Memoirs, 1945-1953, Konrad Adenauer and Beate Ruhm von Oppen Reviewed by Gordon A. Craig
pp. 268-269
Germany and the Atlantic Alliance, James L. Richardson Reviewed by Jean Edward Smith
pp. 269-270
Organization and Revolution: Working-Class Associations in the German Revolutions of 1848-1849, P. H. Noyes Reviewed by Mack Walker
pp. 271-272
Relative Deprivation and Social Justice: A Study of Attitudes to Social Inequality in Twentieth-Century England, W. G. Runciman Reviewed by Barbara Wootton
pp. 272-273
The Triumphant Empire: The British Empire Before the American Revolution, Lawrence Henry Gipson Reviewed by Stephen G. Kurtz
pp. 274-275
Charles Townshend, John Brooke and Lewis Namier Reviewed by Richard B. Morris
pp. 275-277
Principles of Political Economy with Some of Their Applications to Social Philosophy, 2 Vols, John Stuart Mill, V. W. Bladen and J. M. Robson Reviewed by Joseph Dorfman
pp. 277-279
The Future of the Dollar as an International Currency, Robert Z. Aliber Reviewed by James W. Angell
pp. 279-280
Twenty-Six Centuries of Agrarian Reform: A Comparative Analysis, Elias H. Tuma Reviewed by Folke Dovring
pp. 280-281
The Emergence of Liberal Humanism: An Intellectual History of Western Europe. Vol. I: From the Italian Renaissance to the French Revolution, J. Salwyn Schapiro, Willson H. Coates and Hayden V. White Reviewed by Paul H. Beik
pp. 281-282
Leon Blum: Humanist in Politics, Joel Colton Reviewed by Gordon Wright
pp. 282-283
The French Army in Politics, 1945-1962, John Steward Ambler Reviewed by George A. Kelly
pp. 284-285
Wahlen und Parteien in Osterreich, Rodney Stiefbold Reviewed by Walter B. Simon
pp. 285-287
Anpassung oder Widerstand, Alice Meyer Reviewed by Rolf Kieser
pp. 287-288
Ataturk: A Biography of Mustafa Kemal, Father of Modern Turkey, Lord Kinross ;
The Turkish Political Elite, Frederick W. Frey Reviewed by J. C. Hurewitz
pp. 289-291
Africa's Search for Identity, Victor C. Ferkiss Reviewed by Colin Legum
pp. 291-292
Kingdoms of the Savanna, Jan Vansina Reviewed by R. Heussler
pp. 292-294
Political Systems: Some Sociological Approaches, H. V. Wiseman Reviewed by Joseph LaPalombara
pp. 294-296
The Real World of Democracy, C. B. Macpherson ;
Political Power and Social Change, Peter H. Odegard Reviewed by J. Roland Pennock
pp. 296-298
Nonalignment and the Afro-Asian States, G. H. Jansen Reviewed by Cecil V. Crabb
pp. 298-299
The Revolution in International Relations: A Study in the Changing Nature and Balance of Power, E. F. Penrose ;
International Peace Observation: A History and Forecast, David W. Wainhouse Reviewed by Kenneth W. Thompson
pp. 300-301
Khrushchev and the Arms Race: Soviet Interests in Arms Control and Disarmament, 1954-1964, Lincoln P. Bloomfield, Walter C. Clemens and Franklyn Griffiths Reviewed by Herbert S. Dinerstein
pp. 301-302
Food and Agriculture in Communist China, Yuan-Li Wu, John Lossing Buck and Owen L. Dawson Reviewed by Kenneth R. Walker
pp. 304-306
Communist China's Economic Growth and Foreign Trade: Implications for U.S. Policy, Alexander Eckstein Reviewed by Gordon Tullock
pp. 307-308
Chinese Intellectuals and the West, 1872-1949, Y. C. Wang Reviewed by Albert Feuerwerker
pp. 308-310
Party Politics in Republican China: The Kuomintang, 1912-1924, George T. Yu Reviewed by Walter E. Gourlay
pp. 310-311
Australian Policies and Attitudes Toward China, Henry S. Albinski Reviewed by Donald C. Gordon
pp. 311-313
The Challenge of Industrial Relations in the Pacific-Asian Countries, Paul F. Brissenden and Harold S. Roberts Reviewed by Mark Perlman
pp. 313-314
Protest in Tokyo: The Security Treaty Crisis of 1960, George R. Packard Reviewed by Daniel B. Ramsdell
pp. 315-316
Private Power and American Democracy, Grant McConnell Reviewed by Mark Kesselman
pp. 317-319
The Washington Community, 1800-1828, James Sterling Young Reviewed by Richard F. Fenno, Jr.
pp. 319-320
Social Insecurity: The Politics of Welfare, Gilbert Y. Steiner Reviewed by Charles E. Gilbert
pp. 320-322
The Politics of Zoning: The New York Experience, Stanislaw J. Makielski Reviewed by James Felt
pp. 322-323
Social Change in Modern India, M. N. Srinivas Reviewed by Myron Weiner
pp. 323-325
The Indian Constitution: Cornerstone of a Nation, Granville Austin ;
Indian Political Associations and Reform of Legislature (1818-1917), Bimanbehari Majumdar Reviewed by Arthur W. Macmahon
pp. 325-326
L'essence du politique, Julien Freund Reviewed by Frederic S. Burin
pp. 327-328
The Independent Satellite: Society and Politics in Poland Since 1945, Hansjakob Stehle Reviewed by Peter Brock
pp. 328-329
Workers' Councils: The Yugoslav Experience, Jiri Kolaja Reviewed by Adolf Sturmthal
pp. 329-330
Accion Democratica: Evolution of a Modern Political Party in Venezuela, John D. Martz Reviewed by George I. Blanksten
pp. 331-332