Content in

Volume 75 - Number 2 - June 1960

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Samuel McCune Lindsay

p. 0

On Political Stability
Frank Tannenbaum

pp. 161-180

The Deposit Insurance Legislation of 1933: An Examination of Its Antecedents and its Purposes
Carter H. Golembe

pp. 181-200

Economic Perspectives in Eastern Europe
Stanley J. Zyzniewski

pp. 201-228

The Communist Power Bid in Finland in 1948
Hans Peter Krosby

pp. 229-243

Centralization and the Open Society
William G. Carleton

pp. 244-259

Tomorrow a New World: The New Deal Community Program, Paul K. Conkin
Reviewed by R. G. Tugwell

pp. 260-263

La Guardia: A Fighter Against His Times, 1882-1933, Arthur Mann ; LaGuardia in Congress, Howard Zinn
Reviewed by Wallace S. Sayre

pp. 263-265

Political Man: The Social Bases of Politics, Seymour Martin Lipset
Reviewed by Dennis H. Wrong

pp. 265-267

Sources of Our Liberties: Documentary Origins of Individual Liberties in the United States Constitution and Bill of Rights, Richard L. Perry and John C. Cooper ; In Quest of Freedom: American Political Thought and Practice, Alpheus Thomas Mason and Richard H. Leach ; Political Thought in America, Andrew M. Scott
Reviewed by Lawrence H. Chamberlain

pp. 267-269

The Congressional Party: A Case Study, David B. Truman
Reviewed by Roland Young

pp. 269-271

The Corporation in Modern Society, Edward S. Mason
Reviewed by Arthur Robert Burns

pp. 271-273

Predicting Delinquency and Crime, Sheldon Glueck and Eleanor Glueck
Reviewed by Jerome Liblit

pp. 273-274

The Soviet Citizen: Daily Life in a Totalitarian Society, Alex Inkeles, Raymond A. Bauer, David Gleicher and Irving Rosow
Reviewed by Willis C. Armstrong

pp. 275-277

Stalin and the Soviet Communist Party: A Study in the Technology of Power, Abdurakhman Avtorkhanov
Reviewed by Z. Brzezinski

pp. 277-278

Communism in South East Asia: A Political Analysis, J. H. Brimmell ; Marxism in Southeast Asia: A Study of Four Countries, Frank N. Trager
Reviewed by Rupert Emerson

pp. 279-281

Turkish Nationalism and Western Civilization: Selected Essays, Ziya Gökalp and Niyazi Berkes ; Turkey's Politics: The Transition to a Multi-Party System, Kemal H. Karpat
Reviewed by Bernard Lewis

pp. 281-284

The Soviet Union and the Middle East, Walter Z. Laqueur
Reviewed by Maurice Harari

pp. 284-285

Portuguese Africa, James Duffy
Reviewed by L. Gray Cowan

pp. 285-287

France: A Modern History, Albert Guérard ; A Short History of France from Early Times to 1958, J. Hampden Jackson
Reviewed by Shepard B. Clough

pp. 287-288

Political Realism and the Crisis of World Politics: An American Approach to Foreign Policy, Kenneth W. Thompson
Reviewed by John H. Herz

pp. 288-290

The Structure of Nations and Empires, Reinhold Niebuhr
Reviewed by Arnold Wolfers

pp. 290-291

The Question of National Defense, Oskar Morgenstern ; The Failure of Atomic Strategy & a New Proposal for the Defence of the West, F. O. Miksche ; Strategy in the Missile Age, Bernard Brodie ; Atomic Energy in the Soviet Union, Arnold Kramish ; Science and Technology in Contemporary War, G. I. Pokrovsky and Raymond L. Garthoff ; National Strategy in an Age of Revolutions, George B. de Huszar
Reviewed by Edward L. Katzenbach

pp. 292-296

The Military and Industrial Revolution of Our Time, Fritz Sternberg
Reviewed by Theodore Ropp

pp. 297-298

Economic Integration: Theoretical Assumptions and Consequences of European Integration, Rolf Sannwald, Jacques Stohler and Herman F. Karreman
Reviewed by William Diebold

pp. 298-300

1859: Entering an Age of Crisis, Philip Appleman, William A. Madden and Michael Wolff
Reviewed by L. P. Curtis

pp. 300-301

Culture and Society, 1780-1950, Raymond Williams
Reviewed by M. S. Wilkins

pp. 302-303

Money, Class and Party: An Economic Study of Civil War and Reconstruction, Robert P. Sharkey
Reviewed by Irwin Unger

pp. 304-305

The World War and American Isolation, 1914-1917, Ernest R. May
Reviewed by L. W. Martin

pp. 305-306

Peace without Victory: Woodrow Wilson and the British Liberals, Laurence W. Martin
Reviewed by Arthur S. Link

pp. 306-308

The Decline of American Communism: A History of the Communist Party of the United States since 1945, David A. Shannon
Reviewed by Robert G. McCloskey

pp. 308-310

Political Power and the Governmental Process, Karl Loewenstein

pp. 310-311

Central Administration in Britain, W. J. M. Mackenzie and J. W. Grove
Reviewed by Harvey Glickman

pp. 311-313

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