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Volume 97 - Number 4 - Winter 1982-83

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American Interests and the United Nations
Donald J. Puchala analyzes the current roles of the United Nations and finds that contrary to some views, American values and foreign policy interests are, on the whole, served by U.N. activities and policy directions.

pp. 571-588

What in the Name of God is Strategic Superiority?
BARRY BLECHMAN and Robert Powell examine the nuclear warnings issued by the Eisenhower administration as part of its strategy to end the Korean War and conclude that the actual effect of these warnings is uncertain. They also stress that strategic balance in the 1980s is so fundamentally different from the balance of nuclear forces in 1953 that no valid lessons for contemporary problems may be drawn from this incident.

pp. 589-602

LBJ and the Fortas Nomination for Chief Justice
John Massaro draws upon previously unpublished source material from the Lyndon Baines Johnson Library to examine the nomination of Abe Fortas for Chief Justice. Massaro attributes the Senate's refusal to confirm Fortas to mismanagement of that nomination by President Johnson.

pp. 603-621

The Dispersion of Authority in the House of Representatives
Thomas E. Cavanagh reformulates Nelson Polsby's model of the "institutionalization" of the House of Representatives in light of changes seen in the 1970s. Cavanagh contends that increasing membership turnover has promoted the fragmentation of authority in the contemporary House.

pp. 623-637

Support for Organized Labor in the House of Representatives: The 89th and 95th Congresses
Marcus D. Pohlmann and George S. Crisci examine the level of support for labor legislation in the U.S. House of Representatives during the 89th and 95th Congresses and attempt to account for the decreased support in the 95th Congress.

pp. 639-652

Attacks on Nuclear Reactors: The Implications of Israel's Strike on Osiraq
Bennett Ramberg argues that Israel's 1981 destruction of Iraq's research reactor portends attacks on large nuclear facilities in future conflicts. He suggests that atomic plant vulnerability to military destruction be included in global nuclear energy risk calculations and strategic planning.

pp. 653-669


pp. 751-753

Earl Warren: A Public Life, G. Edward White
Reviewed by Alpheus Thomas Mason

pp. 671-673

The American Experiment, Volume 1: The Vineyard of Liberty, James MacGregor Burns
Reviewed by Douglas M. Arnold

pp. 673-674

Years of Upheaval, Henry Kissinger
Reviewed by Ronald Steel

pp. 674-675

Greed is Not Enough: Reagonomics, Robert Lekachman
Reviewed by Alan Wolfe

pp. 675-677

MITI and the Japanese Miracle: The Growth of Industrial Policy, 1925-1975, Chalmers Johnson
Reviewed by T. J. Pempel

pp. 677-678

Coping with U.S.-Japanese Economic Conflicts, I. M. Destler and Hideo Sato
Reviewed by John K. Emmerson

pp. 678-679

Oil: The Missed Opportunity, or Naft and Shaft, Aubrey Jones
Reviewed by James R. Temples

pp. 680-681

Reforming the Reforms: A Critical Analysis of the Presidential Selection Process, James W. Ceaser
Reviewed by Leon D. Epstein

pp. 681-682

The Baroque Arsenal, Mary Kaldor
Reviewed by Thomas L. McNaugher

pp. 682-683

Nuclear Illusion and Reality, Solly Zuckerman
Reviewed by George H. Quester

pp. 683-684

War and Change in World Politics, Robert Gilpin
Reviewed by William T. R. Fo

pp. 684-685

The Global Politics of Arms Sales, Andrew J. Pierre
Reviewed by Robert L. Pfaltzgraff

pp. 686-687

Controlling the Bomb: Nuclear Proliferation in the 1980s, Lewis A. Dunn
Reviewed by Richard I. Brody

pp. 687-688

The Dynamics of Human Rights in U.S. Foreign Policy, Natalie Kaufman Hevener
Reviewed by John A. Scanlan

pp. 688-689

Government Oversight and Evaluability Assessment (It is Always More Expensive When the Carpenter Types), Joe N. Nay and Peg Kay
Reviewed by David Nachmias

pp. 689-690

Controlling the New Inflation, Thomas J. Dougherty
Reviewed by Robert B. Pettengill

pp. 691-692

The Role of Economic Advisers in Developing Countries, Lauchlin Currie
Reviewed by Krishan Saini

pp. 692-693

Speech and Law in a Free Society, Franklyn S. Haiman
Reviewed by Robert J. Harris

pp. 693-694

Ethnic America: A History, Thomas Sowell
Reviewed by Deborah Dash Moore

pp. 694-695

The Economic Prerequisite to Democracy, Dan Usher
Reviewed by James E. Alt

pp. 696-697

China's Economy in Global Perspective, A. Doak Barnett
Reviewed by Carl Riskin

pp. 697-698

New Directions in Strategic Thinking, Robert O'Neill and D. M. Horner
Reviewed by Daniel F. Harrington

pp. 698-699

Studies in Public Regulation, Gary Fromm
Reviewed by Fred Thompson

pp. 699-700

The Independence of Nations, David Fromkin
Reviewed by William V. O'Brien

pp. 700-702

Alexander Hamilton, Jacob E. Cooke
Reviewed by Peter S. Onuf

pp. 702-703

Parties and Their Environments: Limits to Reform?, Robert Harmel and Kenneth Janda
Reviewed by Frank J. Sorauf

