Content in

Volume 11 - Number 1 - March 1896

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The Monroe Doctrine
John Bassett Moore

pp. 1-29

The French in Mexico and the Monroe Doctrine
Frederic Bancroft

pp. 30-43

The Recent Pseudo-Monroeism
John W. Burgess

pp. 44-67

What is a Party?
Anson D. Morse

pp. 68-81

Jean Bodin on Sovereignty

pp. 82-104

Graunt or Petty?
Charles H. Hull

pp. 105-132

Do We Want an Elastic Currency?
F. M. Taylor

pp. 133-157

Municipal Government in Continental Europe, Albert Shaw ; The City Government of Boston, Nathan Matthews
Reviewed by F. J. Goodnow

pp. 158-163

Das Staatsrecht des Deutschen Reiches, Paul Laband
Reviewed by John W. Burgess

pp. 163-165

Du Contrat Social, J. J. Rousseau and Edmond Dreyfus-Brissac

pp. 165-166

History of the United States from the Compromise of 1850, James Ford Rhodes
Reviewed by Frederick J. Turner

pp. 167-170

The Industrial Evolution of the United States, Carroll D. Wright
Reviewed by Richmond Mayo-Smith

pp. 170-172

The Finances of the United States from 1775 to 1789, with Especial Reference to the Budget, C. J. Bullock
Reviewed by Worthington C. Ford

pp. 172-175

Money and Banking, Joseph French Johnson and Earl D. Howard
Reviewed by A. M. Day

pp. 175-178

The History of Currency, from 1252 to 1894, W. A. Shaw
Reviewed by Alexander D. Noyes

pp. 179-181

Public Finance, Harley Leist Lutz ; The Science of Finance, Gustav Cohn and T. B. Veblen ; Natural Taxation, Thomas G. Shearman
Reviewed by Max West

pp. 182-184

Catholic Socialism, David G. Ritchie, Francesco S. Nitti and Mary Mackintosh
Reviewed by Francis W. Howard

pp. 188-190

Principles of Economics, Alfred Marshall ; Studies in Economics, William Smart
Reviewed by J. B. Clark

pp. 190-191

Die Entstehung des Deutschen Handelsgerichts, W. Silberschmidt
Reviewed by Munroe Smith

pp. 191-192

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