Content in

Volume 71 - Number 1 - March 1956

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The Vocabulary of Social History
Alfred Cobban

pp. 1-17

Jefferson, Hamilton and American Foreign Policy
Albert H. Bowman

pp. 18-41

Commodity Trade, Export Taxes and Economic Development
Edwin P. Reubens

pp. 42-70

Fiscal and Political Problems of Increasing Urbanization
Lyle C. Fitch

pp. 71-89

Competitive Structure and Inter-Industry Competition
Victor R. Fuchs

pp. 90-96

British Mass Parties in Comparison with American Parties
Leon D. Epstein

pp. 97-125

Grand Inquest: The Story of Congressional Investigations, Telford Taylor
Reviewed by David B. Truman

pp. 126-128

The New American Right, Daniel Bell
Reviewed by Daniel Aaron

pp. 128-130

The Dollar Decade: Business Ideas in the 1920's, James W. Prothro
Reviewed by Richard Hofstadter

pp. 130-131

Woodrow Wilson and the Balance of Power, Edward H. Buehrig
Reviewed by Henry F. Graff

pp. 131-133

The Passing of American Neutrality, 1937-1941, Donald F. Drummond
Reviewed by Foster Rhea Dulles

pp. 133-134

American Constitutional Law, Bernard Schwartz
Reviewed by Richard A. Edwards

pp. 134-135

The Works and Correspondence of David Ricardo. Vol. VI: Letters, 1810-1815. Vol. VII: Letters, 1816-1818. Vol. VIII: Letters, 1819-1921. Vol. IX: Letters, 1821-1823. Vol. X: Biographical Miscellany, including the Journal of a Tour on the Continent, Piero Sraffa and M. H. Dobb
Reviewed by Joseph Dorfman

pp. 136-138

American Imports, Don D. Humphrey
Reviewed by Ragnar Nurkse

pp. 138-139

The Bourgeoisie in 18th Century France, Elinor G. Barber
Reviewed by R. R. Palmer

pp. 140-141

Bismarck: The Man and the Statesman, A. J. P. Taylor
Reviewed by Fritz Stern

pp. 141-143

Memoirs of Dr. Eduard Benes: From Munich to New War and New Victory, Godfrey Lias
Reviewed by Stephen Borsody

pp. 143-146

France: The Tragic Years, 1939-1947: An Eyewitness Account of War, Occupation, and Liberation, Sisley Huddleston ; Vichy: Political Dilemma, Paul Farmer ; France Against Herself, Herbert Luethy and Eric Mosbacher
Reviewed by René Albrecht-Carrié

pp. 146-149

War Memoirs. Vol. I: The Call to Honour, 1940-1942, Charles de Gaulle
Reviewed by C. P. Stacey

pp. 149-151

Peasants, Politics, and Economic Change in Yugoslavia, Jozo Tomasevich
Reviewed by J. B. Hoptner

pp. 151-153

Adonde va la Revolucion Boliviana?, Carlos Dejovne, Cesar Barbagelatta and Domingo Alberto Ranjel
Reviewed by Robert J. Alexander

pp. 153-155

Africa in the Modern World, Calvin W. Stillman
Reviewed by L. Gray Cowan

pp. 155-156

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