pp. 703-704

Media Power Politics, David L. Paletz and Robert M. Entman
Reviewed by Richard L. Rubin

pp. 704-705

Bureaucratic Democracy: The Search for Democracy and Efficiency in American Government, Douglas Yates
Reviewed by Francis E. Rourke

pp. 705-706

News from the White House: The Presidential-Press Relationship in the Progressive Era, George Juergens
Reviewed by William W. Lammers

pp. 707-708

The Government and Politics of New York State, Joseph F. Zimmerman
Reviewed by Leonard P. Stavisky

pp. 708-709

The Politics of Retrenchment: How Local Governments Manage Fiscal Stress, Charles H. Levine, Irene S. Rubin and George G. Wolohojian
Reviewed by Robert D. Behn

pp. 709-711

The Brandeis/Frankfurter Connection: The Secret Political Activities of Two Supreme Court Justices, Bruce Allen Murphy
Reviewed by D. Grier Stephenson, Jr.

pp. 711-712

Generations and Politics: A Panel Study of Young Adults and Their Parents, M. Kent Jennings and Richard G. Niemi
Reviewed by Kay Lehman Schlozman

pp. 712-713

How Courts Govern America, Richard Neely
Reviewed by David Adamany

pp. 714-715

Prohibitive Policy: Implementing the Federal Endangered Species Act, Steven Lewis Yaffee
Reviewed by Richard F. Elmore

pp. 715-717

The Regulation of Natural Gas: Policy and Politics, 1938-1978, M. Elizabeth Sanders
Reviewed by Michael E. Kraft

pp. 717-718

Across the Border: Rural Development in Mexico and Recent Migration to the United States, Harry E. Cross and James A. Sandos
Reviewed by Samuel Crawford

pp. 718-719

The Failure of the Franklin National Bank: Challenge to the International Banking System, Joan Edelman Spero
Reviewed by Ira O. Scott

pp. 719-720

The Impossible Dream: The Rise and Demise of the American Left, Bernard K. Johnpoll and Lillian Johnpoll
Reviewed by Kevin Anderson

pp. 721-722

Reforming Regulation: Processes and Problems, Lawrence J. White
Reviewed by Paul J. Halpern

pp. 722-723

Competition in International Business: Law and Policy on Restrictive Practices, Oscar Schachter and Robert Hellawell
Reviewed by Charles Lipson

pp. 723-724

Oral History and Delinquency: The Rhetoric of Criminology, James Bennett
Reviewed by John H. Laub

pp. 725-726

The Division of Europe after World War II: 1946, W. W. Rostow
Reviewed by Bruce Kuklick

p. 726

Which Side Were You On? The American Communist Party during the Second World War, Maurice Isserman
Reviewed by Lowell K. Dyson

pp. 727-728

Colonialism and Cold War: The United States and the Struggle for Indonesian Independence, 1943-49, Robert J. McMahon
Reviewed by Roger Dingman

pp. 728-729

Law and Inflation, Keith S. Rosenn
Reviewed by Donald Dewey

pp. 729-730

Computers and Politics: High Technology in American Local Governments, James N. Danziger
Reviewed by Gerald Benjamin

pp. 730-731

Imprisonment in America: Choosing the Future, Michael Sherman and Gordon Hawkins
Reviewed by Jean Bickmore White

pp. 731-733

American Intervention in Greece, 1943-1949, Lawrence S. Wittner
Reviewed by Thomas G. Paterson

pp. 733-734

Sexism: The Male Monopoly on History and Thought, Marielouise Janssen-Jurreit and Verne Moberg
Reviewed by Jessie Bernard

pp. 734-735

Hannah Arendt: For Love of the World, Elisabeth Young-Bruehl
Reviewed by Lewis A. Coser

pp. 735-737

Elites in France: Origins, Reproduction and Power, Philip G. Cerny and Jolyon Howorth
Reviewed by Robert E. Neil

pp. 737-738

Strategies for Change: The Future of French Society, Michel Crozier and William R. Beer
Reviewed by Marianna P. Sullivan

pp. 738-739

The Collapse of the Weimar Republic: Political Economy and Crisis, David Abraham
Reviewed by Henry A. Turner

pp. 739-741

Religion and Politics in Latin America: The Catholic Church in Venezuela and Colombia, Daniel H. Levine
Reviewed by Margaret E. Crahan

pp. 741-742

Ideology and Development in Africa, Crawford Young
Reviewed by Martin Staniland

pp. 742-743

Women in Islam: Tradition and Transition in the Middle East, Naila Minai
Reviewed by Amal Rassam

pp. 744-745

The Dynamics of Chinese Politics, Lucien Pye
Reviewed by Rhoda Weidenbaum

pp. 745-746

Organizing China: The Problem of Bureaucracy, 1949-1976, Harry Harding
Reviewed by ANDREW J. NATHAN

pp. 746-747

Circulation of News in the Third World: A Study of Asia, Wilbur Schramm and Erwin Atwood
Reviewed by Elie Abel

pp. 748-749

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