Earl Warren: A Public Life, G. Edward White Reviewed by Alpheus Thomas Mason
pp. 671-673
The American Experiment, Volume 1: The Vineyard of Liberty, James MacGregor Burns Reviewed by Douglas M. Arnold
pp. 673-674
Years of Upheaval, Henry Kissinger Reviewed by Ronald Steel
pp. 674-675
Greed is Not Enough: Reagonomics, Robert Lekachman Reviewed by Alan Wolfe
pp. 675-677
MITI and the Japanese Miracle: The Growth of Industrial Policy, 1925-1975, Chalmers Johnson Reviewed by T. J. Pempel
pp. 677-678
Coping with U.S.-Japanese Economic Conflicts, I. M. Destler and Hideo Sato Reviewed by John K. Emmerson
pp. 678-679
Oil: The Missed Opportunity, or Naft and Shaft, Aubrey Jones Reviewed by James R. Temples
pp. 680-681
Reforming the Reforms: A Critical Analysis of the Presidential Selection Process, James W. Ceaser Reviewed by Leon D. Epstein
pp. 681-682
The Baroque Arsenal, Mary Kaldor Reviewed by Thomas L. McNaugher
pp. 682-683
Nuclear Illusion and Reality, Solly Zuckerman Reviewed by George H. Quester
pp. 683-684
War and Change in World Politics, Robert Gilpin Reviewed by William T. R. Fo
pp. 684-685
The Global Politics of Arms Sales, Andrew J. Pierre Reviewed by Robert L. Pfaltzgraff
pp. 686-687
Controlling the Bomb: Nuclear Proliferation in the 1980s, Lewis A. Dunn Reviewed by Richard I. Brody
pp. 687-688
The Dynamics of Human Rights in U.S. Foreign Policy, Natalie Kaufman Hevener Reviewed by John A. Scanlan
pp. 688-689
Government Oversight and Evaluability Assessment (It is Always More Expensive When the Carpenter Types), Joe N. Nay and Peg Kay Reviewed by David Nachmias
pp. 689-690
Controlling the New Inflation, Thomas J. Dougherty Reviewed by Robert B. Pettengill
pp. 691-692
The Role of Economic Advisers in Developing Countries, Lauchlin Currie Reviewed by Krishan Saini
pp. 692-693
Speech and Law in a Free Society, Franklyn S. Haiman Reviewed by Robert J. Harris
pp. 693-694
Ethnic America: A History, Thomas Sowell Reviewed by Deborah Dash Moore
pp. 694-695
The Economic Prerequisite to Democracy, Dan Usher Reviewed by James E. Alt
pp. 696-697
China's Economy in Global Perspective, A. Doak Barnett Reviewed by Carl Riskin
pp. 697-698
New Directions in Strategic Thinking, Robert O'Neill and D. M. Horner Reviewed by Daniel F. Harrington
pp. 698-699
Studies in Public Regulation, Gary Fromm Reviewed by Fred Thompson
pp. 699-700
The Independence of Nations, David Fromkin Reviewed by William V. O'Brien
pp. 700-702
Alexander Hamilton, Jacob E. Cooke Reviewed by Peter S. Onuf
pp. 702-703
Parties and Their Environments: Limits to Reform?, Robert Harmel and Kenneth Janda Reviewed by Frank J. Sorauf
pp. 703-704
Media Power Politics, David L. Paletz and Robert M. Entman Reviewed by Richard L. Rubin
pp. 704-705
Bureaucratic Democracy: The Search for Democracy and Efficiency in American Government, Douglas Yates Reviewed by Francis E. Rourke
pp. 705-706
News from the White House: The Presidential-Press Relationship in the Progressive Era, George Juergens Reviewed by William W. Lammers
pp. 707-708
The Government and Politics of New York State, Joseph F. Zimmerman Reviewed by Leonard P. Stavisky
pp. 708-709
The Politics of Retrenchment: How Local Governments Manage Fiscal Stress, Charles H. Levine, Irene S. Rubin and George G. Wolohojian Reviewed by Robert D. Behn
pp. 709-711
The Brandeis/Frankfurter Connection: The Secret Political Activities of Two Supreme Court Justices, Bruce Allen Murphy Reviewed by D. Grier Stephenson, Jr.
