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Volume 80 - Number 3 - September 1965

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In Memoriam: Harry J. Carman

p. 0

In Memoriam: Carlton J. H. Hayes

p. 0

Four Problems in Lawmaking for Peace
Louis Lusky

pp. 341-356

African Tribalism: Some Reflections on Uganda
May Edel

pp. 357-372

The Social Analysis of American Political History, 1880-1920
Samuel P. Hays

pp. 373-394

Nato and Congress
Annette Baker Fox

pp. 395-414

Foreign Policy and Domestic Politics: Leon D. Epstein, British Politics in The Suez Crisis--A Discussion
Derek Walker-Smith

pp. 415-426

The History of Parliament: The House of Commons, 1754-1790, John Brooke and Lewis Namier
Reviewed by Jacob M. Price

pp. 427-429

Our Parliament, Strathearn Gordon ; The Reform of Parliament, Bernard Crick
Reviewed by Leon D. Epstein

pp. 429-431

Gentlemanly Power: British Leadership and the Public School Tradition, Rupert Wilkinson
Reviewed by Paul Nash

pp. 431-432

Coercion and Conciliation in Ireland, 1880-1892: A Study in Conservative Unionism, L. P. Curtis
Reviewed by Emmet Larkin

pp. 433-434

The Appeasers, Martin Gilbert and Richard Gott
Reviewed by René Albrecht-Carrié

pp. 435-436

German Administration Since Bismarck: Central Authority Versus Local Autonomy, Herbert Jacob
Reviewed by Vernon K. Dibble

pp. 436-439

Big Business in the Third Reich, Arthur Schweitzer
Reviewed by Gerhard L. Weinberg

pp. 439-441

Guizot: Aspects of French History, 1787-1874, Douglas Johnson
Reviewed by Louise Dalby

pp. 441-442

Rural Revolution in France: The Peasantry in the Twentieth Century, Gordon Wright
Reviewed by Philip M. Williams

pp. 442-444

The Economic History of Modern Italy, Shepard B. Clough
Reviewed by Rondo Cameron

pp. 444-445

The U.S.S.R. and the Future: An Analysis of the New Program of the CPSU, Leonard Schapiro ; The Soviet Union, 1922-1962: A Foreign Affairs Reader, Philip E. Mosely
Reviewed by William H. McNeill

pp. 445-447

The Third World in Soviet Perspective: Studies by Soviet Writers on the Development Areas, Thomas Perry Thornton
Reviewed by Kaethe Mengelberg

pp. 447-449

Ideology and Power in Soviet Politics, Zbigniew K. Brzezinski ; The Future of Communist Society, Leopold Labedz and Walter Laqueur
Reviewed by Ralph T. Fisher

pp. 449-451

Communist Strategy and Tactics in Czechoslovakia, 1918-48, Paul E. Zinner
Reviewed by Wayne S. Vucinich

pp. 451-453

The Law Practice of Alexander Hamilton: Documents and Commentary, Volume I, Julius Goebel
Reviewed by Willard Hurst

pp. 453-454

The Papers of James Madison, Volume 3: 3 March 1781-31 December 1781, William T. Hutchinson
Reviewed by William G. Carleton

pp. 454-456

Status and Kinship in the Higher Civil Service, Sidney H. Aronson
Reviewed by Reinhard Bendix

pp. 456-457

George W. Norris: The Making of a Progressive, 1861-1912, Richard Lowitt
Reviewed by John A. Garraty

pp. 457-459

Aliens and Dissenters: Federal Suppression of Radicals, 1903-1933, William Preston, Jr.
Reviewed by Stanley Coben

pp. 459-460

Minister of Relief: Harry Hopkins and the Depression, Searle F. Charles
Reviewed by Richard Weiss

pp. 460-462

Frank B. Kellogg-Henry L. Stimson, Volume XI of The American Secretaries of State and Their Diplomacy, Robert H. Ferrell
Reviewed by Richard W. Leopold

pp. 462-463

Canada-United States Treaty Relations, David R. Deener
Reviewed by Robin W. Winks

pp. 463-465

One-Party Government in the Ivory Coast, Aristide R. Zolberg ; Nigerian Political Parties, Richard L. Sklar
Reviewed by L. Gray Cowan

pp. 465-467

A History of East Africa, Kenneth Ingham
Reviewed by Margaret L. Bates

pp. 467-469

The Middle East and the West, Bernard Lewis
Reviewed by Wayne Wilcox

pp. 469-470

The Modern Middle East, Richard H. Nolte ; The Politics of Social Change in the Middle East and North Africa, Manfred Halpern
Reviewed by C. K. Zurayk

pp. 470-472

The Collected Works of Mahatma Gandhi, K. Swaminathan
Reviewed by Myron Weiner

pp. 472-474

Soviet Foreign Propaganda, Frederick C. Barghoorn ; The Captive Press in the Third Reich, Oron J. Hale
Reviewed by Kurt Lang

pp. 474-477

Twentieth Century China, O. Edmund Clubb ; China and the Helping Hand, 1937-1945, Arthur N. Young
Reviewed by T. A. Bisson

pp. 477-479

The Pattern of Australian Culture, A. L. McLeod
Reviewed by C. Hartley Grattan

pp. 479-480

The Military in the Political Development of New Nations, Morris Janowitz
Reviewed by John J. Johnson

pp. 481-482

The Man on Horseback: The Role of the Military in Politics, S. E. Finer
Reviewed by Juan J. Linz

pp. 482-484

The Military and Society in Latin America, John J. Johnson
Reviewed by Samuel P. Huntington

pp. 484-485

Bandeirantes and Pioneers, Vianna Moog and L. L. Barrett
Reviewed by Marvin Harris

pp. 485-488

A Cross-Polity Survey, Arthur S. Banks and Robert B. Textor
Reviewed by Sidney Verba

pp. 488-490

Winning Without War, Amitai Etzioni
Reviewed by Ralph M. Goldman

pp. 490-493

Foreign Aid and Foreign Policy, Herbert Feis
Reviewed by Doris A. Graber

pp. 493-494

The Managed Economy, Michael D. Reagan
Reviewed by Adolf A. Berle

pp. 496-497

The Earlier Letters of John Stuart Mill, 1812-1848, 2 Volumes, Francis E. Mineka
Reviewed by Joseph Dorfman

pp. 497-499

International Business, Howe Martyn
Reviewed by Mira Wilkins

pp. 499-501

Power, Politics, and People, C. Wright Mills and Irving C. Horowitz
Reviewed by Immanuel Wallerstein

pp. 501-503

The Rank-and-File Leader, Sidney M. Peck ; Class Structure in the Social Consciousness, Stanislaw Ossowski and Sheila Patterson
Reviewed by Robert H. Guest

pp. 503-505

Justice on Trial: The Case of Louis D. Brandeis, A. L. Todd
Reviewed by Yonathan Shapiro

pp. 505-506

An Introduction to the Law, C. Gordon Post
Reviewed by Charles E. Ares

pp. 506-508

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