories depend heavily on factors beyond the litigators' immediate control - support by executive agencies and the political orientation of the deciding judge.

pp. 617-638

Reform and Reaction in Twentieth Century American Politics, John J. Broesamle
Reviewed by Arthur Schlesinger, Jr.

pp. 639-640

The Reagan Paradox: American Foreign Policy in the 1980s, Coral Bell
Reviewed by Joseph L. Nogee

pp. 640-641

Reagan and the World, David E. Kyvig
Reviewed by Fareed Zakaria

pp. 641-643

Race: Twentieth Century Dilemmas -- Twenty-first Century Prognoses, Winston A. Van Horne
Reviewed by Dale Rogers Marshall

pp. 643-644

Politics by Other Means: The Declining Importance of Elections in America, Benjamin Ginsberg and Martin Shefter
Reviewed by Roland Anglin

pp. 644-646

Democracy in Black Africa: Survival and Revival, John A. Wiseman
Reviewed by Crawford Young

pp. 646-647

Democracy and Its Critics, Robert A. Dahl
Reviewed by G. Bingham Powell, Jr.

pp. 647-649

China and the Challenge of the Future: Changing Political Patterns, Carol Lee Hamrin
Reviewed by Joyce K. Kallgren

pp. 649-650

Bureaucracy: What Government Agencies Do and Why They Do It, James Q. Wilson
Reviewed by Frank J. Macchiarola

pp. 650-651

Home Style and Washington Work: Studies of Congressional Politics, David W. Rohde and Morris P. Fiorina
Reviewed by Nelson W. Polsby

pp. 651-652

New Ways and Means: Reform and Change in a Congressional Committee, Randall Strahan
Reviewed by Burdett Loomis

pp. 653-654

Constitutional Diplomacy, Michael J. Glennon
Reviewed by Richard M. Pious

pp. 654-655

Age, Class, Politics, and the Welfare State, John B. Williamson and Fred C. Pampel
Reviewed by Jennifer Hochschild

pp. 656-657

Gorbachev: Heretic in the Kremlin, Dusko Doder and Louise Branson
Reviewed by Allen Lynch

pp. 657-658

The Bloc That Failed: Soviet-East European Relations in Transition, Charles Gati ; The Soviet-East European Relationship in the Gorbachev Era: The Prospects for Adaptation, Aurel Braun
Reviewed by Paul Midford

pp. 659-661

Soviet Briefing: Gorbachev and the Reform Period, Ben Eklof
Reviewed by Jane Shapiro Zacek

pp. 661-662

Solidarity and the Politics of Anti-Politics: Opposition and Reform in Poland Since 1968, David Ost
Reviewed by David S. Mason

pp. 662-663

Israeli Visions and Divisions, Myron J. Aronoff
Reviewed by Zvi Gitelman

pp. 663-665

Behind the Uprising: Israelis, Jordanians, and Palestinians, Yossi Melman and Dan Raviv
Reviewed by Don Peretz

pp. 665-666

Democracy and Disorder: Protest and Politics in Italy 1965-1975, Sidney Tarrow
Reviewed by Alan S. Zuckerman

pp. 666-667

Science, Technology, and Reparations: Exploitation and Plunder in Postwar Germany, John Gimbel
Reviewed by William T. Golden

pp. 667-669

Industry and Politics in West Germany: Toward the Third Republic, Peter J. Katzenstein
Reviewed by Peter H. Merkl

pp. 669-670

A Marriage of Convenience: Relations Between Mexico and the United States, Sidney Weintraub
Reviewed by H. Carl Camp

pp. 670-671

Foundations of American Constitutionalism, David A. J. Richards
Reviewed by Herbert Sloan

pp. 672-673

The Presidential Odyssey of John Glenn, Richard F. Fenno, Jr.
Reviewed by Linda L. Fowler

pp. 673-675

Black Votes Count: Political Empowerment in Mississippi after 1965, Frank Parker
Reviewed by Alex Willingham

pp. 675-676

From Patrician to Professional Elite: The Transformation of the New York City Bar Association, Michael J. Powell
Reviewed by Victor Futter

pp. 676-677

NATO's Southern Allies: Internal and External Challenges, John Chipman
Reviewed by Ted Greenwood

pp. 677-678

Dissent and the State, C. E. S. Franks
Reviewed by Joseph LaPalombara

pp. 679-680

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