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Volume 101 - Number 5 - Reflections on Providing for "The Common Defense", 1986

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The Nuclear Revolution and the Common Defense
Robert Jervis analyzes the implications of the nuclear revolution for the United States and other superpowers' ability to defend their national security.  He addresses the paradox that while the United States is more powerful militarily than the Founding Fathers could have imagined, the U.S. is nevertheless unable to provide a secure defense against destruction by other nuclear powers.

pp. 689-703

The "Lion in the Path": The U.S. Emergence as a World Power
Walter LaFeber discusses how the view of the "common defense" changed from that of the Founders as the United States emerged as a world power in the early years of the twentieth century.

pp. 705-718

The Common Defense and Great-Power Responsibilities
Inis L. Claude, Jr. examines the difficulties faced by the United States and other great powers in making their external responsibilities for defense of their allies and for the stability of the international system as a whole compatible with their obligation to provide for the "common defense" of their own societies.

pp. 719-732

Dilemmas of Common Deterrence
George H. Quester considers some trends and paradoxes about common deterrence as it has taken the place of common defense and examines the credibility of the United States extending a "nuclear umbrella" to protect its close allies.

pp. 733-752

The United Nations, International Conflict, and American Security
George L. Sherry suggests that impass management and conflict control among the smaller powers and not defending American defense interests are the main political functions of the UN.

pp. 753-771

Defense Against Terrorism
Brian M. Jenkins reflects on the impact of international terrorism – not a threat to the common defense the framers of the Constitution had in mind nor a kind of war our armed forces have been trained for, but nevertheless a rising threat to Americans and American institutions.

pp. 773-786

Trade Conflicts and the Common Defense: The United States and Japan
Stephen D. Krasner examines American concepts of the relationship between international trade conflict and the common defense.  Focusing on American-Japanese relations, he concludes that the policy of "diffuse reciprocity" in trade, pursued by United States leaders, fails to achieve its intended effects.

pp. 787-806

Insurgency in Latin America and the Common Defense
JORGE I. DOMÍNGUEZ discusses insurgencies and revolutionary regimes in Latin America in light of the interests and values shared by the United States and allied liberal democracies.

pp. 807-823

The Electoral Cycle and the Conduct of Foreign Policy
William B. Quandt analyzes the impact of the electoral cycle on the president's ability to manage foreign policy, finding distinctive problems associated with each year of the normal four-year presidential term.

pp. 825-837

Can SDI Provide a Defense?
Jerome Slater and David Goldfischer assess the various arguements that have been made for the Strategic Defense Initiative against hostile ballistic missiles.  They contend that only one argument is not flawed – the SDI's capacity to provide limited population defense within the context of a new and major arms control regime.

pp. 839-856

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