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Volume 92 - Number 3 - Fall 1977

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Personality and Political Leadership
Robert C. Tucker reexamines the connection between personality and political leadership. He foresees an "oncoming crisis of human survival" and questions whether individuals with appropriate leadership traits will emerge to cope with that crisis successfully.

pp. 383-393

Political Executives and the Washington Bureaucracy
Hugh Heclo analyzes the resources, strategies, and tactics by which political executives appointed by presidents try to exercise policy control over the Washington career bureaucracy.

pp. 395-424

Contemporary Supreme Court Directions in Civil Liberties
Robert J. Steamer argues that the Burger Court, although changing judicial directions in some instances, is closely tied to the past and that on balance it is more Me, than unlike the Warren Court.

pp. 425-442

Congress and the Arab-Israeli Conflict: Support for Israel in the U. S. Senate, 1970-1973
Robert H. Trice reviews the nature and strength of support in the Senate for aid to Israel for the period 1970 to 1973. He finds that the most plausible factors accounting for such support -- ideological liberalism, distribution of the Jewish population among the states, and financial support to individual senators from Jewish groups -- in fact are related only weakly to voting patterns.

pp. 443-463

Citizen Witnesses before Congressional Committees
Jack R. Van Der Slik and Thomas C. Stenger explore the characteristics of private citizens who appear as witnesses before legislative committees of the House of Representatives. They find that citizen witnesses can get the opportunity to testify with relative ease and that they are favorably impressed with the professionalism and interest shown to them by members of Congress.

pp. 465-485

Observations on Political Legitimacy in Contemporary Europe
Joseph Rothschild discusses historical and continuing changes in the concept of political legitimacy. He finds the legitimacy of contemporary European regimes, both communist and noncommunist, to be vulnerable and concludes that erosion of those regimes' legitimacy can become a major obstacle to effective governance.

pp. 487-501

Soviet-American Politics and the Turkish Straits
Anthony R. De Luca traces the evolution and significance of postwar Soviet-American rivalry over the Turkish Straits and the impact this rivalry had upon the formative stages of the Cold War.

pp. 503-524

Correction: Changing Campaign Techniques

p. 578


p. 579

The Natural Superiority of Southern Politicians, David Leon Chandler
Reviewed by William C. Havard

pp. 525-526

The Diploma Disease: Education, Qualification and Development, Ronald Dore
Reviewed by Elinor G. Barber

pp. 526-528

Politics in Public Service Advertising on Television, David L. Paletz, Roberta E. Pearson and Donald L. Willis
Reviewed by Doris A. Graber

pp. 529-530

The Game of Disarmament: How the United States and Russia Run the Arms Race, Alva Myrdal
Reviewed by David W. Tarr

pp. 530-531

The Politics of Attraction: Four Middle Powers and the United States, Annette Baker Fox
Reviewed by Jeffrey Obler

pp. 532-533

The Committee of One Million: "China Lobby" Politics, 1953-1971, Stanley D. Bachrack
Reviewed by Kenneth S. Chern

pp. 534-535

Managing the State, Martha Wagner Weinberg
Reviewed by Gerald Benjamin

pp. 535-536

The Political Socialization of Black Americans: A Critical Evaluation of Research on Efficacy and Trust, Paul R. Abramson
Reviewed by Marilyn Hoskin

pp. 536-538

Leadership and Change: The New Politics and the American Electorate, Warren E. Miller and Teresa E. Levitin
Reviewed by Gerald B. Finch

pp. 538-540

Organizing the Presidency, Stephen Hess ; Presidential Power and Politics, William F. Mullen
Reviewed by Louis W. Koenig

pp. 540-542

Campaign Money: Reform and Reality in the States, Herbert E. Alexander ; Financing Politics: Money, Elections and Political Reform, Herbert E. Alexander
Reviewed by David Adamany

pp. 542-544

Power, Inc.: Public and Private Rulers and How to Make Them Accountable, Morton Mintz and Jerry Cohen
Reviewed by Thomas R. Dye

pp. 544-545

Financing State and Local Governments, James A. Maxwell and J. Richard Aronson
Reviewed by Jesse Burkhead

pp. 546-547

Police: Streetcorner Politicians, William Ker Muir
Reviewed by James P. Gifford

pp. 547-548

Rent Control: Concepts, Realities, and Mechanisms, Monica R. Lett
Reviewed by M. Leanne Lachman

pp. 548-549

Housing and Economic Reality: New York City, 1976, George Sternlieb and James Hughes
Reviewed by Michael J. Munson

pp. 550-551

The Golden Door: Italian and Jewish Immigrant Mobility in New York City, 1880-1915, Thomas Kessner
Reviewed by S. J. Makielski

pp. 552-553

A Place Called Home: A History of Low Cost Housing in Manhattan, Anthony Jackson
Reviewed by Stanley Buder

pp. 553-554

Economic Integration in New Communities: An Evaluation of Factors Affecting Policies and Implementation, Helene V. Smookler
Reviewed by Michael N. Danielson

pp. 554-555

The Governance of Britain, Harold Wilson
Reviewed by Stephen Koss

pp. 555-557

Franco's Political Legacy: From Fascism to Facade Democracy, José Amodia
Reviewed by Stanley G. Payne

pp. 557-558

Socialist Opposition in Eastern Europe: The Czechoslovak Example, Jiri Pelikan
Reviewed by Frank Dinka

pp. 558-560

Revolutionary Law and Order: Politics and Social Change in the USSR, Peter H. Juviler
Reviewed by Chris Osakwe

pp. 560-562

Yom Kippur and After: The Soviet Union and the Middle East Crisis, Galia Golan
Reviewed by Naomi Joy Williams

pp. 562-563

Detente and the Democratic Movement in the USSR, Frederick C. Barghoorn
Reviewed by G. H. N. Seton-Watson

pp. 563-564

Deterrent Diplomacy: Japan, Germany, and the USSR, 1935-1940, James William Morley
Reviewed by Stephen E. Pelz

pp. 565-566

Political Brokers in Chile: Local Government in a Centralized Polity, Arturo Valenzuela
Reviewed by James F. Petras

pp. 566-567

The Myth of Marginality: Urban Poverty and Politics in Rio de Janeiro, Janice E. Perlman
Reviewed by Warren Dean

pp. 567-569

Power and Class in Africa, Irving Leonard Markovitz
Reviewed by Joel Samoff

pp. 569-570

Why Poor People Stay Poor: Urban Bias in World Development, Michael Lipton
Reviewed by Sylvia Ann Hewlett

pp. 570-572

Social Change and Political Participation in Turkey, Ergun Özbudun
Reviewed by Helen Rivlin

pp. 572-573

International Arms Control: Issues and Agreements, John H. Barton and Lawrence D. Weiler
Reviewed by Robert J. Bresler

pp. 573-574

The Anarchical Society: A Study of Order in World Politics, Hedley Bull
Reviewed by Michael Mandelbaum

pp. 574-575

Mahatma Gandhi and His Apostles, Ved Mehta
Reviewed by Stephen Hay

pp. 576-577

Utopia and Revolution: On the Origins of a Metaphor, or Some Illustrations of the Problem of Political Temperament and Intellectual Climate and How Ideas, Ideals, and Ideologies Have Been Historically Related, Melvin J. Lasky
Reviewed by Martha K. Zebrowski

pp. 577-578

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