pp. 711-712
Generations and Politics: A Panel Study of Young Adults and Their Parents, M. Kent Jennings and Richard G. Niemi Reviewed by Kay Lehman Schlozman
pp. 712-713
How Courts Govern America, Richard Neely Reviewed by David Adamany
pp. 714-715
Prohibitive Policy: Implementing the Federal Endangered Species Act, Steven Lewis Yaffee Reviewed by Richard F. Elmore
pp. 715-717
The Regulation of Natural Gas: Policy and Politics, 1938-1978, M. Elizabeth Sanders Reviewed by Michael E. Kraft
pp. 717-718
Across the Border: Rural Development in Mexico and Recent Migration to the United States, Harry E. Cross and James A. Sandos Reviewed by Samuel Crawford
pp. 718-719
The Failure of the Franklin National Bank: Challenge to the International Banking System, Joan Edelman Spero Reviewed by Ira O. Scott
pp. 719-720
The Impossible Dream: The Rise and Demise of the American Left, Bernard K. Johnpoll and Lillian Johnpoll Reviewed by Kevin Anderson
pp. 721-722
Reforming Regulation: Processes and Problems, Lawrence J. White Reviewed by Paul J. Halpern
pp. 722-723
Competition in International Business: Law and Policy on Restrictive Practices, Oscar Schachter and Robert Hellawell Reviewed by Charles Lipson
pp. 723-724
Oral History and Delinquency: The Rhetoric of Criminology, James Bennett Reviewed by John H. Laub
pp. 725-726
The Division of Europe after World War II: 1946, W. W. Rostow Reviewed by Bruce Kuklick
p. 726
Which Side Were You On? The American Communist Party during the Second World War, Maurice Isserman Reviewed by Lowell K. Dyson
pp. 727-728
Colonialism and Cold War: The United States and the Struggle for Indonesian Independence, 1943-49, Robert J. McMahon Reviewed by Roger Dingman
pp. 728-729
Law and Inflation, Keith S. Rosenn Reviewed by Donald Dewey
pp. 729-730
Computers and Politics: High Technology in American Local Governments, James N. Danziger Reviewed by Gerald Benjamin
pp. 730-731
Imprisonment in America: Choosing the Future, Michael Sherman and Gordon Hawkins Reviewed by Jean Bickmore White
pp. 731-733
American Intervention in Greece, 1943-1949, Lawrence S. Wittner Reviewed by Thomas G. Paterson
pp. 733-734
Sexism: The Male Monopoly on History and Thought, Marielouise Janssen-Jurreit and Verne Moberg Reviewed by Jessie Bernard
pp. 734-735
Hannah Arendt: For Love of the World, Elisabeth Young-Bruehl Reviewed by Lewis A. Coser
pp. 735-737
Elites in France: Origins, Reproduction and Power, Philip G. Cerny and Jolyon Howorth Reviewed by Robert E. Neil
pp. 737-738
Strategies for Change: The Future of French Society, Michel Crozier and William R. Beer Reviewed by Marianna P. Sullivan
pp. 738-739
The Collapse of the Weimar Republic: Political Economy and Crisis, David Abraham Reviewed by Henry A. Turner
pp. 739-741
Religion and Politics in Latin America: The Catholic Church in Venezuela and Colombia, Daniel H. Levine Reviewed by Margaret E. Crahan
pp. 741-742
Ideology and Development in Africa, Crawford Young Reviewed by Martin Staniland
pp. 742-743
Women in Islam: Tradition and Transition in the Middle East, Naila Minai Reviewed by Amal Rassam
pp. 744-745
The Dynamics of Chinese Politics, Lucien Pye Reviewed by Rhoda Weidenbaum
pp. 745-746
Organizing China: The Problem of Bureaucracy, 1949-1976, Harry Harding Reviewed by ANDREW J. NATHAN
pp. 746-747
Circulation of News in the Third World: A Study of Asia, Wilbur Schramm and Erwin Atwood Reviewed by Elie Abel
pp. 748-749