Content in

Volume 75 - Number 3 - September 1960

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Southern Congressmen and the "New Isolationism"
Charles O. Lerche

pp. 321-337

Peking--Lhasa--New Delhi
George Ginsburgs

pp. 338-354

The Uses of Marx for History
Leonard Krieger

pp. 355-378

A Paradox of Progressivism: Massachusetts on the Eve of Insurgency
Richard M. Abrams

pp. 379-399

Formative Relations of American Enterprise, Government and Science
Forest G. Hill

pp. 400-419

A Note on Some Recent Campaign Biographies
Douglas Price

pp. 420-423

The Age of the Democratic Revolution: A Political History of Europe and America, 1760-1800, R. R. Palmer
Reviewed by Walter L. Dorn

pp. 424-425

Vatican Diplomacy: A Study of Church and State on the International Plane, Robert A. Graham
Reviewed by Felix Gilbert

pp. 426-429

The Prophet Unarmed. Trotsky: 1921-1929, Isaac Deutscher
Reviewed by Leonard Schapiro

pp. 429-431

Vienna and the Young Hitler, William A. Jenks
Reviewed by Alan Bullock

pp. 431-433

On the Game of Politics in France, D. W. Brogan and Nathan Leites
Reviewed by Stanley Hoffmann

pp. 433-435

Oil and State in the Middle East, George Lenczowski
Reviewed by Halford L. Hoskins

pp. 435-437

Advise and Consent: A Novel of Washington Politics, Allen Drury
Reviewed by Duane Lockard

pp. 437-440

Class and Class Conflict in Industrial Society, Ralf Dahrendorf
Reviewed by Renate Mayntz

pp. 440-442

The Long Way to Freedom, James T. Shotwell
Reviewed by William H. McNeill

pp. 443-445

War and the Soviet Union: Nuclear Weapons and the Revolution in Soviet Military and Political Thinking, H. S. Dinerstein
Reviewed by Warner R. Schilling

pp. 445-447

Man, the State and War: A Theoretical Analysis, Kenneth N. Waltz
Reviewed by Paul Y. Hammond

pp. 448-450

Alliance Policy in the Cold War, Arnold Wolfers ; NATO and American Security, Klaus Knorr
Reviewed by L. W. Martin

pp. 450-452

Algeria in Turmoil: A History of the Rebellion, Michael K. Clark
Reviewed by Mark Karp

pp. 455-456

Intelligence and Democratic Action, Frank H. Knight
Reviewed by Robert Lekachman

pp. 456-457

What Is Political Philosophy? And Other Studies, Leo Strauss
Reviewed by Steven Muller

pp. 457-460

The Conservative Illusion, M. Morton Auerbach
Reviewed by Phillip C. Chapman

pp. 460-462

English Political Caricature: A Study of Opinion and Propaganda. Vol. I: To 1792; Vol. II: 1793-1832, M. Dorothy George
Reviewed by David Spring

pp. 462-464

The Communist Party of Bulgaria: Origins and Development, 1883-1936, Joseph Rothschild
Reviewed by L. A. D. Dellin

pp. 464-465

The Emergence of Modern Lithuania, Alfred Erich Senn ; Soviet Policy Toward the Baltic States, 1918-1940, Albert N. Tarulis
Reviewed by Hans Peter Krosby

pp. 465-467

Constitutional Development in Pakistan, G. W. Choudhury
Reviewed by Keith Callard

pp. 467-469

New Patterns of Democracy in India, Vera Micheles Dean ; India: Toward an Understanding, George K. Chacko ; Soviet Russia and Indian Communism: 1917-1947, David N. Druhe
Reviewed by Norman D. Palmer

pp. 469-472

Mexican Government in Transition, Robert E. Scott
Reviewed by Robert J. Alexander

pp. 472-474

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