Chief Justice: Leadership and the Supreme Court, Robert J. Steamer Reviewed by Henry J. Abraham
pp. 317-318
White House Operations: The Johnson Presidency, Emmette S. Redford and Richard T. McCulley Reviewed by Joseph A. Califano, Jr.
pp. 318-319
Military Objectives in Soviet Foreign Policy, Michael MccGwire Reviewed by Richard Ned Lebow
pp. 319-321
The Conventional Defense of Europe: New Technologies and New Strategies, Andrew J. Pierre Reviewed by Philip W. Dyer
pp. 321-323
Hard Right: The Rise of Jesse Helms, Ernest B. Furgurson Reviewed by A. James Reichley
pp. 323-324
When Federalism Works, Paul E. Peterson, Barry G. Rabe and Kenneth K. Wong Reviewed by Richard P. Nathan
pp. 324-325
Common Decency: Domestic Policies after Reagan, Alvin L. Schorr and James P. Comer Reviewed by Robert I. Lerman
pp. 325-326
Cities of the Prairie Revisited: The Closing of the Metropolitan Frontier, Daniel J. Elazar, Rozann Rothman, Stephen L. Schechter, Maren Allan Stein and Joseph Zikmund II Reviewed by David A. Caputo
pp. 327-328
Winston S. Churchill: Road to Victory, 1941-1945, Martin Gilbert Reviewed by Barry McGill
pp. 328-329
The Wise Men, Six Friends and the World They Made: Acheson, Bohlen, Harriman, Kennan, Lovett, McCloy, Walter Isaacson and Evan Thomas Reviewed by Roger Hilsman
pp. 329-330
Soviet Power and the Third World, Rajan Menon Reviewed by Francis Fukuyama
pp. 330-331
The Last Empire: Nationality and the Soviet Future, Robert Conquest Reviewed by Alexander J. Motyl
pp. 331-332
The Camp David Accords: A Testimony by Sadat's Foreign Minister, Mohamed Ibrahim Kamel Reviewed by William B. Quandt
pp. 332-333
The Soviet Union: The Incomplete Superpower, Paul Dibb Reviewed by Gordon B. Smith
pp. 333-334
The Triumph of Democracy in Spain, Paul Preston ;
Spain After Franco: The Making of a Competitive Party System, Richard Gunther, Giacomo Sani and Goldie Shabad Reviewed by Thomas D. Lancaster
pp. 335-336
What's Happening to India? Punjab, Ethnic Conflict, Mrs Gandhi's Death and the Test for Federalism, Robin Jeffrey Reviewed by Sanjib Baruah
pp. 337-338
The United States and Germany: A Vital Partnership, Arthur F. Burns Reviewed by Gerard Braunthal
pp. 338-339
The United States and Italy, 1940-1950: The Politics and Diplomacy of Stabilization, James Edward Miller Reviewed by Jack E. Reece
pp. 339-341
Human Rights in East Asia: A Cultural Perspective, James C. Hsiung Reviewed by James D. Seymour
pp. 341-342
Canada and Collective Security: Odd Man Out, Joseph T. Jockel and Joel J. Sokolsky Reviewed by Jean Edward Smith
pp. 342-343
Asian Power and Politics: The Cultural Dimensions of Authority, Lucian W. Pye and Mary W. Pye Reviewed by W. Howard Wriggins
pp. 343-344
Third World Ideology and Western Reality, Carlos Rangel Reviewed by James Petras
pp. 344-346
Zechariah Chafee, Jr., Defender of Liberty and Law, Donald L. Smith Reviewed by Burke Marshall
pp. 346-347
"Government From Reflection and Choice": Constitutional Essays on War, Foreign Relations, and Federalism, Charles A. Lofgren Reviewed by C. Herman Pritchett
pp. 347-348
The Economics of Nonprofit Institutions, Susan Rose-Ackerman Reviewed by Susan V. Berresford
pp. 348-349
Inventing Reality: The Politics of the Mass Media, Michael Parenti Reviewed by Sidney Kraus
pp. 349-350
Averting Catastrophe: Strategies for Regulating Risky Technologies, Edward J. Woodhouse and Joseph G. Morone Reviewed by Dudley J. Burton
pp. 351-352
Policymaking Under Adversity, Yehezkel Dror Reviewed by Paul Huth
pp. 352-353