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Volume 102 - Number 2 - Summer 1987

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Is Crisis Management Always Possible?
Richard Ned Lebow poses the dangers of American perceptions that crisis management can always resolve superpower conflicts and discusses the serious obstacles to peaceful resolution of a future superpower crisis.

pp. 181-192

Antiterrorism and the Withering of the 1973 War Powers Resolution
Michael Rubner examines the extent to which the Reagan administration complied with the 1973 War Powers Resolution in the two military encounters with Libya in March and April of 1986. He concludes that both the letter and spirit of the law were violated in the two cases and that the probabilities for securing strict presidential adherence to the law in the future remain low.

pp. 193-215

Bureaucracy in the American Constitutional Order
Francis E. Rourke explains why bureaucracy has not become as dominant a force in modern American politics as many expected. But while bureaucracy has not overwhelmed American institutions and has even won grudging acceptance as an indispensable instrument of government today, Rourke argues that the legitimacy of its role still remains suspect.

pp. 217-232

What was Liberalism in the 1950s?
Kent M. Beck attempts to refute the notion that liberalism in the 1950s represented a decisive break with the New Deal and Fair Deal tradition.

pp. 233-258

In the Shadow of the Cloud: If There's No Tomorrow, Why Save Today?
Using a variety of public opinion survey data from many countries, Bruce Russett and Miles Lackey examine the proposition that fears of nuclear war are depressing individuals' willingness to save money for the future.

pp. 259-272

The Influence of Russian Tradition on the Political Style of the Soviet Elite
The Influence of Russian Tradition on the Political Style of the Soviet Elite Stephen R. Burant looks at the political style of the Soviet Communist party elite. He finds that this elite, which has committed itself to cultural revolution, continues to display several cultural characteristics whose source is in the prerevolutionary Russian peasantry.

pp. 273-293

Chiang Kai-shek's Quest for Soviet Entry into the Sino-Japanese War
Chiang Kai-shek's Quest for Soviet Entry into the Sino-Japanese War John W. Garver draws on the recently declassified Chiang Kai-shek archives to examine Chiang's diplomacy toward the Soviets during the first year of the 1937-1945 Sino-Japanese war. Garver argues that hope of Soviet entry into that war as an ally was an important factor persuading Chiang to risk war with Japan in 1937.

pp. 295-316

Chief Justice: Leadership and the Supreme Court, Robert J. Steamer
Reviewed by Henry J. Abraham

pp. 317-318

White House Operations: The Johnson Presidency, Emmette S. Redford and Richard T. McCulley
Reviewed by Joseph A. Califano, Jr.

pp. 318-319

Military Objectives in Soviet Foreign Policy, Michael MccGwire
Reviewed by Richard Ned Lebow

pp. 319-321

The Conventional Defense of Europe: New Technologies and New Strategies, Andrew J. Pierre
Reviewed by Philip W. Dyer

pp. 321-323

Hard Right: The Rise of Jesse Helms, Ernest B. Furgurson
Reviewed by A. James Reichley

pp. 323-324

When Federalism Works, Paul E. Peterson, Barry G. Rabe and Kenneth K. Wong
Reviewed by Richard P. Nathan

pp. 324-325

Common Decency: Domestic Policies after Reagan, Alvin L. Schorr and James P. Comer
Reviewed by Robert I. Lerman

pp. 325-326

Cities of the Prairie Revisited: The Closing of the Metropolitan Frontier, Daniel J. Elazar, Rozann Rothman, Stephen L. Schechter, Maren Allan Stein and Joseph Zikmund II
Reviewed by David A. Caputo

pp. 327-328

Winston S. Churchill: Road to Victory, 1941-1945, Martin Gilbert
Reviewed by Barry McGill

pp. 328-329

The Wise Men, Six Friends and the World They Made: Acheson, Bohlen, Harriman, Kennan, Lovett, McCloy, Walter Isaacson and Evan Thomas
Reviewed by Roger Hilsman

pp. 329-330

Soviet Power and the Third World, Rajan Menon
Reviewed by Francis Fukuyama

pp. 330-331

The Last Empire: Nationality and the Soviet Future, Robert Conquest
Reviewed by Alexander J. Motyl

pp. 331-332

The Camp David Accords: A Testimony by Sadat's Foreign Minister, Mohamed Ibrahim Kamel
Reviewed by William B. Quandt

pp. 332-333

The Soviet Union: The Incomplete Superpower, Paul Dibb
Reviewed by Gordon B. Smith

pp. 333-334

The Triumph of Democracy in Spain, Paul Preston ; Spain After Franco: The Making of a Competitive Party System, Richard Gunther, Giacomo Sani and Goldie Shabad
Reviewed by Thomas D. Lancaster

pp. 335-336

What's Happening to India? Punjab, Ethnic Conflict, Mrs Gandhi's Death and the Test for Federalism, Robin Jeffrey
Reviewed by Sanjib Baruah

pp. 337-338

The United States and Germany: A Vital Partnership, Arthur F. Burns
Reviewed by Gerard Braunthal

pp. 338-339

The United States and Italy, 1940-1950: The Politics and Diplomacy of Stabilization, James Edward Miller
Reviewed by Jack E. Reece

pp. 339-341

Human Rights in East Asia: A Cultural Perspective, James C. Hsiung
Reviewed by James D. Seymour

pp. 341-342

Canada and Collective Security: Odd Man Out, Joseph T. Jockel and Joel J. Sokolsky
Reviewed by Jean Edward Smith

pp. 342-343

Asian Power and Politics: The Cultural Dimensions of Authority, Lucian W. Pye and Mary W. Pye
Reviewed by W. Howard Wriggins

pp. 343-344

Third World Ideology and Western Reality, Carlos Rangel
Reviewed by James Petras

pp. 344-346

Zechariah Chafee, Jr., Defender of Liberty and Law, Donald L. Smith
Reviewed by Burke Marshall

pp. 346-347

"Government From Reflection and Choice": Constitutional Essays on War, Foreign Relations, and Federalism, Charles A. Lofgren
Reviewed by C. Herman Pritchett

pp. 347-348

The Economics of Nonprofit Institutions, Susan Rose-Ackerman
Reviewed by Susan V. Berresford

pp. 348-349

Inventing Reality: The Politics of the Mass Media, Michael Parenti
Reviewed by Sidney Kraus

pp. 349-350

Averting Catastrophe: Strategies for Regulating Risky Technologies, Edward J. Woodhouse and Joseph G. Morone
Reviewed by Dudley J. Burton

pp. 351-352

Policymaking Under Adversity, Yehezkel Dror
Reviewed by Paul Huth

pp. 352-353

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