The New American Poverty, Michael Harrington Reviewed by Blanche Bernstein
pp. 139-140
Contending with Kennan: Toward a Philosophy of American Power, Barton Gellman Reviewed by Thomas G. Paterson
pp. 140-142
Nuclear Forces in Europe: Enduring Dilemmas, Present Prospects, Leon V. Sigal Reviewed by Philip W. Dyer
pp. 142-143
The Dynamics of Nuclear Proliferation, Stephen M. Meyer Reviewed by Leonard S. Spector
pp. 143-144
Autumn of Fury: The Assassination of Sadat, Mohamed Heikal Reviewed by John P. Entelis
pp. 145-146
From Gunboats to Diplomacy: New U.S. Policies for Latin America, Richard Newfarmer, ed. Reviewed by Robert S. Leiken
pp. 146-148
Peron: A Biography, Joseph A. Page ;
The Populist Challenge: Argentine Electoral Behavior in the Postwar Era, Lars Schoultz Reviewed by Frederick C. Turner
pp. 148-150
Scheming for the Poor: The Politics of Redistribution in Latin America, William Ascher Reviewed by Jeff Frieden
pp. 150-151
The Jews of East Central Europe Between the World Wars, Ezra Mendelsohn Reviewed by Joseph Rothschild
pp. 151-152
Interpreting Elections, Stanley Kelley Reviewed by D. Roderick Kiewiet
pp. 153-154
Campaigning for Congress, Edie N. Goldenberg and Michael W. Traugott Reviewed by Harvey L. Schantz
pp. 154-155
Louis D. Brandeis: Justice for the People, Philippa Strum Reviewed by Henry J. Abraham
pp. 155-156
Constitutional Faiths: Felix Frankfurter, Hugo Black, and the Process of Judicial Decision Making, Mark Silverstein Reviewed by D. Grier Stephenson, Jr.
pp. 157-158
Third Parties in America: Citizen Response to Major Party Failure, Steven J. Rosenstone, Roy L. Behr and Edward H. Lazarus Reviewed by John R. Petrocik
pp. 158-159
The Politics of Parliamentary Reform, David Judge, ed. Reviewed by Leon D. Epstein
pp. 159-160
Relief or Reform? Reagan's Regulatory Dilemma, George C. Eads and Michael Fix Reviewed by Eugene Bardach
pp. 161-162
Black Police, White Society, Stephen Leinen Reviewed by Pamela D. Delaney
pp. 162-163
Governor Reagan, Governor Brown: A Sociology of Executive Power, Gary C. Hamilton and Nicole Woolsey Biggart Reviewed by Gerald Benjamin
pp. 163-165
Agendas, Alternatives, and Public Policy, John W. Kingdon Reviewed by Evelyn Brodkin
pp. 165-166
The Making of the Mayor: Chicago 1983, Melvin G. Holli and Paul M. Green, eds. Reviewed by Amy Bridges
pp. 166-167
The Inner Circle: Large Corporations and the Rise of Business Political Activity in the U.S. and U.K, Michael Useem Reviewed by Charles Noble
pp. 167-168
The Regulation of American Federalism, Donald F. Kettl Reviewed by Timothy J. Conlan
pp. 169-170
Public Sector Performance: A Conceptual Turning Point, Trudi C. Miller, ed. Reviewed by James W. Fesler
pp. 170-171
The Democratic Muse: Visual Arts and the Public Interest, Edward C. Banfield Reviewed by Kevin V. Mulcahy
pp. 171-172
Congressional Television: A Legislative History, Ronald Garay Reviewed by Charles M. Tidmarch
pp. 172-174
Political Elites and Social Change: Studies of Elite Roles and Attitudes, Moshe M. Czudnowski, ed. Reviewed by Cynthia Fuchs Epstein
pp. 174-175
Biopolitics and Gender, Meredith W. Watts, ed. Reviewed by Anne N. Costain
pp. 175-176
The Managed Heart: Commercialization of Human Feeling, Arlie Russell Hochschild Reviewed by Martha T. Mednick
pp. 176-178
The Influence of British Arms. An Analysis of British Military Intervention since 1956, James H. Wyllie Reviewed by Hedley Bull
pp. 178-179
Labour in Power, 1945-1951, Kenneth O. Morgan ;
The Labour Governments, 1945-51, Henry Pelling Reviewed by Jorgen Rasmussen
pp. 179-180