U.S. Military Forces as a Political Instrument Since World War II
Barry M. Blechman and Stephen S. Kaplan analyze how the United States sought to further foreign policy objectives since World War II by what they call "the demonstrative use of the military." They conclude that such uses of the military were often effective political instruments in the short term, but that their impact eroded over time.
pp. 193-209
The Patron-Recipient Relationship and Minority Politics in New York City
Charles V. Hamilton suggests that the antipoverty programs of the 1960s in New York City rather than politicizing the black poor, actually produced a patron-recipient relationship that kept them depoliticized.
pp. 211-227
Secularization, Industrialization, and Khomeini's Islamic Republic
Cheryl Benard and Zalmay Khalilzad examine the implications of recent developments in Iran for theories of political modernization. Benard and Khalilzad argue that the events in Iran and the surrounding region require the reassessment of some of the basic assumptions of mainstream modernization theories.
pp. 229-241
The Soviets and Strategic Arms: Toward an Evaluation of the Record
William D. Jackson discusses the controversy in the explanation of Moscow's behavior in strategic arms competition. He contends that Moscow has not consistently sought to achieve nuclear superiority and that Soviet interest in curbing the strategic competition has been substantial.
pp. 243-261
CIA Covert Action in Zaire and Angola: Patterns and Consequences
Stephen R. Weissman describes the Central Intelligence Agency's intervention in the Third World through case studies of "covert action" in Zaire and Angola. Weissman shows that the varying degrees of success of covert action depended upon collateral use of overt diplomacy, the internal organization of targeted groups, and the nature of the Soviet and Chinese responses.
pp. 263-286
Legislative Liaison in the Carter Administration
Eric L. Davis examines the behavior of the White House and departmental legislative liaison staffs during the first years of the Carter administration and attempts to account for its relative lack of legislative success.
pp. 287-301
Advising the President on Enrolled Legislation: Patterns of Executive Influence
Stephen J. Wayne , Richard L. Cole , and James F. C. Hyde , JR., analyze presidential decisions to approve or veto enrolled bills during the Nixon and Ford years. The authors show that presidential action was closely related to advice from the agency most directly affected by the proposed legislation and especially the Office of Management and Budget.
pp. 303-317
The Senate Reorganizes Its Committees, 1977
Judith H. Parris describes the 1977 committee reorganization in the Senate, suggests why it was successful; and indicates ways in which committee reorganization matters in political, symbolic, and managerial terms.
pp. 319-337
Taking the Long View: Rostow on Prospects for the World Economy
Peter B. Kenen reviews W. W. Rostow's diagnosis and remedies for the problems of the U. S. economy. He has doubts about the diagnosis and reservations about the remedies, suggesting that democracies must come to grips with the politics of distribution if they are to solve their economic problems.
pp. 339-342
p. 389
Blowing on the Wind: The Nuclear Test Ban Debate 1954-1960, Robert A. Divine Reviewed by Donald M. Snow
pp. 343-344
View from the UN, U. Thant Reviewed by Leland M. Goodrich
pp. 344-346
Leadership, James MacGregor Burns Reviewed by Larry Berman
pp. 346-348
American Caesar: Douglas MacArthur, 1880-1964, William Manchester Reviewed by Stanley L. Falk
pp. 348-349
America in Vietnam, Guenter Lewy Reviewed by John W. Holmes
pp. 349-350
A Dangerous Place, Daniel Patrick Moynihan and Suzanne Weaver Reviewed by Rita E. Hauser
pp. 350-351
Robert Kennedy and His Times, Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr. Reviewed by Steven F. Lawson
pp. 352-353
Injustice: The Social Bases of Obedience and Revolt, Barrington Moore Reviewed by Clifford Orwin
pp. 353-354
Ethnic Leadership in America, John Higham Reviewed by Shirley E. Ostholm
pp. 354-355
Congressional Procedures and the Policy Process, Walter J. Oleszek Reviewed by Morris S. Ogul
pp. 355-356
Race for the Presidency: The Media and the Nominating Process, James David Barber Reviewed by Robert G. Meadow
pp. 356-358
Crisis and Legitimacy: The Administrative Process and American Government, James O. Freedman Reviewed by Robert J. Harris
pp. 358-359
Criminal Violence, Criminal Justice, Charles E. Silberman Reviewed by Herbert Jacob
pp. 360-361
The Great Fear: The Anti-Communist Purge under Truman and Eisenhower, David Caute Reviewed by John P. Roche
pp. 361-362
Emerging Coalitions in American Politics, Seymour Martin Lipset Reviewed by Peter B. Natchez
pp. 362-364
The Constitution Between Friends: Congress, the President, and the Law, Louis Fisher Reviewed by Pietro S. Nivola
pp. 364-366
Poverty and Social Change, Kirsten Gronbjerg, David Street and Gerald D. Suttles Reviewed by Beryl A. Radin
pp. 366-367
The Divided Left: American Radicalism, 1900-1975, Milton Cantor Reviewed by Daniel J. Leab
pp. 367-368
Television and Human Behavior, George Comstock Reviewed by Doris A. Graber
pp. 368-369
The Capitol Press Corps: Newsmen and the Governing of New York State, David Morgan Reviewed by Gerald Benjamin
pp. 370-371
The Diplomacy of Detente: The Kissinger Era, Coral Bell Reviewed by Linda B. Miller
pp. 371-372
Trudeau, George Radwanski Reviewed by Thomas P. Peardon
pp. 372-373
Eurocommunism: The Italian Case, Giovanni Sartori and Austin Ranney ;
Eurocommunism: A New Kind of Communism?, Annie Kriegel ;
From Stalinism to Eurocommunism, Ernest Mandel Reviewed by Robert Leonardi
pp. 373-376
Conservative Dissidents: Dissent within the Parliamentary Conservative Party 1970-74, Philip Norton Reviewed by Peter Marsh
pp. 376-377
Electoral Dynamics in Britain since 1918, William L. Miller Reviewed by Harry Lazar
pp. 377-378
The British Experience 1945-75, Peter Calvocoressi Reviewed by Anthony King
pp. 378-379
China's Role in World Affairs, Michael B. Yahuda Reviewed by Steven I. Levine
pp. 380-381
The Pacific War: World War II and the Japanese, 1931-1945, Saburō Ienaga Reviewed by Akira Iriye
pp. 381-382
U.S.-Japan Relations and the Security of East Asia: The Next Decade, Franklin B. Weinstein Reviewed by Michael Mandelbaum
pp. 382-383
Sons of the Soil: Migration and Ethnic Conflict in India, Myron Weiner Reviewed by Cynthia H. Enloe
pp. 383-384
Bentham's Theory of the Modern State, Nancy L. Rosenblum Reviewed by Dennis F. Thompson
pp. 385-386
Right and Wrong, Charles Fried Reviewed by Nathan Tarcov
pp. 386-388