Between Past and Future, Hannah Arendt Reviewed by Michael Oakeshott
pp. 88-90
The Levellers and the English Revolution, H. N. Brailsford Reviewed by Perez Zagorin
pp. 91-92
Political Influence, Edward C. Banfield Reviewed by Robert E. Lane
pp. 93-94
Japan Subdued: The Atomic Bomb and the End of the War in the Pacific, Herbert Feis Reviewed by James B. Crowley
pp. 97-98
India and the West, Barbara Ward ;
India and the United States, Selig Harrison Reviewed by Guy Wint
pp. 99-100
The Anglo-American Predicament: The British Commonwealth, The United States and European Unity, H. C. Allen Reviewed by Gwendolen M. Carter
pp. 100-103
The European Common Market: An Analysis of Commercial Policy, Isaiah Frank Reviewed by William Diebold
pp. 103-105
Europe at Sixes and Sevens: The Common Market, the Free Trade Association and the United States, Emile Benoit Reviewed by William R. Allen
pp. 105-107
The Political Foundations of International Law, Morton A. Kaplan Reviewed by John H. Herz
pp. 107-109
Quest for Survival: The Role of Law and Foreign Policy, Julius Stone Reviewed by Oliver J. Lissitzyn
pp. 109-111
The Foundations of Freedom, Law and Government in Southern Africa, D. V. Cowen Reviewed by L. Gray Cowan
pp. 111-112
Organizing for Defense: The American Military Establishment in the Twentieth Century, Paul Y. Hammond Reviewed by Demetrios Caraley
pp. 113-114
The Politics of Totalitarianism: The Communist Party of the Soviet Union from 1934 to the Present, John A. Armstrong Reviewed by Ralph T. Fisher
pp. 114-117
Marxism: An Historical and Critical Study, George Lichtheim Reviewed by Herbert Marcuse
pp. 117-119
Russians as People, Wright W. Miller ;
The Future Is Ours, Comrade: Conversations with the Russians, Joseph Novak Reviewed by Morton Schwartz
pp. 119-121
Communism in Czechoslovakia 1948-1960, Edward Taborsky Reviewed by Joseph Rothschild
pp. 121-123
Inside Europe Today, John Gunther Reviewed by Walter C. Langsam
pp. 123-125
The Destruction of European Jews: A Documented Narrative History, Paul Hilberg Reviewed by Jacob Robinson
pp. 125-127
Germany Between Two Worlds, Gerald Freund Reviewed by Gerard Braunthal
pp. 127-128
Schizophrenic Germany, John Dornberg Reviewed by Fred N. Spotts
pp. 129-130
Mussolini's Enemies: The Italian Anti-Fascist Resistance, Charles F. Delzell Reviewed by René Albrecht-Carrié
pp. 130-132
Historians of China and Japan, W. G. Beasley and E. G. Pulleyblank Reviewed by Howard L. Boorman
pp. 132-134
Sakamoto Ryoma and the Meiji Restoration, Marius B. Jansen Reviewed by Herschel Webb
pp. 135-136
Montesquieu: A Critical Biography, Robert Shackleton Reviewed by Otis Fellows
pp. 136-138
H. M. Hyndman and British Socialism, Chushichi Tsuzuki Reviewed by Philip P. Poirier
pp. 138-140
Essays in American Historiography: Papers Presented in Honor of Allan Nevins, Harold C. Syrett and Donald Sheehan Reviewed by Geoffrey Seed
pp. 140-142
The Burden of Southern History, C. Vann Woodward ;
Romance and Realism in Southern Politics, T. Harry Williams Reviewed by Dewey W. Grantham
pp. 142-144
The Real Abraham Lincoln, Reinhard H. Luthin Reviewed by Roy F. Nichols
pp. 144-145
Don't Let Them Scare You: The Life and Times of Elmer Davis, Roger Burlingame Reviewed by John Hohenberg
pp. 145-146
The Ruling Servants: Bureaucracy in Russia, France--and Britain?, Eric Strauss Reviewed by Stanley Rothman
pp. 147-149
Negro Politics: The Search for Leadership, James Q. Wilson Reviewed by Wallace S. Sayre
pp. 149-150
The Negro in American Civilization, Nathaniel Weyl Reviewed by John A. Davis
pp. 150-152
The Religious Factor, Gerhard Lenski Reviewed by Charles Y. Glock
pp. 152-154